High class
求人 577 件
Fabric QC
★ The company is a well-known Japanese company as a total supplier of textile, chemical and apparel products.
★ You will work in a beautiful office environment in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City District 1.
★ Recommended for anyone who wants to advance career in the apparel industry.
Sales Support
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply.
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Japanese Support Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Senior Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
Sales (Robotics)
★ Focusing on manufacturing tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are recruiting Sale Engineer for our Ho Chi Minh City office.
★ The company was founded in 1894 and has a 130-year history as a Japanese-owned apparel trading company.
★ The company does business in Asia and Europe.
★ Welcome experienced fabric or sewing merchandiser who can join us immediately.
Engineering Manager
★ IT技術を「楽」に企業の発展に活用できるように、クラウドサービスとIT人材を通じて、お客様の課題解決やビジネスの成長を支援しています。
★ 当社ベトナム支店は2014年の設立以来、楽楽精算、メールディーラー、配配メールなど、ラクスの主要クラウドサービスの機能開発を行っております。
★ 組織のリーダーとして、仲間として、家族として尊敬され、慕われるポジションです。過去に赴任した駐在員は帰任後も慕われ、現在でも仕事外でも現地メンバーとの交流が続いており、そこで築いた絆は一生ものです。
Mold Designer
Factory Manager
★ 当社は、工業用ゴム製品からOA機器部品、シーリング材をはじめとする建築用資材まで幅広く取り扱う商社で、さまざまな業界と取引を行っています。
★ 自社工場を有し、企画段階から関わり、独自の製品を多数生み出しています。先進的な製造設備を整え、顧客のニーズに迅速に対応する体制を維持しています。
★ 香港、中国、マレーシア、ベトナムなど、積極的に海外展開を進めており、安定した経営基盤を有するため、景気の変動にも強い企業です。
BrSE Leader
★ 同社は1998年に創業し、IT・インターネット分野およびエンジニアリング分野で事業を展開しています。
★ 取引先企業は、顧客からの紹介を受けながら少しずつ信頼を築き、現在では約700社にまで拡大しました。
★ 顧客の海外進出を支援するグローバルサービスや、モノづくり領域における生産技術をサポートするエンジニアリング事業を展開・拡大し、DX推進企業の共創パートナーとしてさらなる成長を目指しています。