Sales Support
★ A travel concierge company that handles international travel in approximately 100 countries.
★ The company was established in December 2016 as a branch of group company's overseas marketing strategy in Asia.
★ Recommended for 23-29 year olds who want to grow using Japanese language.
Industry | Travel Agency |
Location | Dist.1,HCMC |
Salary | 8,000,000 - 12,000,000VND(Gross) (Salary is negotiable depends on the experience in the travel industry) |
Bonus | 13th month before Tet |
Working Hours | 8:30 - 17:30 |
Holiday | Saturday, Sunday, Vietnamese national holidays |
Welfare | Health Insurance, Social Insurance, Unemployment Insurance |
Jobs Description | Customer Relations & Sales Support: ・When a request for arrangement comes in from a Japanese travel agency, responses via email or chat, etc. according to manuals We will assign you to a position based on your experience and the balance within the team. |
Required Skill | ・Japanese: N3 level or above |
Japanese Support Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Senior Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
Sales (Robotics)
★ Focusing on manufacturing tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are recruiting Sale Engineer for our Ho Chi Minh City office.
★ 1913年の創業以来、自動車部品・用品の総合卸商として「安全で快適なカーライフの創造」を企業理念に掲げ、社会に貢献してまいりました。
★「恒久不変 日々革新」の理念を持ち、すべての活動においてお取引先様との信頼関係を最優先に事業を展開しています。
★ 自動車部品・カー用品の販売におけるコンサルティングを通じて、取引先の課題解決と成長を支援しています。
★ 派遣法で定められた雇用期間に制限を受けることなく、長期的かつ安定した環境でスタッフを派遣します。
★ スタッフはポテンシャルやオフィスワーク適性が高い若手人材を厳選し、教育訓練を実施した後、弊社と取引のある安定した企業に派遣します。
★ 未経験者が多く占めるのも特徴であり、カウンセリングと研修を通じて、あなたの適性に合った配属先を選定し、安心して事務スタッフとしてのキャリアをスタートできます。
★ 当社は2010年に設立され、創立から10年以上が経過した現在、幅広い分野・多様な規模の企業様と多数の取引をさせていただいております。
★ 優れた技術と人材を活かし、グローバルなトータルソリューションを提供する事業を展開しています。
★ 当社ではグレード制を採用しており、年に1回のコンピテンシー評価を基に昇給が決まります。賞与も結果に応じて評価され、インセンティブも5回支給されるため、成果に応じた報酬を得られる環境で働くことができます。
GA/Sales Admin
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for people between the ages of 22 to 33 who are interested in marketing.
Steel Sales
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Recommended for those who want to use your energy, knowledge and
intelligence in the steel industry.
Construction Manager
★ 建設業に特化した人材派遣で建設会社(ゼネコン・サブコン・設計会社)に人材(施工管理・CADオペ・現場事務)を供給しています。
★ 未経験の若手からベテランまで様々なメンバーが活躍しており、取引社数は累計3,100社越えです。
★ 施工管理としての経験が積める他、図面に携わるCADオペレーターや設計・施工図担当 など、自身の適正を活かしてキャリアチェンジも可能です。
Assistant Construction Manager
★ プライム上場企業のグループ会社として、 全国452社以上のクライアントと安定的な取引を続けている会社です。
★ 希望者は、自社研修施設「技術センター」にて、入社後17日間の基礎研修(+1~6日間の特別教育)を受けていただくことが可能です。
★ 男女比が5:5となっており、性別問わず働きやすい環境となっています。
Sales Staff (Chemicals)
★ The company has a 130-year history as a specialized trading company in surface treatment in Japan and established its subsidiary in Vietnam in 2018.
★ It is a trading company dealing in products such as paint, industrial chemicals, plating chemicals, precious metals, and equipment and machinery for painting and plating, etc.
★ The company is currently recruiting for a Sales Staff position who will also handle chemical business licensing procedures, with proficiency in Japanese communication required.
Construction Management
★ 建設業界とドライバーに特化した人材紹介サービスを展開しています。
★ 創業以来51年、土地活用に取り組み続けてきました。その結果、累計の着工戸数は100,000戸を超え、「賃貸住宅に強い建設会社年間完工戸数ランキング」でも14年連続1位と、着実に実績を積み重ねてきました。
★ 半年ごとに業務目標を設定し、成し遂げた成果やプロセスに基づいて評価。報酬を決めていきます。個人の成果に対する評価はもちろんのこと、チームや部署での成果に対しても評価をしています。
IT Engineer(Backend/Frontend/Game programmer)
★ SEとしてキャリアを積んだ代表が2015年に設立した会社で、現在はシステムエンジニアリングサービスをメイン事業としながら、 不動産会社向けの広告管理システムなどの自社サービスも展開しています。
★ 文系出身者が半数以上、社長も文系卒の現役エンジニアで、研修制度も充実していますので、未経験の方も安心してご応募いただけます。
★ 大規模なWebサービス開発からアプリ開発まで、お客様のニーズに応じて様々な開発を手掛けています。
IT Engineer
★ IT/ネットワークの分野で世界中のお客様に、常駐型開発/受託開発・コンサルティングといったサービスをご提供しています。
★ ビジネスアプリケーション、ネットワーク・データベース、組込ソフト、保守・運用といった各IT技術分野でのトータルサポートをしており、通信事業者、SIer、電気機器事業者、製造業者をはじめとしたあらゆるお客様へサービスを提供しています。
★ 研修センターでは、トレンド技術研修やマネジメント研修をはじめとした 100科目以上のメニューによって、一人ひとりの目的に合ったスキルアップをサポートしています。
IT Engineer
★ SFA/CRM/MAツールの選定〜運用定着支援、マーケティング施策の戦略策定〜実行、管理などをメイン事業としている会社です。
★ 納品型ではなく、利用定着までを見据えた伴走型で支援を行っており、中長期的な顧客との連携を行っていただけます。
★ 平均年齢は20代後半と若いメンバーも多いですが、本当に必要な支援は何かということを、年齢や立場に関わらず追求し、切磋琢 磨できる環境です。
IT Engineer
★ 人材サービス分野のパイオニア企業のグループの一員として、年間約60,000件の豊富な案件数をもとに、技術職領域の仕事における自分らしい働き方をご提案しています。
★ テストのみ・運用保守のみはなく、上流工程に関わる機会があり、スペシャリスト、マネジメント、大手メーカーという三つのキャリアアッププランが用意されています。
★ 社内規則や仕事の進め方など、基礎から学べる入社時研修からスタートし、希望する分野へ進むために豊富なスキル研修で継続的にスキルアップをサポートしていきます。
IT Engineer
★ 日系大手企業2社を主要株主に持ち、技術分野・オフィスワークを中心とした人材派遣サービスを中心に、人材紹介・請負など総合的な人材ビジネスを展開しています。
★ ソフトウェア設計、電気設計、機械設計などの領域で、確かな技術と知識、専門性を身に付けたエンジニアたちが、製品の要素技術開発から量産化に至るまで、お客様のニーズにしっかり応えます。
★ 年度初めと終わりに目標設定と振り返りを行います。客先の担当者の方からもいただいた評価を合わせて、最終評価を決定していきます。
IT Engineer
★ 日系大手企業2社を主要株主に持ち、技術分野・オフィスワークを中心とした人材派遣サービスを中心に、人材紹介・請負など総合的な人材ビジネスを展開しています。
★ ソフトウェア設計、電気設計、機械設計などの領域で、確かな技術と知識、専門性を身に付けたエンジニアたちが、製品の要素技術開発から量産化に至るまで、お客様のニーズにしっかり応えます。
★ 年度初めと終わりに目標設定と振り返りを行います。客先の担当者の方からもいただいた評価を合わせて、最終評価を決定していきます。
Marketing / Data Input (Part Time)
★ We are a Japanese HR agency that handles a lot of high-class jobs.
★ An environment where you can improve your Japanese communication / English skills and business knowledge.
★ We are looking to hire a candidate who has the potential to become a core member of the company in the mid to long term.
IT Engineer
★ 日本の大手企業2社がバックボーンにあり、30年以上にわたり安定的にビジネスを継続してきた実績のあるSier企業です。
★ アカウントSE、アプリケーションSE、プロジェクトマネジャーという3つの役割を一人でこなす人材像があり、システムインテグレーションの全工程を担う力のあるエンジニアとしてキャリアアップが可能です。
★ 新入社員研修は未経験者でもしっかりキャッチアップできるメニューになっており、個々人のレベルに応じて実践的な教育を受けることができます。
IT Engineer
★ 大手企業を中心に延べ7,500社との取引があり、年間50,000件のプロジェクトからお声がけいただいているため、仕事の幅が広がりキャリアアップが実感できます。
★ 未経験からでも、ITエンジニアとしてスキルを身につけて給与・キャリアアップできます。 また、全国にプロジェクトを保有しているため、全国の希望勤務地で働け、転勤もありません。
★ キャリアカウンセラーやユニットリーダー、ベテランエンジニアが講師となって勉強会や研修を実施しています。
Excel VBAやQC(品質管理)、英語など汎用性の高いものや、専門技術に関するものまで幅広くご用意しております!
IT Engineer(Backend/Infrastructure)
★ データ社会に求められる大量データの高速処理、その技術的解決を行っています。
★ 課題解決のためのソリューションの提供および自社製品の開発・研究を行い、2023年10月には、世界最速レベルの性能を持つ国産RDBをOSSとして公開しました。
★ 主にデータ活用に関する開発案件に関わるため、分散処理など「データ処理」に関する強みを持っており、DXには欠かせないデータ処理の技術を学べる環境です。
IT Engineer(Infrastructure)
★ 1976年の創業以来、働きたいと願う全ての人が 活き活きと働くことができる社会の実現を目指し、挑戦を続けてきました。
★ 人材サービスに留まらず、新しい働き方の実現やグローバル、地方創生など、豊かな人生を描くためのインフラを様々なフィールドで創造しています。
★ 入社時、まずは得意・やりたい技術等の面談をさせていただき、どんな案件参加を頂くか決定していきます。
IT Engineer(Infrastructure/SE)
★ 宿泊施設の直販予約を最大化するソリューション事業を展開しています。
★ 既に高級ホテル/旅館等の宿泊施設を中心に約2,000施設の導入実績を誇っており、 自社開発の予約システムのシェアとしては国内トップクラスです。
★ 自社サービスのインフラストラクチャにおける構築・運用保守の業務を中心に、社内SE業務など「経験」「スキル」「志向性」に応じてマッチするポジションを検討いたします。
IT Engineer
★ IT事業におけるネットワークシステムに関するあらゆる分野で事業展開する最先端テクノロジーを駆使した経営戦略実現を目標とし、1999年11月に営業を開始しました。
★ ITシステムデザインコンサルティング、アプリケーション ディベロプメント、システムインテグレーション、システムアウトソーシングの4本柱のサービスを展開しています。
★ 先輩社員からのOJTだけでなく、未経験の言語習得の為の講習を受けることも可能です。
IT Engineer
★ 【エンジニアのために】を事業コンセプトに、当社ではプロジェクト報酬の80%をエンジニアに還元しております。
★ クライアント様からいただくプロジェクト報酬をエンジニアに明示し、 納得感を持って作業に専念いただいております。
★ 基礎的なIT研修(Linux,SQL,Java,Excel等)から、さらなるITスキル向上のための個別研修や業務後研修まで、充実した研修プログラムを⽤意しております。
IT Engineer
★ 1962年に機械設計会社として設立し、会社設立60年目を迎えた業界のパイオニア企業です。
★ ソフトウェア開発・電気電子設計開発・機械設計開発を通じて日本のモノづくりを支えております。
★ エンジニアサポートカンパニーという経営理念を掲げ、エンジニアのキャリア形成を中心に様々なサポートを行っております。技術者として成長できる業務に就いていただくための努力を惜しみまない会社です。
IT Engineer
★ 元大手SIerのPMが率いるJavaの技術力日本一の会社で、 技術的にも人格的にもちゃんとしたエンジニアを育てることを第一に考え、 エンジニアの経験したいことをそのタイミングで経験できるようSES、SIer、自社サービス開発を三位一体で展開します。
★ これまでの実績と技術力を評価され、「ベストベンチャー100」にも6年連続で選出されています。
★ 100%設計構築以上の工程の案件です。経験と希望に合わせて案件は決定します。
IT Engineer(Backend, Infrastructure, SE)
★ 創業以来、「ものづくり」のアウトソーシングを通じて、 製造業界を中心に、自動車・産業機械・家電・航空宇宙・半導体・通信・IT(クラウド・アプリ・ネットワーク)・医薬・ 化学・バイオ、介護福祉、建築など幅広い業界で社会を支える総合人材サービス企業です。
★ 設計や生産技術の分野で豊富な経験を持ったスペシャリストたちが講師を務める研修プログラムを多数用意しています。
★ さまざまな案件が選択可能なため、自由度の高いキャリア形成ができます。
IT Engineer
★ グループ社員数は20,000名を超えるエンジニアアウトソーシング業界売上No.1の技術系人材サービスグループです。
★ 大手・有名企業を中心に、800社を超えるクライアントとお取引を行い、4,000名を超えるエンジニアが活躍しています。
★ 6年連続で決算賞与を支給しているなど、業績が好調のため情報システム部門にて、各エンジニアを増員募集いたします。
★ NTT グループのビジネスコンサルティングファームとして設立された日本発の総合コンサルティングファームです
★ 特に、製造業のサプライチェーン・マネジメント分野で、現場改革に基づいたコンサルティングを強みとしています
★ IT・金融・会計・経営戦略・SCM分野でコンサルタントとしてマネジメント経験のある方におすすめいたします
★NTT グループのビジネスコンサルティングファームとして設立された日本発の総合コンサルティングファームです
★ IT または会計・経営分野の知識や経験を活かしたい方におすすめいたします
Sales Staff
★ We are the world top 10 and 100% Japanese owned company specialize in providing rental service of industrial and construction equipment for more than 10 years in Vietnam.
★ To expand and develop our business in Vietnam, we are continuously looking for potential candidates who are interested in a long- term contribution to our company.
★ Welcome candidates who can communicate in English, have over 3 years of sales experience, and are available to start immediately.
★ 有名な寿司チェーン店にて店舗管理候補者を募集しています
★ 充実した教育制度があるため、入社1年後店長としてキャリアを築けます
★ 大手飲食店のマネージャーを経験する事でキャリアアップに繋がる仕事です
★ 様々なプロスポーツ施設や大型音楽フェスなどのイベント会場での飲食店の店舗責任者
★ アルバイトスタッフ5~20人をまとめあげるリーダーシップも発揮しながら、裁量が大きい環境でクリエイティブに働くことが可能
★ 月給に加えて、平均月5万円~20万円の業績手当も毎月支給。昇給も随時行っており、チャレンジやプロセスもしっかり評価しています
★ 店舗営業部門として、埼玉県を中心にドコモショップを展開しています。
★ 幅広い専門知識と豊富な品揃え、お客様ニーズに合った最適な提案により、質の高い接客サービスで、お客様に楽しいモバイルライフを送っていただけるよう日々努力しています。
★ ご経験不問でご応募いただけます。
★ お客様にご満足いただけるよう徹底したサービスをご提供し、お客様にご満足していただけたら笑顔や「ありがとう」といった感謝の言葉をいただけます。
★ 社名の「理想実業」には、「従業員が世界で一番幸せになれる企業」という社長の理想の実現を目指す、という意味が込められており、社員同士の仲も良く働きやすい環境を整えています。
★ 2040年に700店舗1,000億円を目標にしています。
★ 成長を止めない挑戦的な事業展開 飲食業で成長し続け、コロナ禍の現在も積極的な出店を続けています。
★ 毎月行う【なんでも改善実行委員会】では、一人ひとりの案を直接経営幹部に伝えることができます。
★ 店舗から発信される改善提案を基に、より良い就業環境の整備と、より良いサービスを作りあげています。
★ 年間の新規出店は100店舗以上!昇格チャンスが多い会社です。
★ 飲食業ではトップクラスの給与体系で、昇格次第では年収600万円も目指せます。
★ 地域限定社員で自宅から通えるから家族持ちも安心!
営業事務/一般事務 (派遣)
★ CMで有名な大手人材派遣会社です。年間 125日の休暇があり、福利厚生が充実しています
★ 入社後にビジネスマナー/PCスキル修得など充実した研修制度があります
★ N1レベル日本在住の外国籍の方におすすめします
接客/販売スタッフ/一般事務 (派遣)
★ 挑戦しやすい環境。年齢に関係なく業務姿勢、スキルの習熟度次第で
営業事務/総務/貿易事務 (派遣)
★ 大手人材派遣会社の求人です。これまで10,000人以上を派遣しています
★ 未経験からチャレンジOK。土⽇祝休み+残業もほとんどありません
★ 配属先企業は希望をしっかりと聞いた後で派遣します
Sales & Director Assistant
★ A major flour and premix company in Japan has established a Vietnam office in August 2024.
★ The company plans to hire a 25-35 years old woman who wants to work in sales in the food industry.
★ We recommend this position for a Japanese speaker who is interested in the start-up and expansion phase of the business.
Sales Engineer for Robotics
★ A global leader in robotics and motion control technologies, the company has a strong presence in Vietnam, providing innovative solutions across various industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and electronics.
★ With a long history of pioneering advancements in industrial automation, specializes in robotic arms, drives, and servos that enhance efficiency and productivity in automated processes.
★ Currently recruiting for a Sales Engineer for Robotics, requiring strong English communication skills.
商社営業 (日本人向け)
★ 1946年に創業した、日系総合エレクトロニクス商社です。エレクトロニクス製品のプラン二ング・設計から調達・品質管理・
★ ホーチミン中心の通勤や買い物に便利な立地にオフィスがあります。
★ 25歳~40歳の方で商社またはメーカー等での営業/営業アシスタントの経験がある方にお勧めします。
Sales Staff
★ One of the leading companies in Vietnam in the field of consulting, designing, constructing, and manufacturing cleanroom equipment, infection control devices, and medical equipment.
★ Offers many career development opportunities and management skills training from a team of experienced leaders.
★ Welcomes candidates with good English communication skills who want to develop in a sales staff position.
Consultant staff
★ 100% Japanese invested company specializing in providing support services for Vietnamese people in Japan, introducing jobs in Vietnam and Japan, studying in Japan, supporting Nenkin,...
★ Professional, friendly, dynamic, and harmonious working environment.
★ Welcome candidates with experience in consulting and good Japanese communication.
★ Established in 1930, with a network of 105 domestic and international companies.
★ Japan top trading company specializing in gases and nitrogen, offering competitive salaries and significant career growth opportunities.
★ Recommended for English speakers with sales experience for the manufacturing industry.
プロジェクトマネージャー (日本人向け)
★ 市場調査等のコンサルティングを希望するクライアント(企業)と、専門知識を持つ個人(エキスパート)を繋げる「Consulting Matching Platform」という新しいビジネスモデルで急成長している日系スタートアップ企業です。
★ 日本人社員は少数、他はベトナム・マレーシア・タイ・アメリカ人が大半を占め、グローバルな環境で成長する機会があります。
★ プロフェッショナルな環境で成長したいという意欲を持つ方にお勧めします。
Sales Staff
★ A company with 100% investment from South Korea, primarily engaged in the production and supply of garment materials (shirt buttons, plastic buttons, metal buttons, etc.).
★ The production factory is located in Binh Duong, and the office is in Phu Nhuan District, with around 10 employees.
★ We are looking for employees who can communicate well in English and Japanese to work with the Korean manager and Japanese customers.
★ 2018年に日本資本100%で設立され、ベトナムで不動産・人材サービスを中心に展開している会社です。
★ 優秀な現地社員への経営移行を目標に、個人の成長とキャリアアップのための多くのチャンスとチャレンジを提供しています。
★ ベトナムの不動産業界に興味のある日本人を募集しています。
Sales (Robotics)
★ Focusing on manufacturing tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are recruiting Sale Engineer for our Ho Chi Minh City office.
Business Development Executive
★ World's Leading Telecommunication Cable Maker is newly starting sales in Vietnam.
★ They are looking for candidates who can work as a business developer, marketing and new sales.
★ The office is located in Thuan An, Binh Duong, but you can work remotely 3-4 days a week. (There is also a shuttle bus from HCMC)
Sale Staff
★ Operating in the field of Recruitment, Training and Human Resource Transfer in the Japanese market, we are proud to be the leading labor dispatch unit in Vietnam since 1981.
★ We always put quality and reputation first, committed to creating the best conditions for workers with full knowledge, skills, and languages to live and work abroad.
★ Welcome young candidates with good communication skills in Japanese N2, business skills and working with Japanese customers.
Sale Staff
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ We operate in 23 countries around the world and provides integrated transportation services in 18 countries through its network of affiliated companies.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Sales Staff.
Sales Staff
★ With a history of nearly 100 years, we are proud to have made contributions to people, life and the living environment with the world’s most advanced and modern techniques in the production of machinery and equipment.
★ In Vietnam, we are developing many agent channels to provide environmental cleaning solutions and also developing a time information system, time attendance machine and parking system.
★ Welcome candidates with good Japanese communication skills and over 2 years of experience in a similar position.
★ The company handles all Mitsubishi Electric FA system products, including electric discharge machines, laser machines, and FA equipment.
★ Provide valuable solutions for factory organization, such as upgrading existing electrical equipment, consulting on preventive maintenance, and implementing energy-saving measures.
★ We are seeking dynamic candidates with strong language skills for the Sales position.
★ A Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ The office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Hanoi.
★ Ideal for those who enjoy sales work and are looking for long-term employment.
BPO Japanese Data Input
★ The leading ISO certification consulting firm in Japan continually strives to enhance its ISO certification and recertification consulting services, providing comprehensive support to its clients.
★ Besides consulting, the company also represents clients in handling the entire process related to ISO certification.
★ We are recruiting candidates who can communicate well in Japanese and wish to develop in the field of consulting.
Sales (Appointment)
★ The leading ISO certification consulting firm in Japan continually strives to enhance its ISO certification and recertification consulting services, providing comprehensive support to its clients.
★ Besides consulting, the company also represents clients in handling the entire process related to ISO certification.
★ We are recruiting candidates who can communicate well in Japanese and wish to develop in the field of consulting.
ISO Sales & Consultant
★ The leading ISO certification consulting firm in Japan continually strives to enhance its ISO certification and recertification consulting services, providing comprehensive support to its clients.
★ Besides consulting, the company also represents clients in handling the entire process related to ISO certification.
★ We are recruiting candidates who can communicate well in Japanese and wish to develop in the field of consulting.
Sales Engineer
★ The company handles all Mitsubishi Electric FA system products, including electric discharge machines, laser machines, and FA equipment.
★ Provide valuable solutions for factory organization, such as upgrading existing electrical equipment, consulting on preventive maintenance, and implementing energy-saving measures.
★ We are seeking dynamic candidates with strong language skills for the Sales position.
Sales & Marketing
★ The company is a trading company 100% owned by a major electronics manufacturer dealing in electronics, automobiles, social infrastructure, energy, etc
★ The office is located in Thao Dien, Ho Chi Minh City, in a quiet and nice environment
★ Applicants who are N2 level or above with sales experience in a Japanese company are welcome to apply
QC Engineer
★ A pioneer and leading company in the field of providing a full range of advanced technologies in Water/Wastewater Treatment Systems in Japan since 1946.
★ In Vietnam, we operate in three business areas: factory business selling water/wastewater treatment systems, business of maintenance and management solutions for delivered systems, and business of functional products selling standard products and chemicals.
★ Providing complete solutions from engineering design, procurement, construction, operation, quality control, maintenance and operation for Water/Wastewater Treatment Systems.
Sales Supervisor
★ 100% foreign-invested company from Japan, specializing in sheet metal press processing and secondary processing, including tapping, caulking, cleaning, and assembly of units and finished products.
★ Specialize in the precise manufacturing of medium to large-sized sheet metal press parts, centered around 300T and 400T sequential press machines.
★ The company is currently recruiting for the position of Sales Department Supervisor with good communication skills.
Data input and scouting (Part Time Job)
★ We have grown every year since founding in 2018.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ You have an opportunity to learn about the latest HR systems.
Steel Sales
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Recommended for those who want to use your energy, knowledge and intelligence in the steel industry.
Financial Advisory Service Japanese Support Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ We are looking for applications from independent and highly motivated candidates for the position of Japanese-speaking consultant at the Financial Advisory Service (FAS) department in our Ho Chi Minh office.
★ 本社は日本にあり、アパレルのブランドネーム・プライスタグ・ラベル等を製造する「アパレル副資材」会社です。
★ 日本以外では中国(上海・青島・東莞)、香港、タイ、インドネシア、ベトナム2拠点、バングラデッシュ、インドに拠点があります。
★ 2015年にベトナム南部のドンナイ省で操業開始し、翌2016年に北部のハナム省で操業開始しました。
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for the people who applicants aged 22~33 with experience in designing and creating and marketing social networking adverts.
Sales Executive
★ We have about 40,000 employees and are operating in over 150 countries.
★ Our expertise in imaging, data processing, and data-based decision-making.
We create relevant solutions for customers and solve issues faced by society.
★ Welcomes applications from those with experience in Sales in a product company.
Sales Support
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply.
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Logistics Manager Assistant
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Logistics Manager Assistant.
Sales Staff
★ A Japanese company operating in the field of mechanical engineering, specializing in providing services and products related to the maintenance, repair, and installation of mechanical systems.
★ With 12 years of operation in the Vietnamese market, the company specializes in manufacturing components and selling machinery related to the food industry.
★ Currently, the company is recruiting sales staff to expand its business operations.
Sale Staff
★ The company is 100% invested from Japan, specializing in paper products such as printing paper, wrapping paper, industrial paper,...
★ The Vietnamese company was established in 2020 with a small and medium scale, located in the tallest building in Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are looking for sales staff with expertise in chemistry who can communicate well in English.
★ A trading company specializing in machinery sales, a group company of a major Japanese trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to work for a Japanese machine trading company as a sales.
★ Welcome applicants aged 25-40 years with sales experience in a Japanese company.
★ A leading company specializing in comprehensive service solutions.
★ Specializes in providing industrial cleaning and facility services for enterprises and organizations.
★ We are recruiting sales staff and seeking candidates with experience in service sales.
Data Manage cum Sales Admin. (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We recommend this position for candidates between the ages of 23-33 who are interested in the latest HR SaaS and want to grow.
Sales (Robotics)
★ Focusing on manufacturing tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are recruiting Sale Engineer for our Ho Chi Minh City office.
Sales (DX Consulting)
★ The company is a management consulting and systems consulting firm listed on the stock exchange in Japan.
★ The company has been providing BPO support in Vietnam until now. From now on, they will start a system consulting business in Vietnam.
★ We are looking for Japanese speakers aged 26-38 who are interested in solution sales.
(We are looking for candidates who can join us in September.)
★ Established in 1930 with 105 domestic and foreign companies
★ Japan's No. 1 trading company in the handling of gases, nitrogen, etc.
★ Good salary levels and will have a positive impact on your career.
★ Welcome applicants aged 25-31 years with sales experience in a Japanese company.
★ A well-known Japanese cold storage warehouse company will operate a warehouse in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in Newtown in the 7th district, in a beautiful office environment.
★ 25-35 year old females with sales experience are encouraged to apply.
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for the people who applicants aged 22~33 with experience in designing and creating and marketing social networking adverts.
Sales (Machine Tool)
★ A trading company specialising in machinery sales, a group company of a major Japanese trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to work for a Japanese machine trading company as a sales.
★ Male and female applicants aged 25-40 years with sales experience in machine tools or robotics are welcome to apply.
★ 弊社はWellbemedicとして知られ、健康ケアと医療分野において革新的なソリューションを提供しております。
★ 高品質な医療機器と専門知識を結集し、患者様と医療プロフェッショナルに価値を提供しています。
★ 営業に興味のある方、または営業経験のある方にお薦めします。
Admin Leader
★ We are a company that manufactures cosmetic materials and sells cosmetic products.
★ Located in the District 6. The Office is clean and comfortable. And Very little overtime work.
★ Welcome applications from Vietnamese females aged around 25-35 years old who speak Japanese.
Sale Engineer
★ Established in 2019, the general trading company specializing in machinery and technology has a 100-year history in Japan.
★ Our Company's main business is to solve customers' problems by providing high-quality technical solutions with good products for various industries such as automotive, semiconductor, logistics boom, robotics, pharmaceuticals, etc.
★ We are looking to recruit 03 English-speaking Sales Engineers who can work in HCM - Binh Thanh or Hanoi - Cau Giay.
Sales Representative (Trading)
★ We are a 100% foreign owned company, established in 2010, headquartered in Tokyo-Japan since 1946
★ As a Japanese manufacturing company that has produced and marketed a wide range of products including electronic products, industrial components, auto parts and chemicals...
★ The company owns large-scale domestic and international factories that help the company ensure a stable supply of products to customers.
Sale Staff
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Sales Staff
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Accounting and Tax consulting division
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Technical Sales (ERP System)
★ It is one of the leading global IT vendor companies in Japan.
★ This is a job with great potential for your career development.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in the IT industry.
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for candidates who are fluent in Japanese and have experience in the apparel industry.
★ A well-known Japanese cold storage warehouse company will operate a warehouse in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in Newtown in the 7th district, in a beautiful office environment.
★ 25-35 year old females with sales experience are encouraged to apply.
Sales Assistant
★ An enterprise with 100% investment capital from Japan, leading in the production of zippers: metal zippers, plastic zippers etc.
★ Our company has headquarter at Ho Chi Minh city and two factories at Dong Nai, Ha Nam
★ Our company have been expanding our business and we also believe that we can contribute even more to the development of the Garment, Footwear and Luggage industry in Vietnam.
Sales (Probiotics)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020.
★ Beautiful and comfortable office environment in the 7th district.
★ We are looking for a male with sales experience in the food industry.
Sales Logistics
★ We are a company with 100% capital from China, was established in 2001, is a national first-class logistics enterprise with "AAAA" credit qualification, with more than 330 employees
★ Comfortable workplace, friendly and sociable staff
★ Now we are seeking a Sales Logistics position to strengthen our network of activities
Sales (Apparel Accessory)
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for candidates who are fluent in Japanese and have sales experience in the apparel industry.
Sales Representative (Trading)
★ We are a 100% foreign owned company, established in 2010, headquartered in Tokyo-Japan since 1946
★ As a Japanese manufacturing company that has produced and marketed a wide range of products including electronic products, industrial components, auto parts and chemicals...
★ The company owns large-scale domestic and international factories that help the company ensure a stable supply of products to customers.
クライアントサポート (日本人向け)
★ ベトナム最大規模の日系コンサルティングファームにてクライアントサポートを募集しています。
★ HCMC / Hanoiの中心街にオフィスがあり、綺麗でプロフェッショナルな環境です。
★ 財務・会計に関しては基本的な知識のみで構いません。
Sales & Marketing
★ The company is a trading company 100% owned by a major electronics manufacturer dealing in electronics, automobiles, social infrastructure, energy, etc
★ The office is located in Thao Dien, Ho Chi Minh City, in a quiet and nice environment
★ Applicants who are N2 level or above with sales experience in a Japanese company are welcome to apply
★ 25歳~40歳の方で商社またはメーカー等での営業経験者を募集しています。
Sales Assistant
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to work in sales at a Japanese trading company, so you can learn Sales / Business administration / Accounting.
★ We are looking for a female with BtoB sales or sales assistant experience.
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for female applicants aged 22~33 with experience in designing and creating and marketing social networking adverts.
Senior Sale Staff
★ We started making bread dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ Through the production of bread dough, we take great pride in our role in improving quality and adding richness to the culinary life of not only Japanese people, but also other countries around the world.
★ In order for the company to maintain an important role in society, we will continue to make more efforts to make everyone's culinary life more and more sublimated.
Sales Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking, and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're a newly established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us
★ A well-known Japanese cold storage warehouse company will operate a warehouse in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in Newtown in the 7th district, in a beautiful office environment.
★ We are looking for someone with experience in sales to the food and seafood industry.
HR Manager
★ The company provides entertainment, including a casino in a 5-star hotel.
★ Recommended for those interested in the service and entertainment industry.
★ We welcome applications from experienced HR managers who are fluent in Japanese and English.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Sales (Textile)
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Female under 30 years old with good Japanese and English skills who are interested in the apparel industry can apply. We offer high salary.
FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
★ We are an international corporation founded in Japan in 1931
★ Established in Vietnam in 2017 at located in the center of HCMC with the goal of reaching closer to customers in Southeast Asia
★ Applicants with chemistry, cosmetics, and healthy foods knowledge are invited to apply
アパレル資材営業 (日本人向け)
★ 業界で有名なアパレル資材商社がハノイで新たに営業を募集しています。
★ 女性が多く、綺麗なオフィスで雰囲気の良い環境で働く事が出来ます。
★ 20~40代の日本人男性で営業経験のある方におすすめいたします。
Data Input & SNS Marketing (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ Those who are looking to improve English reading, writing, and Japanese communication skills will be able to feel improvement in this job in about 7 months.
★ We are looking for male and female Japanese N3 or above with a cheerful personality and a desire to improve abilities.
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for candidates who are fluent in Japanese and have sales experience in the apparel industry.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sale B2B (Foods)
★ Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and its a beautiful place to work!
Sales (Textile)
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ People who love fashion and have a desire to sell fabrics and apparel in the BtoB field.
Sales (Apparel Material)
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for those who are fluent in Japanese and want to work for an apparel trading company.
Senior Consultant
★ We are one of Japan's leading consulting firms with 40 years of experience in M&A consulting and business connections. We are spread all over the world including Japan, USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
★ You will have the opportunity to build your career in a professional environment.
★ We are planning to hire experienced consulting firms in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, about 28-35 years old.
★ We are one of Japan's leading consulting firms with 40 years of experience in M&A consulting and business connections. We are spread all over the world including Japan, USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
★ You will have the opportunity to build your career in a professional environment.
★ We are planning to hire new graduates or people under 27 years old with Japanese N2 or above in Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi.
Internship (HR Agency)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times since then.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Recommended for motivated people who want to improve their English and Japanese language skills.
Trading Sales
★ A corporation established in 1930 with 105 domestic and foreign companies.
★ The office is located in Saigon Center and is a comfortable office environment for working.
★ We welcome applications from men between 27-32 years old with sales experience in a trading company or manufacturer.
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times since then.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Welcome who are willing to work in an active environment.
Sales (Probiotics)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020.
★ Beautiful and comfortable office environment in the 7th district.
★ We are looking for a male with sales experience in the food industry.
Sales (Cheese)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020.
★ Beautiful and comfortable office environment in the 7th district.
★ We are looking for a female with sales experience in the food industry.
Sales Staff
★ We have deployed and are currently operating over ten companies overseas across Southeast Asia, with more than 80% of our team members being non-Japanese.
★ With the generous support of customers and suppliers we continued our journey under a tri-divisional structure of sales, manufacturing, and construction/installation, based
on our company creeds of "Sincerity and Integrity", and "Observing the Basics"
★ We are currently seeking candidates who can communicate effectively in Japanese or English to work at our representative office in Ho Chi Minh City.
★ 当社は販売機能を促進するためのコンサルティング分野のパイオニアです。
★ 50年以上の歴史で培った技術と推論に基づいて、個人・組織改革を実行するための解決策を顧客に提供しております。
★ 営業・コンサルティングに興味のある方また、 営業・コンサルティング経験のある方にお薦めします。
Sales (Apparel Material)
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for those who are fluent in Japanese and want to work for an apparel trading company.
★ We are an international corporation founded in Japan in 1931
★ Established in Vietnam in 2017 at located in the center of HCMC with the goal of reaching closer to customers in Southeast Asia
★ Applicants with chemistry, cosmetics, and healthy foods knowledge are invited to apply
Trading Sales
★ A corporation established in 1930 with 105 domestic and foreign companies.
★ The office is located in Saigon Center and is a comfortable office environment for working.
★ We are looking for a male between 25-33 years old, N2 level.
Sales (Textile)
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Female under 30 years old with good Japanese and English skills who are interested in the apparel industry can apply. We offer high salary.
ERP Consultant
★ We are an ERP consultancy firm. We provide implementation and system integration support to companies in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia.
★ The job is for a global market, so it offers a high salary and the ability to remote work.
★ Candidates with N1 level + TOEIC 800 level can apply with no experience.
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like Telesales work
Sale Staff (Senior)
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Chinese Sales Staff (Senior)
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Fresher Staff (Chinese Speaker)
★ We are a 100% foreign-owned company, established in 2010, headquartered in Tokyo-Japan since 1946
★ The company is well known in the industry as a trading company of electrical materials, electronic materials, and chemical materials.
★To strengthen sales to Chinese companies in northern Vietnam in the future, We are hiring new graduates who can speak Chinese.
Sales (Machine and Tool)
★ We are a trading company that sells machinery, Cutting tools, and Welding Tips in factories. Our customers are 95% Japanese manufacturers.
★ We are the first Japanese company to start a business in Vietnam as a machine and tool trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to communicate with Japanese manufacturing customers and enjoy sales.
Candidates Support (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
Sale B2B
★ Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and its a beautiful place to work!
Fresher Sale
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work
Sales Engineer
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
Sale Staff
★ We are an apparel trading company that has been in business for 180 years and has offices in 15 countries around the world.
★ We started operations in Vietnam in 2013, and it is an important production base for our company.
★ The office is located in the center of HCMC, and you can work in a beautiful environment.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
★ We have deployed and are currently operating over ten companies overseas across Southeast Asia, with more than 80% of our team members being non-Japanese.
★ With the generous support of customers and suppliers we continued our journey under a tri-divisional structure of sales, manufacturing, and construction/installation, based
on our company creeds of "Sincerity and Integrity", and "Observing the Basics"
★ We are currently seeking candidates who can communicate effectively in Japanese or English to work at our representative office in Ho Chi Minh City."
★ Established in 2006 with 100% investment capital of large corporations in Japan.
★ Company specializing in manufacturing, assembling and processing Electric products.
★ We would like to recommend candidates who have sales experience and want to work in a Japanese company.
Sales Engineer
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Sales Staff
★ We are a 100% foreign owned company, established in 2010, headquartered in Tokyo-Japan since 1946
★ As a Japanese manufacturing company that has produced and marketed a wide range of products including electronic products, industrial components, auto parts and chemicals...
★ The company owns large-scale domestic and international factories that help the company ensure a stable supply of products to customers
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales (Apparel Material)
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★Recommended for those with sales experience and Japanese language skills.
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with Experience in sales of machinery or equipment.
Sales Assistant
★ The company manufactures and sells packaging materials for Nitori furniture, 7-Eleven, etc.
★ The company will provide assistance in the acquisition of the Japanese language and other certifications.
★ Recommended for applicants who are in their 20s, have good Japanese communication skills, and can commute to Ho Chi Minh City District 7.
Marketing Staff
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times since then.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Welcome who are willing a fulltime job in an active environment.
Data Entry Part time
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times in sales.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
Sale Staff
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant.
★ Candidates who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
Senior Accountant Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
★ 当社はベトナム系企業でほぼ100%日系企業向けに、機械設計、電気設計、自動化機械・ロボット製造、およびIoT研究を専門としています。
★ 日本企業向けデザイン分野ではベトナムのリーディングカンパニーに位置しており、日本向けの他、米国、またはベトナム国内のFDI企業向けに設計と自動化機械の販売を行っております。
★ 産業機械分野に携わった経験のある方で日系企業向け営業マネージャーとして活躍したい方にお薦めします。
Accounting and Tax consulting Leader
★ The company business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales cum Trading
★ We are a subsidiary of a large Japanese corporation established in 1949
★ More than 11 years of operation in Vietnam with many different industries
★ Recommended for those with more than 5 years of sales & trading experience (B2B)
Sales Engineer
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in Robotics or Factory Automation.
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with Experience in sales of machinery or equipment.
Steel Sales
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Recommended for those who want to use your energy, knowledge and
intelligence in the steel industry and earn high salaries.
Trading Sales
★ A corporation established in 1930 with 105 domestic and foreign companies
★ In Vietnam with head office in Hanoi and branch in HCMC.
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam.
So we're looking for talented Japanese speaker in the Plastic industry to join and develop with us.
Food Sales (Lactobacillus bifidus)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in the Vietnam market from 2020
★ We manufacture and trade Bifidobacterium bifidum
★ We are looking for a candidate with Sales experience to contribute to the development of the company
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as a sales assistant in a Japanese apparel company.
★We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Sales Support Staff.
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Sales Support Staff.
Business Development Manager
★ We are an M&A Staffing Service leader in Retail in Viet Nam over the past 15 years
★ We are a member of World Mode Holding Group (WMH) Japan, offer full package service to Luxury Fashion and Beauty Customers around the World
★ We are looking for a unique talent for Business Development Manager who has a good heart, a great passion to win, and Smart and strong Negotiation skills to join our team.
Account Manager
★ We are an M&A Staffing Service leader in Retail, FMCG in Viet Nam over the past 15 years
★ We are member of World Mode Holding Group (WMH) Japan who offers full package service to Luxury Fashion and Beauty Customers in the World
★ We are looking for the unique talent for Account Manager who has a good heart, great passion to win, Smart and strong Operation Experience and skill to join our young and dynamic team.
This position will report to CEO (Vietnamese)
Marketing Executive (Part-time)
★ Since the company was founded in 2018 in HR agency field, the number of employees has stayed the same and sales have grown up to 8 times.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for talented people with knowledge of advertising in the digital field such as social medias, Google Ads, etc.
Sales (Insurance)
★ A top-ranked non-life insurance company in Japan.
★ We're planning to hire as soon as possible, even if it's remote work.
★This is a great opportunity for those who want to work with Japanese customers and improve your Japanese skills.
Sales Assistant
★ The company manufactures and sells packaging materials for Nitori furniture, 7-Eleven, etc.
★ The company will provide assistance in acquisition of Japanese language and other certifications.
★ Recommended for applicants who are in their 20s, have good Japanese communication skills, and can commute to Ho Chi Minh City District 7.
Japanese Customer Relation, trainer cum MKT Executive (日本人向け)
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Sale Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Transfer Pricing Manager
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Assistant Manager
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Assistant Manager
★ The company business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Japanese Speaking Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
GA / HR / Accounting Manager
★ The company is based in Singapore and operates in the animal health field in Japan, India, Thailand, and other countries.
★ The company acquired a animal hospital in Ho Chi Minh City this January and plans to recruit a local hospital operations and corporate administrator in March!
★ We imagine recruiting a female between 33 ~ 45 years old who has experience as an admnistrator and can speak both Japanese and English.
GA / HR / Accounting Leader
★The company is based in Singapore and operates in the animal health field in Japan, India, Thailand, and other countries.
★The company acquired a animal hospital in Ho Chi Minh City this January and plans to recruit a local hospital operations and corporate administrator in March!
★We imagine recruiting a female between 28 ~ 38 years old who has experience as an admnistrator and can speak both Japanese and English.
Customers Care Associates
★ We were founded in 1984 as Overseas Products International
★ We are looking for people who want to communicate with Japanese customers in Japanese
★ If you join, you can buy all Group products (including Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel) at a discount
Marketing / Candidates Support / Account Support
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times in sales.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
Customers Care Associates
★ USA に本社を構える世界的なファッションカンパニーです。
★ 日本人顧客からのメール・電話で応対する業務ですが、社内の公用語は英語である為、英語力を伸ばしたい方におすすめします。
★ 福利厚生が充実しています。ジムやブッフェの利用、グループ全商品
(Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel)の割引購入等が可能です。
Sales Staff
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant.
★ Candidates who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
Food Sales (Lactobacillus bifidus)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020
★ We manufacture and trade bifidobacterium bifidum
★ We are looking for a candidate with Sales experience to contribute to the development of the company
Senior Accountant Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
Sales Engineer
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Sale Staff
★ We started making bread dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ Through the production of bread dough, we take great pride in our role in improving quality and adding richness to the culinary life of not only Japanese people, but also other countries around the world.
★ In order for the company to maintain an important role in society, we will continue to make more efforts to make everyone's culinary life more and more sublimated.
Consultant (日本人向け)
★ 日系美容クリニックにて日本人のアルバイトを募集しています!
★ 社員・アルバイトは美容品を格安で買う事が出来ます!
★ 日中の隙間時間に働きたい方にお勧めの仕事です!
Sales (Molding Machine)
★ Total sales of automatic molding systems: 130,000 units! We are a global company that sells our products to 80 countries around the world.
★ The Hanoi office has about 7 people. It is recommended for those who want to work in an environment with a small number of talented people.
★ If you are an experienced sales person with Japanese language skills, we are looking forward to receiving your application.
Trade cum Sales Admin
★The company has a strong position in the industry as a Japanese OEM trading company for well-known brands.
★ We sell household goods to well-known Japanese retailers. You will be able to find out the future trend in Vietnam regarding household goods.
★ The office atmosphere is very welcoming, with almost no one quitting.
ACT Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Customer Support
★ This is a customer support job at a Japanese consulting firm headquartered in Tokyo.
★ Able to work in a clean office environment. The Ho Chi Minh office has about 20 people, and there are many company events.
★ Recommended for people in their 20s and 30s who are energetic and want to be active in Southeast Asia as a business person!
Production cost analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Raw Material
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Cost Management Price Modeling Analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Marketing cum Data Management
★ The company was founded in 2016 and is growing now.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
Sales Staff
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ We operate in 23 countries around the world and provides integrated transportation services in 18 countries through its network of affiliated companies.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at English to work as Sales Staff.
IBC Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
FAS Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
FAS Assistant Manager
★ The company business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Supplier Management
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Consultant (日本人向け)
★ 日系美容クリニックにて日本人のアルバイトを募集しています!
★ 社員・アルバイトは美容品を格安で買う事が出来ます!
★ 日中の隙間時間に働きたい方にお勧めの仕事です!
Food Sales
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020
★ We manufacture and trade cheese products
★ We are looking for a candidate with Sales experience to contribute to the development of the company
Sales Engineer
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Transfer Pricing Assistant Manager
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Fresh Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female (under 30 years old) with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
Site management and construction drawing production staff
★ We are a Japanese design company established in 2015 in Ho chi minh city.
★ We have a team of designers with extensive experience in many fields, we can offer a consistent solution from branding to store design, products, and promotional tools, sales reports.
★ We also provide offshore services in the creative industry.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
★ コピー複合機業界トップクラス企業のホーチミンオフィスにて日本人営業を募集しております。
★ 東南アジアにて英語を使用し、ビジネスパーソンとして成長したい20~30代の女性にお勧めいたします。
★ ホーチミンの中心にあり、綺麗で眺望の良いオフィス環境です。
Accounting and tax consulting Division
★ The company business point of view is: Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Senior Accountant
★ A professional consulting group in the field of Tax - Accounting - Investment for businesses in Vietnam and Cambodia.
★ The Group was established in 2003 and became the first accounting and consulting firm with Japanese capital in Vietnam.
★ The top-tier Japanese companies in Vietnam with over 1000 clients and large number of consulting pojects.
Sales (Molding Machine)
★ Total sales of automatic molding systems: 130,000 units! We are a global company that sells our products to 80 countries around the world.
★ The Hanoi office has about 7 people. It is recommended for those who want to work in an environment with a small number of talented people.
★ If you are an experienced sales person with Japanese language skills, we are looking forward to receiving your application.
Sales & Trading (Chemical)
★ A trading company handling textile, sewing, and chemical products is looking for a sales staff for a chemical product for the food industry.
★ Working in a beautiful office in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We welcome applicants who have experience in sales and trade support in the food industry.
Apparel Sales
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are looking for candidates with good Japanese language skills and knowledge of textiles and fabrics.
Cost Manager / Price Modeling
★ The company is an innovation company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods Co-founded CADDi in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Supply Chain Manager
★ The company is an innovation company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University, spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female (up to 30 years old) with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
Sale Staff
★ We started making bread dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ Through the production of bread dough, we take great pride in our role in improving quality and adding richness to the culinary life of not only Japanese people, but also other countries around the world.
★ Recommended for those who want to develop the business ability of Japan's food industry.
Marketing cum HR Support
★ The company was founded in 2016 and is growing now
★ The company is strong in figures. You will learn a lot of various data
★ You can choose to work part-time or full-time. Please discuss this with us during the interview
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ They will also focus on sales to Europe in the near future.
Account Support (Part time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 8 times since then.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to accounting in a Japanese trading company, so you can learn accounting knowledge
★ One of our current members is leaving in November for maternity leave.
So we are looking for someone to start working in October to take over. Please let us know if you want a permanent position.
Supervisor Oversea
★ We are one of the top meat processors in Japan. Currently, we are expanding our market share in Vietnam.
★ We sell meats to convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, and just about everywhere else.
★ Welcome applications from bright male and female applicants who enjoy sales.
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as a sales assistant in a Japanese apparel company.
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as a sales assistant in a Japanese apparel company.
Sale Staff
★ We are an enterprise that creates new values with insulation technology.
★ We supply materials, develop products and provide solutions, and contribute to the global market with our innovative technology.
★ Currently, we are in need of sales staff who know Japanese to develop the market!
Sales Staff
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant
★ Who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
Business management (日本人向け)
★ 2016年に設立され、高品質のヘルス&パーソナルケア製品の製造分野におけるベトナムのトップ企業の1つとして位置づけられます。
★ 私たちは常にベトナムの健康とパーソナルケア製品の主要なサプライヤーとしての地位を維持してきました。
★ 基礎として誠実さを取る、我々は常に消費者の要求を満たし、パートナーと成功を共有しようとします。
Sales Staff
★ The company was established in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh in 2005 in order to provide high-quality printed materials to export companies.
★ Currently, this branch exports products to customers in Asia, Europe, and the US.
★ We are constantly striving to advance its business in order to meet the demands of its numerous clients.
Sales Leader
★ The company was established in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh in 2005 in order to provide high-quality printed materials to export companies.
★ Currently, this branch exports products to customers in Asia, Europe, and the US.
★ We are constantly striving to advance its business in order to meet the demands of its numerous clients.
Trade Sales Admin
★ A company that manufactures products used in high performance machines.
★ It's NOT a big company. Recommended for applicants who like such an environment
★ Import and export support experience is welcome.
Candidate Interview & Client Support
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 7 times since then.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to work in sales at a Japanese trading company, so you can learn a lot of things.
★ You can also apply as a part-time worker.
Please let us know if you would like a full-time or part-time position at the time of the interview.
Sales Engineer
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Customers Care Associates
★ We were founded in 1984 as Overseas Products International
★ We are looking for people who want to communicate with Japanese customers in Japanese.
★ If you join, you can buy all Group products (including Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel) at a discount.
Sales (Apparel Material)
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Experienced textile / Garment / Material sales people who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply.
HR Support Staff
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 7 times since then.
★ You can learn a lot of knowledge and experience in the business field directly from Japanese boss who has worked in sales at a Japanese trading company.
★ You can apply full-time or part-time, so please let us know during interview
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Supply Partner Development
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant
★ Who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
Apparel Sales Assistant (Factory)
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Male or Female, 26~35 years old, with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.Industry
Vietnam Office Management Executive
★ The company is an innovation company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ This company was just founded in Vietnam in March 2022 and plans to expand its organization to 30 employees in 2022.
★ We are looking for talents with potential to manage our Vietnam base in the future.
Sales (Construction)
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ You can work in a new and stylish office.
★ Recommended for candidates with sales experience in the construction or equipment industry.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ We are looking for someone with experience in the apparel industry.
Sales (Machine Tool)
★ We are a Japanese trading company of machine tools and cutting tools.
★ In Vietnam, we have a large share of the market for Japanese manufacturing companies.
★ We have a Japanese/English allowance.And we plan to hire excellent people.
Sales Staff
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Manager or Assistant Manager in a Japanese company.
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female, 24~33 years old, with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
カスタマーサポート (日本人向け)
★ 東京に本社を置く日系コンサルティング事務所にて顧客サポートを行う仕事です。
★ キレイなオフィス環境で働く事が出来、ホーチミンオフィスは20名ほどの規模で、社内イベントも多く、チームワークの良い環境です。
★ 20~30代で元気があり、ビジネスパーソンとして東南アジアで活躍したい方にオススメいたします!"
Office Administrator
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam.
Sales (Food)
★We are one of the top meat processors in Japan. Currently, we are expanding our market share in Vietnam.
★We sell meats to convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, and just about everywhere else.
★We welcome applications from bright male and female applicants who enjoy sales.
FA Sales
★ We are a major Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Sales incentives allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for people who want to improve your knowledge and experience as an FA sales person.
Sales (Robot)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with Experience in sales of machinery or equipment.
Sales Engineer (Robot)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in Robotics or Factory Automation.
Sales (Security Service)
★ We are the one of the largest security company in Japan.
★ It's a beautiful office environment, and the area near the company is quiet and has many restaurants.
★ This job suits those who like to meet people and develop new business (European, American and Vietnamese companies).
Sales (Steel Products)
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Seafood Sales
★ Our office is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. You can work in a nice environment.
★ Find and negotiate processing factory for customer orders. If you're looking to build your sales skills in a Japanese company, this is the right job for you!
HR Consultant (日本人向け)
★ 日本人の経営層と商談できる機会がある
★ 外国語(英語・ベトナム語)能力を高める機会がある
★ 一流のコンサルタント・講師になるための教育体制がある
★ 切磋琢磨できる仲間、裁量の大きい仕事(能力次第)、風通しの良い職場環境
Japan デスクコンサルタント(日本人向け)
★ 世界 4 大会計事務所の1 社にて日本人コンサルタントを募集しています。
Sales (Food)
★We are one of the top meat processors in Japan. Currently, we are expanding our market share in Vietnam.
★We sell meats to convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, and just about everywhere else.
★We welcome applications from bright male and female applicants who enjoy sales.
Parts Sales Admin
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as sales admin. in a Japanese industrial company.
Sales Assistant (HR Agency)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 7 times since then.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to work in sales at a Japanese trading company, so you can learn a lot of things.
★ You can also apply as a part-time worker. Please let us know if you would like a full-time or part-time position at the time of the interview.
Digital Marketing & Scouter (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing now.
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ We are looking for someone who can work at least 4 days a week.
Sales (日本人向け)
★ 当社は100%日本の投下資本の会社です。主にホンダ様向けの二輪車部品の製造をしております。
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Accounting and Tax Consulting Senior Staff
★ The companys business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff / Assistant Manager (日本人向け)
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love
and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after
Transfer Pricing Senior Consultant(日本人向け)
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love
and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after
IBC Japanese Support Staff
★ The companys business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Japanese Support Assistant Manager
★ The companys business point of view is “Become a platform to support the development of customers”
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Accounting & Tax Consulting Manager
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female, 24~33 years old, with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
Machine and Tool Sales
★ We are a trading company that sells machinery, Cutting tools, and Welding Tips in factories. Our customers are 95% Japanese manufacturers.
★ We are the first Japanese company to start business in Vietnam as a machine and tool trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to communicate with Japanese manufacturing customers and enjoy sales.
★ We are a Japan-based comprehensive and multi-disciplinary consulting firm providing worldwide services in all related fields, including city and urban planning, site planning and civil engineering, architectural and interior design, structural engineering, etc...
★ Established in 1900, We have completed over 20,000 projects in over 40 countries, actively contributing to the social welfare and economy in Japan and on a global scale.
★ We are recruiting urgently Architect for Architectural and Urban Design Projects/Production.
(For not only projects in Vietnam, but also projects in Japan and the other countries.)
カスタマーサポート (日本人向け)
★ ベトナム最大規模の日系コンサルティングファームにてカスタマーサポートを募集しています。
★ 財務・会計に関しては基本的な知識のみで構いません。
★ 正社員の他、パートタイムとしての応募も可能です。
Sales (Molding Machine)
★ Total sales of automatic molding systems: 130,000 units! We are a global company that sells our products to 80 countries around the world.
★ The Hanoi office has about 7 people. It is recommended for those who want to work in an environment with a small number of talented people.
★ If you are an experienced sales person with Japanese language skills, we are looking forward to receiving your application.
Assistant Japanese Director
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Assistant Manager / FAS Senior Staff
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Manager / FAS Senior Consultant
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales (HR Agency)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 7 times since then.
★ The number of people in the company is small, you can grow in this environment.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to work in sales at a Japanese trading company, so you can learn a lot of things.
Account Consulting Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales Manager (FA/Robotics)
★ For the last around 100 years, we has constantly shaped technological innovation and the industrial development of our times.
★ We are one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of motors and drives, PLC, factory automation products and robots. Standard products as well as customized solutions from us gain broad acceptance and recognition in global markets.
★ We are looking for FA / Robotics Specialists who are confident in their ability to achieve success in a professional environment.
★ As a joint venture company with Japan, Thailand specializes in manufacturing lamps and electronic components for cars and motorcycles.
★ Over 22 years of establishment and development, we have constantly grown and become one of the typical enterprises of Vietnam.
★ As a branch of famous brands in the world, we are proud to bring customers quality products: electronic equipment, lighting equipment.
Sales Engineer
★ Being the official distributor of a reputable Japanese printing company in Vietnam market.
★ The company has become a reliable choice for many printing businesses all over Vietnam, especially big cities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are striving to develop a dynamic and sustainable distribution system, build a modern and professional working environment and bring new product lines to meet customers' needs.
Sales (Office Equipment)
★ Being the official distributor of a reputable Japanese printing company in Vietnam market.
★ The company has become a reliable choice for many printing businesses all over Vietnam, especially big cities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are striving to develop a dynamic and sustainable distribution system, build a modern and professional working environment and bring new product lines to meet customers' needs.
International Sales - Food Industry
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Sales Engineer (Cutting Tool)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
Sales Engineer (Robot)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ Recommended for anyone interested in working in the field of Automated Machinery and Robotics.
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female, 24~33 years old, with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
Sales & Marketing
★ We are the one of the leading companies in the field of security in Japan with more than 50 years of experience.
★ It's a beautiful office environment, and the area near the company is quiet and has many restaurants.
★ Recommend this job to those who love and are good at designing.
FB & Linkedin Marketing staff (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing now.
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ We are looking for students who can work 3 hours every afternoon.
Sales Supervisor
★ The company was established in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh in 2005 in order to provide high-quality printed materials to export companies.
★ Currently, this branch exports products to customers in Asia, Europe, and the US.
★ We are constantly striving to advance its business in order to meet the demands of its numerous clients.
営業マネージャー (日本人向け)
★ 日本最大手フォワーダー企業様のマネージャー案件です。
★ プライベート保険の他、手当が充実しております。
★ 履歴書・職務経歴書は英語で送付をお願いいたします。
Sales Staff
★ 会社は化粧品原料の事業を専門としいます。
★ 化粧品業界に興味のある候補者を歓迎します。
Sales (Rechargeable cleaning machines, Grass cutters)
★ We have directly managed business bases in about 50 countries, and have contracted with distributors in over 170 countries to provide after-sales service.
★ Looking for someone who has experience selling industrial vacuum cleaners to building management companies or grass cutters.
★ No need to be fluent in English or Japanese
Sales (Lubricant)
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant
★ Who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
★ エンジニアリングコンサルタント、プロジェクトマネジメントを専門としているベトナム系建設企業です。
★ これまで120以上の日系工場建設の実績があります。
★ 10年ほど勤務して頂いた日本人担当者が退職する事になりました。
Sales Admin
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Manager or Assistant Manager in a Japanese company.
★ 100%日本企業であり、ベトナムの日本人顧客向けの医療サービスを専門としています。
★ ハノイとホーチミン市にオフィスがあり、ハイフォン、ダナン、ブンタウにも代理店があります。
★ 未経験からスタートした先輩が多くイチから育てる環境です。
Sales Engineer
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
★ As a joint venture company with Japan, Thailand specializes in manufacturing lamps and electronic components for cars and motorcycles.
★ Over 22 years of establishment and development, we have constantly grown and become one of the typical enterprises of Vietnam.
★ As a branch of famous brands in the world, we are proud to bring customers quality products: electronic equipment, lighting equipment.
Security Management Manager
★ The company is a Korean corporation, specializing in manufacturing intelligent electronic components for cars, is a high-tech factory located in Dai An Industrial Park, Tu Minh Ward, Hai Duong City.
★ With 10 years of establishment and development, our company is constantly expanding production, installing more new lines to meet the increasing market demand, bringing more and more good policies for all staffs.
Sales (Insurance)
★ A top-ranked non-life insurance company in Japan.
★ We're planning to hire as soon as possible, even if it's remote work.
★This is a great opportunity for those who want to work with Japanese customers and improve your Japanese skills.
Sales (Air Conditioner)
★ It is a huge global company with production bases in more than 100 countries and sales bases in more than 150 countries.
★ We boast industry-leading heat pump, inverter and refrigerant control technologies.
★ We are looking for people with at least 5 years of experience in air conditioning.
Sales (Construction Material)
★ We are a Japanese building materials manufacturer with a global presence.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to have technical meetings rather than simple sales.
★ We are looking for candidates for two positions : one English speaker and one Japanese speaker.
Assistant Manager
★ We are one of the 4 largest audit firms in the world. We have a global staff of approximately 227,000 and serves 146 countries and territories.
★ Recommended for anyone who wants to challenge your skills in a world-class, professional environment.
★ This position is for anyone who can communicate in English or Japanese and has knowledge or experience in accounting, auditing, or legal matters.
Senior Sales Executive
★ Originating from a Japanese corporation established in 1887, now our company specializes in the field of manufacturing and trading musical instruments.
★ Our business philosophy is to provide the best products and services to the market. We always aim to exploit new markets.
★ The companys vision is the desire to contribute a part to enriching and improving the lives of people around the world.
Sales Engineer (Machine Tool)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
Sale Engineer
★ The company is a Korean corporation, specializing in manufacturing intelligent electronic components for cars, is a high-tech factory located in Dai An Industrial Park, Tu Minh Ward, Hai Duong City.
★ With 10 years of establishment and development, our company is constantly expanding production, installing more new lines to meet the increasing market demand, bringing more and more good policies for all staffs.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Seafood Sales
★ Our office is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. You can work in a nice environment.
★ Find and negotiate processing factory for customer orders. If you're looking to build your sales skills in a Japanese company, this is the right job for you!
Sales Admin (Import and Export Support)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in Trade Practice
Sales Staff
★ We are a Japanese trading company that has been in the relationship between manufacturers and customers for about 70 years since its establishment and has greatly contributed to the distribution of spring materials.
★ An Overseas Group has distribution bases in Hong Kong, China (Dongguan), Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, and is a company that manages sales of special materials such as stainless steel and colored products mainly in Asia.
★ We’re looking for Sales Staff Position.
Sales (car maintenance)
★ A company specialising in car care (glass replacement, glass repair, body coating, car film application, etc.) and sheet metal painting using Japanese technology.
★ A company specialising in car repairs, based in Tokyo
★ If you have experience in sales to insurance companies or car dealerships, this job will be very rewarding.
Customers Care Associates (日本人向け)
★ We are a global fashion company based in the USA.
★ We are looking for people who want to communicate with Japanese customers in Japanese.
★ If you join, you can buy all Fossil Group products (including Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel) at a discount.
リサーチ・プロジェクトマネージャー (日本人向け)
★ 市場調査等のコンサルティングを希望するクライアント(企業)と、専門知識を持つ個人(エキスパート)を繋げる「Consulting Matching Platform」という新しいビジネスモデルで急成長している日系スタートアップ企業です。
★ プロフェッショナルな環境でのマネジメントに意欲を持つ方にお勧めします。
★ 市場調査等のコンサルティングを希望するクライアント(企業)と、専門知識を持つ個人(エキスパート)を繋げる「Consulting Matching Platform」という新しいビジネスモデルで急成長している日系スタートアップ企業です。
★ 日本人社員は少数、他はベトナム・マレーシア・タイ・アメリカ人が大半を占め、グローバルな環境で成長する機会があります。
★ プロフェッショナルな環境で成長したいという意欲を持つ方にお勧めします。
Clinic - Supervisor
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
International Sales - Food Industry
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ They will also focus on sales to Europe in the near future
Sale Engineer Robot
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
Sales Engineer (Bearing)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
★設計、設計サポート、機械設計、電気設計、製造自動化機械、研究および製造ロボット、AGV、IoTを専門としています。 日本市場向けデザインの分野でベトナムのリーディングカンパニーとして。主な市場は日本、米国、またはFDIです。
★ We are proud of being one of Japanese famous law firm.
★ We are providing premium quality legal services.
★ We are doing our best to becoming a leader in the development of the practice of law.
Customer Service
★ We are the No.1 needle manufacturer and distributor in Japan.
★ We have been operating in Vietnam since the 1990s, and has a long history of stable management.
★ We just opened a sales office in Hanoi in April 2021.We are looking for a Chinese speaker who is interested in starting up the Hanoi office.
Sales Staff
★ 会社は化粧品原料の事業を専門としいます。
★ 化粧品業界に興味のある候補者を歓迎します
営業 (日本人向け)
★ 主にホンダ様向けの二輪車部品の製造をしております。
★ 次のポジションを募集致します。
Machine Tool Sales
★We are a Japanese trading company of machine tools and cutting tools.
★In Vietnam, we have a large share of the market for Japanese manufacturing companies.
★We have a Japanese/English allowance.And we plan to hire excellent people
営業 (日本人向け)
★ We applies its expertise, technological strengths, and track record established over more than 100 years as a general construction company.
★ We provides valuable client-services based upon its long record of achievements in the fields of land utilization, construction, and maintenance and renovation of buildings.
★ We make the utmost effort to turn our clients’ business ideas into concrete shape and create new values to their maximum satisfaction.
Apparel Sales
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable
★ Experienced Textile / Garment / Material sales people who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply.
FA Sales
★ We are a major Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Sales incentives allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ We do not have an office in Da Nang, so we are looking for someone who can go to the office from home to do business
Trade Sales Admin
★ A company that manufactures products used in high performance machines.
★ It's NOT a big company. Recommended for applicants who like such an environment
★ Import and export support experience is welcome.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
★ Being the official distributor of a reputable Japanese printing company in Vietnam market.
★ The company has become a reliable choice for many printing businesses all over Vietnam, especially big cities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are striving to develop a dynamic and sustainable distribution system, build a modern and professional working environment and bring new product lines to meet customers' needs.
B2B Food Sales
★ This is a rewarding job that is able to coordinate logistics and food products.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Marketing Staff (Part time)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020, 2021 !
★ We hire on an part time job basis, but those who perform well will be hired on a permanent basis.
★ This is a great job for people who want to improve their Japanese, English, and working skills.
★ 弊社は日本語が喋れるベトナム人も多く在籍しており、毎日日本語学習のクラスも開講しております。
★ 語学が不安でも、コミュニケーションには問題なく働くことができます。
★ 従業員も陽気で明るい人が多いので、すぐに打ちとけることができます!
★ 取り扱いシステムは、
Sales Manager (Machine Tool)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
Sales Staff
★ 会社は化粧品原料の事業を専門としいます。
★ 化粧品業界に興味のある候補者を歓迎します。
Manager – Chemical Sales
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
Sales Engineer
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
Interviewer & Sales Assistant (Part time)
★ 国籍を超えた日本語話者、エンジニアがより活躍できる世界を目指し、2016年にHCMC で創業したHR Agency 企業です。2016年より成長を続けています。
★ 顧客・候補者との信頼関係を大切にしており、日系・米国企業に対して採用サポートを行っています。
★ 候補者転職サポートに興味があり、フレキシブルに働きたい日本人の方に合うポジションです。
Sale Staff
★ The company is a symbol of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, with the main product being agricultural fertilizers.
★ The company has more than 20 years of operation in Vietnam.
★ Modern fertilizer plant, equipped with automatic closed water recirculation technology according to Japanese safety and quality standards.
Account Consulting Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Assistant General Director
★ We are the one of the largest security company in Japan, which will be in charge of the security for the Olympic.
★ It's a beautiful office environment, and the area near the company is quiet and has many restaurants.
★ We are looking for a woman who wants to work as a secretary in a Japanese company.
Career Advisor & Sales Assistant
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020!
★ Recommended for those who want to succeed with a small number of start-ups.
★ We hire on an internship or Part time basis,But High performers will be hired on a permanent basis.
Japanese Beauty Consultant (日本人向け)
★ ハノイで新規オープンした日系美容クリニックにて日本人のアルバイトを募集しています!
★ 社員・アルバイトは美容品を格安で買う事が出来ます!
★ 日中の隙間時間に働きたい方にお勧めの仕事です!
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ We are looking for someone with experience in the apparel industry.
Chief Sales Engineer
★ Food machinery manufacturer with 90% share in Japan and 70% share in the world!
★ There is a possibility of going on a business trip to Japan, Shanghai, Germany, etc.!
★ No new business. A position where you can manage projects with large amounts of money!
Apparel Sales
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are looking for candidates with good Japanese language skills and knowledge of textiles and fabrics.
★ 日本人を相手に営業をするチャンスがあります。日本語に自信がある方、歓迎!
★ HCMC Office は 6名です。少人数が好きな方におすすめ!綺麗なオフィスです!
★ 能力が高い方には、高い給料を支払う事ができます!
Customers Care Associates (日本人向け)
★ We are a global fashion company based in the USA.
★ We are looking for people who want to communicate with Japanese customers in Japanese.
★ If you join, you can buy all Fossil Group products (including Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel) at a discount.
Japanese Beauty Consultant (日本人向け)
★ ハノイで新規オープンした日系美容クリニックにて日本人のアルバイトを募集しています!
★ 社員・アルバイトは美容品を格安で買う事が出来ます!
★ 日中の隙間時間に働きたい方にお勧めの仕事です!
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
アパレル営業 (日本人)
★ UNIQLO Brand の品質を検査する会社です。
★ HCMC 3区にある きれいなオフィス環境で働くことができます。
★ アパレル 検査のプロフェッショナル企業です。アパレルに興味のある方にお勧めいたします。
Staff of Sales Departments
★ We are refrigeration equipment engineering and manufacturing company with 90% stake in Vietnam.
★ Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for people who want to be a Sales Staff in Hanoi who can go for 6 months training in HCM.
Clinic - Supervisor
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Steel Sales Admin
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Sales Staff
★ We are a leading company in oil and gas and petrochemical products in Japan, established in Hai Phong Vietnam since September.
★ Nice office in the city center.
★ We are looking for candidates interested in Sales Office positions.
Paper Sales
★ Japanese trading company with global operations
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
WMS Sales
★ We are a pioneering Japanese company in the field of warehouse management systems (WMS).
★ The company currently has offices in Japan, China and Thailand, and plans to establish an office in Vietnam in early 2021.
★ We are looking for a person who has experience in WMS sales and can manage a budget.
Insurance specialist Staff
★ Candidates with 1 year of experience consulting and supporting in the field of Insurance are welcome !
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
Sales Engineer
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese .
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Engineer in a Japanese company.
Flat steel Sale
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
B2B Food Sales
★ This is a rewarding job that is able to coordinate logistics and food products.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
★ We are a Japanese building materials manufacturer with a global presence.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to have technical meetings rather than simple sales.
★ We are looking for people who have worked for a construction company or a building materials manufacturer.
Steel processed product sales
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Online Customer Support (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020!
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ Recommended for university students who want to work in a start-up environment.
Metal Sales
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Machine and Tool Sales
★ We are a trading company that sells machinery, Cutting tools, and Welding Tips in factories. Our customers are 95% Japanese manufacturers.
★ We are the first Japanese company to start business in Vietnam as a machine and tool trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to communicate with Japanese manufacturing customers and enjoy sales.
Global Sales Staff
★ We are founded in 2018, specializes in CG graphic design for developers.
★ The leading game products and CG film in the world.
★ To prepare manpower for large projects, we are looking for many talented to join, build and develop together.
FA Sales
★ We are a Japanese trading company with presence in 55 cities in 22 countries!
★ The Hanoi branch currently has two employees. If you want to expand your branch, this is the right job for you!
★ You will be able to take advantage of the sales expertise of Japanese trading companies.
Japanese Beauty Consultant ( Part time Job )
Sales Executive
★We are publishing Vietnam's first free Japanese magazine for Japan business men.
★We are making magazines / materials released in Japan related to Vietnam and produce publications such as company introduction.
★Welcome candidates who can speak Japanese and have experience in advertising.
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ They will also focus on sales to Europe in the near future.
Apparel Sales
★ The No. 1 Trading Company Group in Japan! We do business on a global scale.
★ We are looking for candidates who can build new commercial rights.
★ It is possible to pay high salaries to those who are talented.
Assistant and Japanese Interpreter
★ We are Japan's No. 1 company in the security industry.
★ You can work in a clean office environment in Binh Thanh District.
★ We recommend this job to people who want to use Japanese as an interpreter.
Junior Accountant
★ Candidates above N2 level do not need accounting knowledge!We will teach you accounting knowledge.
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
Sales Manager
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Manager in a Japanese company
Sales Executive
★ We are proud of having professional sales training curriculum.
★ Good working environment as a Global Corporation with a long history, well-known brand name, and supportive colleagues.
★ For sure that, this is a challenging working environment to be trained to a great salesman.
Business Assistant Manager
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Career Advisor
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020 !
★ We specialise in the introduction of construction engineers. If you're interested in becoming an engineering career advisor, we're looking forward to hearing from you
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to start a business in the future !
Seafood Sales
★ Our office is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. You can work in a nice environment.
★Find and negotiate processing factory for customer orders. If you're looking to build your sales skills in a Japanese company, this is the right job for you!
Sales and Marketing
★ 繊維・化学・生地・縫製 のトータルサプライヤーとして有名な日系企業です。
★ Ho Chi Minh 1区の中心にある綺麗なオフィス環境で働きます。
★ 化学・水処理品の営業経験がある方におすすめします。
Forwarding Sales Staff
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services
★ Working in a beautiful and modern office at District 1
★ High salary is paid depending on ability and experience !
Strategic Sales Manager
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in English and Japanese
Sales Manager
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ Working in a beautiful and modern office at District 1.
★ High salary is paid depending on ability and experience !
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Project Sales Engineer
★ It is a huge global company with production bases in more than 100 countries and sales bases in more than150 countries.
★ We boast industry-leading heat pump, inverter and refrigerant control technologies.
★ We are seeking persons who has more than 3 years experience in Chiller sale or HVAC design or HVAC installation.
OEM Planning and Sales
★ We are one of Japan's top-ranked household goods companies.
★ We sell 15,000 products all over the world.
★ We have a plan to develop an OEM mold factory in Vietnam and export to USA.
Career Advisor and Sales Assistant
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 and 2019!
★ We hire on an internship basis, but those who perform well will be hired on a permanent basis!
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to start a business in the future!
★ 成形自動システム累計販売台数130,000台!世界80ヶ国に製品を販売しているGlobal Company です。
★ Binh Thanh 区 にある綺麗なオフィスで働く事ができます。
★ 5月頃に面接を行い、6月頃に採用をする予定です。
Apparel Inspection Management
★ UNIQLO Brand の品質を検査する会社です。
★ 3区にある きれいなオフィス環境で働くことができます。
★ アパレル 検査のプロフェッショナル企業です。アパレル業界でキャリアアップしたい方におすすめします。
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Clinic Digital Marketing executive
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Sales Engineer (Chiller)
★ It is a huge global company with production bases in more than 100 countries and sales bases in more than 150 countries.
★ We boast industry-leading heat pump, inverter and refrigerant control technologies
★ We are seeking persons who has more than 3 years experience in Chiller sale or HVAC design or HVAC installation
Sales (Factory Automation)
★ 世界22カ国、55都市に展開している日系貿易会社です!
★ Ha NoiでFactory Automationの営業人員を探しています!
★ Ha Noi Branch は現在2名。少人数から支店を拡大し、Manager として活躍したい方におすすめの仕事です!
Deputy Sales Manager
★ We are looking for the person who will be manager of branch office in Ha Noi
★ We specialized in spark plugs parts for motorbike and our headquarters are located in Japan
★ Mass recruitment for the person with motor sales experience!
Sales Engineer (Factory Automation)
★ In view of our business expansion and setting up new company in Vietnam, we are currently seeking excellent candidate to join our team in Ho Chi Minh office for the position of Factory Automation Coordinator
★ Founded 90 years ago, We provide high value-added electrical products around the world
★ Engineers with Factory Automation are welcome
Sales Engineer (Air Conditioning Project)
★ In view of our business expansion and setting up new company in Vietnam, we are currently seeking excellent candidate to join our team in Ho Chi Minh office for the position of Sales Engineer (Air Conditioning Project)
★ Founded 90 years ago, We provide high value-added electrical products around the world.
★ Engineers with Thermal, HVAC knowledge are welcome
Junior Accountant
★ Candidates above N3 level do not need accounting knowledge!We will teach you accounting knowledge.
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
★ プロフェッッショナルな環境で、日本語・英語を使用した仕事が上がしたい方、歓迎します!メールを使用する事が多いポジションです!
★ 1区の中心にオフィスがあります。
Job Agent
★ HCMCで働きますが、Mail・Skypeで 日本の仕事を行います。
★ 給料が高く、週2日は自宅で働くことができます。
Assistant Director
★ HCMC 3 区にある 綺麗なオフィスで働くことができます. Roof Top Bar でLunch や Dinner を食べる事ができる環境です
★ 2016年に創業、2017年・2018年・2019年と着実に成長している企業です
★ 明るく、成長意欲のある方、お待ちしています!
Sales Manager (候補)
Service Management (TOKYO / OSAKA / NAGOYA )
★日本(TOKYO / OSAKA / NAGOYA )で働きたい方、応募をお待ちしています!
Seafood Sales
★ Ho Chi Minh 中心のAB TowerにOfficeがあります。綺麗な環境で働く事ができます。
★ 明るく積極的な性格の方、応募をお待ちしています!当社は明るい雰囲気です!
Seafood Sales
★ Ho Chi Minh 中心のAB TowerにOfficeがあります。綺麗な環境で働く事ができます。
★ 顧客の注文に応じて加工工場を探し、交渉をします。日系企業でスキルを身に付けたい方におすすめです!
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Career Adviser (Internship)
★ HCMC 3 区にある 綺麗なオフィスで働くことができます。 Roof Top Bar でLunch や Dinner を食べる事ができる環境です。
★ 2016年に創業、2017年・2018年・2019年と着実に成長している企業です。
★ 明るく、成長意欲のある方、お待ちしています!
Assistant Director
★ 2020年3月にベトナムで日本式の車修理サービスを開始予定です!立ち上げメンバーを募集しています!
★ 笑いが溢れる職場を目指しています!明るい人材をお待ちしています!
★ プロフェッッショナルな環境で、日本語・英語を使用した仕事が上がしたい方、歓迎します!メールを使用する事が多いポジションです!
★ 1区の中心にオフィスがあります。
Junior Accountant (Japanese speaker)
★ Even at junior level, those who majored in accounting at university can apply!
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
★ 日本人を相手に営業をするチャンスがあります。日本語に自信がある方、歓迎!
★ HCMC Office は 6名です。少人数が好きな方におすすめ!綺麗なオフィスです!
★ 能力が高い方には、高い給料を支払う事ができます!
★ Ho Chi Minh 中心のAB TowerにOfficeがあります。綺麗な環境で働く事ができます!
★ 顧客の注文に応じて加工工場を探し、交渉をします。日系企業でスキルを身に付けたい方におすすめです!
Accouting Consultant (日本企業対応)
★ 能力・経験によっては高い給料が支払われます!
★ 会計 コンサルティングのプロ集団!
★ 日本でNo.1 の Trading Company Groupです!世界規模でビジネスを展開しています
★ アパレルの営業として、新たな商権を構築できる人材を募集しています
★ 有能な方には、高給を出す事が可能です
★ Ho Chi Minh 中心のAB TowerにOfficeがあります。綺麗な環境で働く事ができます
★ 鉄鋼製品の販売先、仕入先を探す仕事です!日系企業でスキルを身に付けたい方におすすめです!
Japanese Support Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Senior Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
Sales (Robotics)
★ Focusing on manufacturing tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are recruiting Sale Engineer for our Ho Chi Minh City office.
★ 1913年の創業以来、自動車部品・用品の総合卸商として「安全で快適なカーライフの創造」を企業理念に掲げ、社会に貢献してまいりました。
★「恒久不変 日々革新」の理念を持ち、すべての活動においてお取引先様との信頼関係を最優先に事業を展開しています。
★ 自動車部品・カー用品の販売におけるコンサルティングを通じて、取引先の課題解決と成長を支援しています。
★ 派遣法で定められた雇用期間に制限を受けることなく、長期的かつ安定した環境でスタッフを派遣します。
★ スタッフはポテンシャルやオフィスワーク適性が高い若手人材を厳選し、教育訓練を実施した後、弊社と取引のある安定した企業に派遣します。
★ 未経験者が多く占めるのも特徴であり、カウンセリングと研修を通じて、あなたの適性に合った配属先を選定し、安心して事務スタッフとしてのキャリアをスタートできます。
★ 当社は2010年に設立され、創立から10年以上が経過した現在、幅広い分野・多様な規模の企業様と多数の取引をさせていただいております。
★ 優れた技術と人材を活かし、グローバルなトータルソリューションを提供する事業を展開しています。
★ 当社ではグレード制を採用しており、年に1回のコンピテンシー評価を基に昇給が決まります。賞与も結果に応じて評価され、インセンティブも5回支給されるため、成果に応じた報酬を得られる環境で働くことができます。
GA/Sales Admin
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for people between the ages of 22 to 33 who are interested in marketing.
Steel Sales
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Recommended for those who want to use your energy, knowledge and
intelligence in the steel industry.
Construction Manager
★ 建設業に特化した人材派遣で建設会社(ゼネコン・サブコン・設計会社)に人材(施工管理・CADオペ・現場事務)を供給しています。
★ 未経験の若手からベテランまで様々なメンバーが活躍しており、取引社数は累計3,100社越えです。
★ 施工管理としての経験が積める他、図面に携わるCADオペレーターや設計・施工図担当 など、自身の適正を活かしてキャリアチェンジも可能です。
Assistant Construction Manager
★ プライム上場企業のグループ会社として、 全国452社以上のクライアントと安定的な取引を続けている会社です。
★ 希望者は、自社研修施設「技術センター」にて、入社後17日間の基礎研修(+1~6日間の特別教育)を受けていただくことが可能です。
★ 男女比が5:5となっており、性別問わず働きやすい環境となっています。
Sales Staff (Chemicals)
★ The company has a 130-year history as a specialized trading company in surface treatment in Japan and established its subsidiary in Vietnam in 2018.
★ It is a trading company dealing in products such as paint, industrial chemicals, plating chemicals, precious metals, and equipment and machinery for painting and plating, etc.
★ The company is currently recruiting for a Sales Staff position who will also handle chemical business licensing procedures, with proficiency in Japanese communication required.
Construction Management
★ 建設業界とドライバーに特化した人材紹介サービスを展開しています。
★ 創業以来51年、土地活用に取り組み続けてきました。その結果、累計の着工戸数は100,000戸を超え、「賃貸住宅に強い建設会社年間完工戸数ランキング」でも14年連続1位と、着実に実績を積み重ねてきました。
★ 半年ごとに業務目標を設定し、成し遂げた成果やプロセスに基づいて評価。報酬を決めていきます。個人の成果に対する評価はもちろんのこと、チームや部署での成果に対しても評価をしています。
IT Engineer(Backend/Frontend/Game programmer)
★ SEとしてキャリアを積んだ代表が2015年に設立した会社で、現在はシステムエンジニアリングサービスをメイン事業としながら、 不動産会社向けの広告管理システムなどの自社サービスも展開しています。
★ 文系出身者が半数以上、社長も文系卒の現役エンジニアで、研修制度も充実していますので、未経験の方も安心してご応募いただけます。
★ 大規模なWebサービス開発からアプリ開発まで、お客様のニーズに応じて様々な開発を手掛けています。
IT Engineer
★ IT/ネットワークの分野で世界中のお客様に、常駐型開発/受託開発・コンサルティングといったサービスをご提供しています。
★ ビジネスアプリケーション、ネットワーク・データベース、組込ソフト、保守・運用といった各IT技術分野でのトータルサポートをしており、通信事業者、SIer、電気機器事業者、製造業者をはじめとしたあらゆるお客様へサービスを提供しています。
★ 研修センターでは、トレンド技術研修やマネジメント研修をはじめとした 100科目以上のメニューによって、一人ひとりの目的に合ったスキルアップをサポートしています。
IT Engineer
★ SFA/CRM/MAツールの選定〜運用定着支援、マーケティング施策の戦略策定〜実行、管理などをメイン事業としている会社です。
★ 納品型ではなく、利用定着までを見据えた伴走型で支援を行っており、中長期的な顧客との連携を行っていただけます。
★ 平均年齢は20代後半と若いメンバーも多いですが、本当に必要な支援は何かということを、年齢や立場に関わらず追求し、切磋琢 磨できる環境です。
IT Engineer
★ 人材サービス分野のパイオニア企業のグループの一員として、年間約60,000件の豊富な案件数をもとに、技術職領域の仕事における自分らしい働き方をご提案しています。
★ テストのみ・運用保守のみはなく、上流工程に関わる機会があり、スペシャリスト、マネジメント、大手メーカーという三つのキャリアアッププランが用意されています。
★ 社内規則や仕事の進め方など、基礎から学べる入社時研修からスタートし、希望する分野へ進むために豊富なスキル研修で継続的にスキルアップをサポートしていきます。
IT Engineer
★ 日系大手企業2社を主要株主に持ち、技術分野・オフィスワークを中心とした人材派遣サービスを中心に、人材紹介・請負など総合的な人材ビジネスを展開しています。
★ ソフトウェア設計、電気設計、機械設計などの領域で、確かな技術と知識、専門性を身に付けたエンジニアたちが、製品の要素技術開発から量産化に至るまで、お客様のニーズにしっかり応えます。
★ 年度初めと終わりに目標設定と振り返りを行います。客先の担当者の方からもいただいた評価を合わせて、最終評価を決定していきます。
IT Engineer
★ 日系大手企業2社を主要株主に持ち、技術分野・オフィスワークを中心とした人材派遣サービスを中心に、人材紹介・請負など総合的な人材ビジネスを展開しています。
★ ソフトウェア設計、電気設計、機械設計などの領域で、確かな技術と知識、専門性を身に付けたエンジニアたちが、製品の要素技術開発から量産化に至るまで、お客様のニーズにしっかり応えます。
★ 年度初めと終わりに目標設定と振り返りを行います。客先の担当者の方からもいただいた評価を合わせて、最終評価を決定していきます。
Marketing / Data Input (Part Time)
★ We are a Japanese HR agency that handles a lot of high-class jobs.
★ An environment where you can improve your Japanese communication / English skills and business knowledge.
★ We are looking to hire a candidate who has the potential to become a core member of the company in the mid to long term.
IT Engineer
★ 日本の大手企業2社がバックボーンにあり、30年以上にわたり安定的にビジネスを継続してきた実績のあるSier企業です。
★ アカウントSE、アプリケーションSE、プロジェクトマネジャーという3つの役割を一人でこなす人材像があり、システムインテグレーションの全工程を担う力のあるエンジニアとしてキャリアアップが可能です。
★ 新入社員研修は未経験者でもしっかりキャッチアップできるメニューになっており、個々人のレベルに応じて実践的な教育を受けることができます。
IT Engineer
★ 大手企業を中心に延べ7,500社との取引があり、年間50,000件のプロジェクトからお声がけいただいているため、仕事の幅が広がりキャリアアップが実感できます。
★ 未経験からでも、ITエンジニアとしてスキルを身につけて給与・キャリアアップできます。 また、全国にプロジェクトを保有しているため、全国の希望勤務地で働け、転勤もありません。
★ キャリアカウンセラーやユニットリーダー、ベテランエンジニアが講師となって勉強会や研修を実施しています。
Excel VBAやQC(品質管理)、英語など汎用性の高いものや、専門技術に関するものまで幅広くご用意しております!
IT Engineer(Backend/Infrastructure)
★ データ社会に求められる大量データの高速処理、その技術的解決を行っています。
★ 課題解決のためのソリューションの提供および自社製品の開発・研究を行い、2023年10月には、世界最速レベルの性能を持つ国産RDBをOSSとして公開しました。
★ 主にデータ活用に関する開発案件に関わるため、分散処理など「データ処理」に関する強みを持っており、DXには欠かせないデータ処理の技術を学べる環境です。
IT Engineer(Infrastructure)
★ 1976年の創業以来、働きたいと願う全ての人が 活き活きと働くことができる社会の実現を目指し、挑戦を続けてきました。
★ 人材サービスに留まらず、新しい働き方の実現やグローバル、地方創生など、豊かな人生を描くためのインフラを様々なフィールドで創造しています。
★ 入社時、まずは得意・やりたい技術等の面談をさせていただき、どんな案件参加を頂くか決定していきます。
IT Engineer(Infrastructure/SE)
★ 宿泊施設の直販予約を最大化するソリューション事業を展開しています。
★ 既に高級ホテル/旅館等の宿泊施設を中心に約2,000施設の導入実績を誇っており、 自社開発の予約システムのシェアとしては国内トップクラスです。
★ 自社サービスのインフラストラクチャにおける構築・運用保守の業務を中心に、社内SE業務など「経験」「スキル」「志向性」に応じてマッチするポジションを検討いたします。
IT Engineer
★ IT事業におけるネットワークシステムに関するあらゆる分野で事業展開する最先端テクノロジーを駆使した経営戦略実現を目標とし、1999年11月に営業を開始しました。
★ ITシステムデザインコンサルティング、アプリケーション ディベロプメント、システムインテグレーション、システムアウトソーシングの4本柱のサービスを展開しています。
★ 先輩社員からのOJTだけでなく、未経験の言語習得の為の講習を受けることも可能です。
IT Engineer
★ 【エンジニアのために】を事業コンセプトに、当社ではプロジェクト報酬の80%をエンジニアに還元しております。
★ クライアント様からいただくプロジェクト報酬をエンジニアに明示し、 納得感を持って作業に専念いただいております。
★ 基礎的なIT研修(Linux,SQL,Java,Excel等)から、さらなるITスキル向上のための個別研修や業務後研修まで、充実した研修プログラムを⽤意しております。
IT Engineer
★ 1962年に機械設計会社として設立し、会社設立60年目を迎えた業界のパイオニア企業です。
★ ソフトウェア開発・電気電子設計開発・機械設計開発を通じて日本のモノづくりを支えております。
★ エンジニアサポートカンパニーという経営理念を掲げ、エンジニアのキャリア形成を中心に様々なサポートを行っております。技術者として成長できる業務に就いていただくための努力を惜しみまない会社です。
IT Engineer
★ 元大手SIerのPMが率いるJavaの技術力日本一の会社で、 技術的にも人格的にもちゃんとしたエンジニアを育てることを第一に考え、 エンジニアの経験したいことをそのタイミングで経験できるようSES、SIer、自社サービス開発を三位一体で展開します。
★ これまでの実績と技術力を評価され、「ベストベンチャー100」にも6年連続で選出されています。
★ 100%設計構築以上の工程の案件です。経験と希望に合わせて案件は決定します。
IT Engineer(Backend, Infrastructure, SE)
★ 創業以来、「ものづくり」のアウトソーシングを通じて、 製造業界を中心に、自動車・産業機械・家電・航空宇宙・半導体・通信・IT(クラウド・アプリ・ネットワーク)・医薬・ 化学・バイオ、介護福祉、建築など幅広い業界で社会を支える総合人材サービス企業です。
★ 設計や生産技術の分野で豊富な経験を持ったスペシャリストたちが講師を務める研修プログラムを多数用意しています。
★ さまざまな案件が選択可能なため、自由度の高いキャリア形成ができます。
IT Engineer
★ グループ社員数は20,000名を超えるエンジニアアウトソーシング業界売上No.1の技術系人材サービスグループです。
★ 大手・有名企業を中心に、800社を超えるクライアントとお取引を行い、4,000名を超えるエンジニアが活躍しています。
★ 6年連続で決算賞与を支給しているなど、業績が好調のため情報システム部門にて、各エンジニアを増員募集いたします。
★ NTT グループのビジネスコンサルティングファームとして設立された日本発の総合コンサルティングファームです
★ 特に、製造業のサプライチェーン・マネジメント分野で、現場改革に基づいたコンサルティングを強みとしています
★ IT・金融・会計・経営戦略・SCM分野でコンサルタントとしてマネジメント経験のある方におすすめいたします
★NTT グループのビジネスコンサルティングファームとして設立された日本発の総合コンサルティングファームです
★ IT または会計・経営分野の知識や経験を活かしたい方におすすめいたします
Sales Staff
★ We are the world top 10 and 100% Japanese owned company specialize in providing rental service of industrial and construction equipment for more than 10 years in Vietnam.
★ To expand and develop our business in Vietnam, we are continuously looking for potential candidates who are interested in a long- term contribution to our company.
★ Welcome candidates who can communicate in English, have over 3 years of sales experience, and are available to start immediately.
★ 有名な寿司チェーン店にて店舗管理候補者を募集しています
★ 充実した教育制度があるため、入社1年後店長としてキャリアを築けます
★ 大手飲食店のマネージャーを経験する事でキャリアアップに繋がる仕事です
★ 様々なプロスポーツ施設や大型音楽フェスなどのイベント会場での飲食店の店舗責任者
★ アルバイトスタッフ5~20人をまとめあげるリーダーシップも発揮しながら、裁量が大きい環境でクリエイティブに働くことが可能
★ 月給に加えて、平均月5万円~20万円の業績手当も毎月支給。昇給も随時行っており、チャレンジやプロセスもしっかり評価しています
★ 店舗営業部門として、埼玉県を中心にドコモショップを展開しています。
★ 幅広い専門知識と豊富な品揃え、お客様ニーズに合った最適な提案により、質の高い接客サービスで、お客様に楽しいモバイルライフを送っていただけるよう日々努力しています。
★ ご経験不問でご応募いただけます。
★ お客様にご満足いただけるよう徹底したサービスをご提供し、お客様にご満足していただけたら笑顔や「ありがとう」といった感謝の言葉をいただけます。
★ 社名の「理想実業」には、「従業員が世界で一番幸せになれる企業」という社長の理想の実現を目指す、という意味が込められており、社員同士の仲も良く働きやすい環境を整えています。
★ 2040年に700店舗1,000億円を目標にしています。
★ 成長を止めない挑戦的な事業展開 飲食業で成長し続け、コロナ禍の現在も積極的な出店を続けています。
★ 毎月行う【なんでも改善実行委員会】では、一人ひとりの案を直接経営幹部に伝えることができます。
★ 店舗から発信される改善提案を基に、より良い就業環境の整備と、より良いサービスを作りあげています。
★ 年間の新規出店は100店舗以上!昇格チャンスが多い会社です。
★ 飲食業ではトップクラスの給与体系で、昇格次第では年収600万円も目指せます。
★ 地域限定社員で自宅から通えるから家族持ちも安心!
営業事務/一般事務 (派遣)
★ CMで有名な大手人材派遣会社です。年間 125日の休暇があり、福利厚生が充実しています
★ 入社後にビジネスマナー/PCスキル修得など充実した研修制度があります
★ N1レベル日本在住の外国籍の方におすすめします
接客/販売スタッフ/一般事務 (派遣)
★ 挑戦しやすい環境。年齢に関係なく業務姿勢、スキルの習熟度次第で
営業事務/総務/貿易事務 (派遣)
★ 大手人材派遣会社の求人です。これまで10,000人以上を派遣しています
★ 未経験からチャレンジOK。土⽇祝休み+残業もほとんどありません
★ 配属先企業は希望をしっかりと聞いた後で派遣します
Sales & Director Assistant
★ A major flour and premix company in Japan has established a Vietnam office in August 2024.
★ The company plans to hire a 25-35 years old woman who wants to work in sales in the food industry.
★ We recommend this position for a Japanese speaker who is interested in the start-up and expansion phase of the business.
Sales Engineer for Robotics
★ A global leader in robotics and motion control technologies, the company has a strong presence in Vietnam, providing innovative solutions across various industries such as manufacturing, automotive, and electronics.
★ With a long history of pioneering advancements in industrial automation, specializes in robotic arms, drives, and servos that enhance efficiency and productivity in automated processes.
★ Currently recruiting for a Sales Engineer for Robotics, requiring strong English communication skills.
商社営業 (日本人向け)
★ 1946年に創業した、日系総合エレクトロニクス商社です。エレクトロニクス製品のプラン二ング・設計から調達・品質管理・
★ ホーチミン中心の通勤や買い物に便利な立地にオフィスがあります。
★ 25歳~40歳の方で商社またはメーカー等での営業/営業アシスタントの経験がある方にお勧めします。
Sales Staff
★ One of the leading companies in Vietnam in the field of consulting, designing, constructing, and manufacturing cleanroom equipment, infection control devices, and medical equipment.
★ Offers many career development opportunities and management skills training from a team of experienced leaders.
★ Welcomes candidates with good English communication skills who want to develop in a sales staff position.
Consultant staff
★ 100% Japanese invested company specializing in providing support services for Vietnamese people in Japan, introducing jobs in Vietnam and Japan, studying in Japan, supporting Nenkin,...
★ Professional, friendly, dynamic, and harmonious working environment.
★ Welcome candidates with experience in consulting and good Japanese communication.
★ Established in 1930, with a network of 105 domestic and international companies.
★ Japan top trading company specializing in gases and nitrogen, offering competitive salaries and significant career growth opportunities.
★ Recommended for English speakers with sales experience for the manufacturing industry.
プロジェクトマネージャー (日本人向け)
★ 市場調査等のコンサルティングを希望するクライアント(企業)と、専門知識を持つ個人(エキスパート)を繋げる「Consulting Matching Platform」という新しいビジネスモデルで急成長している日系スタートアップ企業です。
★ 日本人社員は少数、他はベトナム・マレーシア・タイ・アメリカ人が大半を占め、グローバルな環境で成長する機会があります。
★ プロフェッショナルな環境で成長したいという意欲を持つ方にお勧めします。
Sales Staff
★ A company with 100% investment from South Korea, primarily engaged in the production and supply of garment materials (shirt buttons, plastic buttons, metal buttons, etc.).
★ The production factory is located in Binh Duong, and the office is in Phu Nhuan District, with around 10 employees.
★ We are looking for employees who can communicate well in English and Japanese to work with the Korean manager and Japanese customers.
★ 2018年に日本資本100%で設立され、ベトナムで不動産・人材サービスを中心に展開している会社です。
★ 優秀な現地社員への経営移行を目標に、個人の成長とキャリアアップのための多くのチャンスとチャレンジを提供しています。
★ ベトナムの不動産業界に興味のある日本人を募集しています。
Sales (Robotics)
★ Focusing on manufacturing tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are recruiting Sale Engineer for our Ho Chi Minh City office.
Business Development Executive
★ World's Leading Telecommunication Cable Maker is newly starting sales in Vietnam.
★ They are looking for candidates who can work as a business developer, marketing and new sales.
★ The office is located in Thuan An, Binh Duong, but you can work remotely 3-4 days a week. (There is also a shuttle bus from HCMC)
Sale Staff
★ Operating in the field of Recruitment, Training and Human Resource Transfer in the Japanese market, we are proud to be the leading labor dispatch unit in Vietnam since 1981.
★ We always put quality and reputation first, committed to creating the best conditions for workers with full knowledge, skills, and languages to live and work abroad.
★ Welcome young candidates with good communication skills in Japanese N2, business skills and working with Japanese customers.
Sale Staff
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ We operate in 23 countries around the world and provides integrated transportation services in 18 countries through its network of affiliated companies.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Sales Staff.
Sales Staff
★ With a history of nearly 100 years, we are proud to have made contributions to people, life and the living environment with the world’s most advanced and modern techniques in the production of machinery and equipment.
★ In Vietnam, we are developing many agent channels to provide environmental cleaning solutions and also developing a time information system, time attendance machine and parking system.
★ Welcome candidates with good Japanese communication skills and over 2 years of experience in a similar position.
★ The company handles all Mitsubishi Electric FA system products, including electric discharge machines, laser machines, and FA equipment.
★ Provide valuable solutions for factory organization, such as upgrading existing electrical equipment, consulting on preventive maintenance, and implementing energy-saving measures.
★ We are seeking dynamic candidates with strong language skills for the Sales position.
★ A Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ The office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Hanoi.
★ Ideal for those who enjoy sales work and are looking for long-term employment.
BPO Japanese Data Input
★ The leading ISO certification consulting firm in Japan continually strives to enhance its ISO certification and recertification consulting services, providing comprehensive support to its clients.
★ Besides consulting, the company also represents clients in handling the entire process related to ISO certification.
★ We are recruiting candidates who can communicate well in Japanese and wish to develop in the field of consulting.
Sales (Appointment)
★ The leading ISO certification consulting firm in Japan continually strives to enhance its ISO certification and recertification consulting services, providing comprehensive support to its clients.
★ Besides consulting, the company also represents clients in handling the entire process related to ISO certification.
★ We are recruiting candidates who can communicate well in Japanese and wish to develop in the field of consulting.
ISO Sales & Consultant
★ The leading ISO certification consulting firm in Japan continually strives to enhance its ISO certification and recertification consulting services, providing comprehensive support to its clients.
★ Besides consulting, the company also represents clients in handling the entire process related to ISO certification.
★ We are recruiting candidates who can communicate well in Japanese and wish to develop in the field of consulting.
Sales Engineer
★ The company handles all Mitsubishi Electric FA system products, including electric discharge machines, laser machines, and FA equipment.
★ Provide valuable solutions for factory organization, such as upgrading existing electrical equipment, consulting on preventive maintenance, and implementing energy-saving measures.
★ We are seeking dynamic candidates with strong language skills for the Sales position.
Sales & Marketing
★ The company is a trading company 100% owned by a major electronics manufacturer dealing in electronics, automobiles, social infrastructure, energy, etc
★ The office is located in Thao Dien, Ho Chi Minh City, in a quiet and nice environment
★ Applicants who are N2 level or above with sales experience in a Japanese company are welcome to apply
QC Engineer
★ A pioneer and leading company in the field of providing a full range of advanced technologies in Water/Wastewater Treatment Systems in Japan since 1946.
★ In Vietnam, we operate in three business areas: factory business selling water/wastewater treatment systems, business of maintenance and management solutions for delivered systems, and business of functional products selling standard products and chemicals.
★ Providing complete solutions from engineering design, procurement, construction, operation, quality control, maintenance and operation for Water/Wastewater Treatment Systems.
Sales Supervisor
★ 100% foreign-invested company from Japan, specializing in sheet metal press processing and secondary processing, including tapping, caulking, cleaning, and assembly of units and finished products.
★ Specialize in the precise manufacturing of medium to large-sized sheet metal press parts, centered around 300T and 400T sequential press machines.
★ The company is currently recruiting for the position of Sales Department Supervisor with good communication skills.
Data input and scouting (Part Time Job)
★ We have grown every year since founding in 2018.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ You have an opportunity to learn about the latest HR systems.
Steel Sales
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Recommended for those who want to use your energy, knowledge and intelligence in the steel industry.
Financial Advisory Service Japanese Support Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ We are looking for applications from independent and highly motivated candidates for the position of Japanese-speaking consultant at the Financial Advisory Service (FAS) department in our Ho Chi Minh office.
★ 本社は日本にあり、アパレルのブランドネーム・プライスタグ・ラベル等を製造する「アパレル副資材」会社です。
★ 日本以外では中国(上海・青島・東莞)、香港、タイ、インドネシア、ベトナム2拠点、バングラデッシュ、インドに拠点があります。
★ 2015年にベトナム南部のドンナイ省で操業開始し、翌2016年に北部のハナム省で操業開始しました。
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for the people who applicants aged 22~33 with experience in designing and creating and marketing social networking adverts.
Sales Executive
★ We have about 40,000 employees and are operating in over 150 countries.
★ Our expertise in imaging, data processing, and data-based decision-making.
We create relevant solutions for customers and solve issues faced by society.
★ Welcomes applications from those with experience in Sales in a product company.
Sales Support
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply.
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Logistics Manager Assistant
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Logistics Manager Assistant.
Sales Staff
★ A Japanese company operating in the field of mechanical engineering, specializing in providing services and products related to the maintenance, repair, and installation of mechanical systems.
★ With 12 years of operation in the Vietnamese market, the company specializes in manufacturing components and selling machinery related to the food industry.
★ Currently, the company is recruiting sales staff to expand its business operations.
Sale Staff
★ The company is 100% invested from Japan, specializing in paper products such as printing paper, wrapping paper, industrial paper,...
★ The Vietnamese company was established in 2020 with a small and medium scale, located in the tallest building in Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are looking for sales staff with expertise in chemistry who can communicate well in English.
★ A trading company specializing in machinery sales, a group company of a major Japanese trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to work for a Japanese machine trading company as a sales.
★ Welcome applicants aged 25-40 years with sales experience in a Japanese company.
★ A leading company specializing in comprehensive service solutions.
★ Specializes in providing industrial cleaning and facility services for enterprises and organizations.
★ We are recruiting sales staff and seeking candidates with experience in service sales.
Data Manage cum Sales Admin. (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We recommend this position for candidates between the ages of 23-33 who are interested in the latest HR SaaS and want to grow.
Sales (Robotics)
★ Focusing on manufacturing tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are recruiting Sale Engineer for our Ho Chi Minh City office.
Sales (DX Consulting)
★ The company is a management consulting and systems consulting firm listed on the stock exchange in Japan.
★ The company has been providing BPO support in Vietnam until now. From now on, they will start a system consulting business in Vietnam.
★ We are looking for Japanese speakers aged 26-38 who are interested in solution sales.
(We are looking for candidates who can join us in September.)
★ Established in 1930 with 105 domestic and foreign companies
★ Japan's No. 1 trading company in the handling of gases, nitrogen, etc.
★ Good salary levels and will have a positive impact on your career.
★ Welcome applicants aged 25-31 years with sales experience in a Japanese company.
★ A well-known Japanese cold storage warehouse company will operate a warehouse in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in Newtown in the 7th district, in a beautiful office environment.
★ 25-35 year old females with sales experience are encouraged to apply.
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for the people who applicants aged 22~33 with experience in designing and creating and marketing social networking adverts.
Sales (Machine Tool)
★ A trading company specialising in machinery sales, a group company of a major Japanese trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to work for a Japanese machine trading company as a sales.
★ Male and female applicants aged 25-40 years with sales experience in machine tools or robotics are welcome to apply.
★ 弊社はWellbemedicとして知られ、健康ケアと医療分野において革新的なソリューションを提供しております。
★ 高品質な医療機器と専門知識を結集し、患者様と医療プロフェッショナルに価値を提供しています。
★ 営業に興味のある方、または営業経験のある方にお薦めします。
Admin Leader
★ We are a company that manufactures cosmetic materials and sells cosmetic products.
★ Located in the District 6. The Office is clean and comfortable. And Very little overtime work.
★ Welcome applications from Vietnamese females aged around 25-35 years old who speak Japanese.
Sale Engineer
★ Established in 2019, the general trading company specializing in machinery and technology has a 100-year history in Japan.
★ Our Company's main business is to solve customers' problems by providing high-quality technical solutions with good products for various industries such as automotive, semiconductor, logistics boom, robotics, pharmaceuticals, etc.
★ We are looking to recruit 03 English-speaking Sales Engineers who can work in HCM - Binh Thanh or Hanoi - Cau Giay.
Sales Representative (Trading)
★ We are a 100% foreign owned company, established in 2010, headquartered in Tokyo-Japan since 1946
★ As a Japanese manufacturing company that has produced and marketed a wide range of products including electronic products, industrial components, auto parts and chemicals...
★ The company owns large-scale domestic and international factories that help the company ensure a stable supply of products to customers.
Sale Staff
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Sales Staff
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Accounting and Tax consulting division
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Technical Sales (ERP System)
★ It is one of the leading global IT vendor companies in Japan.
★ This is a job with great potential for your career development.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in the IT industry.
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for candidates who are fluent in Japanese and have experience in the apparel industry.
★ A well-known Japanese cold storage warehouse company will operate a warehouse in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in Newtown in the 7th district, in a beautiful office environment.
★ 25-35 year old females with sales experience are encouraged to apply.
Sales Assistant
★ An enterprise with 100% investment capital from Japan, leading in the production of zippers: metal zippers, plastic zippers etc.
★ Our company has headquarter at Ho Chi Minh city and two factories at Dong Nai, Ha Nam
★ Our company have been expanding our business and we also believe that we can contribute even more to the development of the Garment, Footwear and Luggage industry in Vietnam.
Sales (Probiotics)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020.
★ Beautiful and comfortable office environment in the 7th district.
★ We are looking for a male with sales experience in the food industry.
Sales Logistics
★ We are a company with 100% capital from China, was established in 2001, is a national first-class logistics enterprise with "AAAA" credit qualification, with more than 330 employees
★ Comfortable workplace, friendly and sociable staff
★ Now we are seeking a Sales Logistics position to strengthen our network of activities
Sales (Apparel Accessory)
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for candidates who are fluent in Japanese and have sales experience in the apparel industry.
Sales Representative (Trading)
★ We are a 100% foreign owned company, established in 2010, headquartered in Tokyo-Japan since 1946
★ As a Japanese manufacturing company that has produced and marketed a wide range of products including electronic products, industrial components, auto parts and chemicals...
★ The company owns large-scale domestic and international factories that help the company ensure a stable supply of products to customers.
クライアントサポート (日本人向け)
★ ベトナム最大規模の日系コンサルティングファームにてクライアントサポートを募集しています。
★ HCMC / Hanoiの中心街にオフィスがあり、綺麗でプロフェッショナルな環境です。
★ 財務・会計に関しては基本的な知識のみで構いません。
Sales & Marketing
★ The company is a trading company 100% owned by a major electronics manufacturer dealing in electronics, automobiles, social infrastructure, energy, etc
★ The office is located in Thao Dien, Ho Chi Minh City, in a quiet and nice environment
★ Applicants who are N2 level or above with sales experience in a Japanese company are welcome to apply
★ 25歳~40歳の方で商社またはメーカー等での営業経験者を募集しています。
Sales Assistant
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to work in sales at a Japanese trading company, so you can learn Sales / Business administration / Accounting.
★ We are looking for a female with BtoB sales or sales assistant experience.
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for female applicants aged 22~33 with experience in designing and creating and marketing social networking adverts.
Senior Sale Staff
★ We started making bread dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ Through the production of bread dough, we take great pride in our role in improving quality and adding richness to the culinary life of not only Japanese people, but also other countries around the world.
★ In order for the company to maintain an important role in society, we will continue to make more efforts to make everyone's culinary life more and more sublimated.
Sales Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking, and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're a newly established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us
★ A well-known Japanese cold storage warehouse company will operate a warehouse in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in Newtown in the 7th district, in a beautiful office environment.
★ We are looking for someone with experience in sales to the food and seafood industry.
HR Manager
★ The company provides entertainment, including a casino in a 5-star hotel.
★ Recommended for those interested in the service and entertainment industry.
★ We welcome applications from experienced HR managers who are fluent in Japanese and English.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Sales (Textile)
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Female under 30 years old with good Japanese and English skills who are interested in the apparel industry can apply. We offer high salary.
FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
★ We are an international corporation founded in Japan in 1931
★ Established in Vietnam in 2017 at located in the center of HCMC with the goal of reaching closer to customers in Southeast Asia
★ Applicants with chemistry, cosmetics, and healthy foods knowledge are invited to apply
アパレル資材営業 (日本人向け)
★ 業界で有名なアパレル資材商社がハノイで新たに営業を募集しています。
★ 女性が多く、綺麗なオフィスで雰囲気の良い環境で働く事が出来ます。
★ 20~40代の日本人男性で営業経験のある方におすすめいたします。
Data Input & SNS Marketing (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ Those who are looking to improve English reading, writing, and Japanese communication skills will be able to feel improvement in this job in about 7 months.
★ We are looking for male and female Japanese N3 or above with a cheerful personality and a desire to improve abilities.
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for candidates who are fluent in Japanese and have sales experience in the apparel industry.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sale B2B (Foods)
★ Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and its a beautiful place to work!
Sales (Textile)
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ People who love fashion and have a desire to sell fabrics and apparel in the BtoB field.
Sales (Apparel Material)
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for those who are fluent in Japanese and want to work for an apparel trading company.
Senior Consultant
★ We are one of Japan's leading consulting firms with 40 years of experience in M&A consulting and business connections. We are spread all over the world including Japan, USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
★ You will have the opportunity to build your career in a professional environment.
★ We are planning to hire experienced consulting firms in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, about 28-35 years old.
★ We are one of Japan's leading consulting firms with 40 years of experience in M&A consulting and business connections. We are spread all over the world including Japan, USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
★ You will have the opportunity to build your career in a professional environment.
★ We are planning to hire new graduates or people under 27 years old with Japanese N2 or above in Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi.
Internship (HR Agency)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times since then.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Recommended for motivated people who want to improve their English and Japanese language skills.
Trading Sales
★ A corporation established in 1930 with 105 domestic and foreign companies.
★ The office is located in Saigon Center and is a comfortable office environment for working.
★ We welcome applications from men between 27-32 years old with sales experience in a trading company or manufacturer.
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times since then.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Welcome who are willing to work in an active environment.
Sales (Probiotics)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020.
★ Beautiful and comfortable office environment in the 7th district.
★ We are looking for a male with sales experience in the food industry.
Sales (Cheese)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020.
★ Beautiful and comfortable office environment in the 7th district.
★ We are looking for a female with sales experience in the food industry.
Sales Staff
★ We have deployed and are currently operating over ten companies overseas across Southeast Asia, with more than 80% of our team members being non-Japanese.
★ With the generous support of customers and suppliers we continued our journey under a tri-divisional structure of sales, manufacturing, and construction/installation, based
on our company creeds of "Sincerity and Integrity", and "Observing the Basics"
★ We are currently seeking candidates who can communicate effectively in Japanese or English to work at our representative office in Ho Chi Minh City.
★ 当社は販売機能を促進するためのコンサルティング分野のパイオニアです。
★ 50年以上の歴史で培った技術と推論に基づいて、個人・組織改革を実行するための解決策を顧客に提供しております。
★ 営業・コンサルティングに興味のある方また、 営業・コンサルティング経験のある方にお薦めします。
Sales (Apparel Material)
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for those who are fluent in Japanese and want to work for an apparel trading company.
★ We are an international corporation founded in Japan in 1931
★ Established in Vietnam in 2017 at located in the center of HCMC with the goal of reaching closer to customers in Southeast Asia
★ Applicants with chemistry, cosmetics, and healthy foods knowledge are invited to apply
Trading Sales
★ A corporation established in 1930 with 105 domestic and foreign companies.
★ The office is located in Saigon Center and is a comfortable office environment for working.
★ We are looking for a male between 25-33 years old, N2 level.
Sales (Textile)
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Female under 30 years old with good Japanese and English skills who are interested in the apparel industry can apply. We offer high salary.
ERP Consultant
★ We are an ERP consultancy firm. We provide implementation and system integration support to companies in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia.
★ The job is for a global market, so it offers a high salary and the ability to remote work.
★ Candidates with N1 level + TOEIC 800 level can apply with no experience.
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like Telesales work
Sale Staff (Senior)
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Chinese Sales Staff (Senior)
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Fresher Staff (Chinese Speaker)
★ We are a 100% foreign-owned company, established in 2010, headquartered in Tokyo-Japan since 1946
★ The company is well known in the industry as a trading company of electrical materials, electronic materials, and chemical materials.
★To strengthen sales to Chinese companies in northern Vietnam in the future, We are hiring new graduates who can speak Chinese.
Sales (Machine and Tool)
★ We are a trading company that sells machinery, Cutting tools, and Welding Tips in factories. Our customers are 95% Japanese manufacturers.
★ We are the first Japanese company to start a business in Vietnam as a machine and tool trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to communicate with Japanese manufacturing customers and enjoy sales.
Candidates Support (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
Sale B2B
★ Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and its a beautiful place to work!
Fresher Sale
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work
Sales Engineer
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
Sale Staff
★ We are an apparel trading company that has been in business for 180 years and has offices in 15 countries around the world.
★ We started operations in Vietnam in 2013, and it is an important production base for our company.
★ The office is located in the center of HCMC, and you can work in a beautiful environment.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
★ We have deployed and are currently operating over ten companies overseas across Southeast Asia, with more than 80% of our team members being non-Japanese.
★ With the generous support of customers and suppliers we continued our journey under a tri-divisional structure of sales, manufacturing, and construction/installation, based
on our company creeds of "Sincerity and Integrity", and "Observing the Basics"
★ We are currently seeking candidates who can communicate effectively in Japanese or English to work at our representative office in Ho Chi Minh City."
★ Established in 2006 with 100% investment capital of large corporations in Japan.
★ Company specializing in manufacturing, assembling and processing Electric products.
★ We would like to recommend candidates who have sales experience and want to work in a Japanese company.
Sales Engineer
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Sales Staff
★ We are a 100% foreign owned company, established in 2010, headquartered in Tokyo-Japan since 1946
★ As a Japanese manufacturing company that has produced and marketed a wide range of products including electronic products, industrial components, auto parts and chemicals...
★ The company owns large-scale domestic and international factories that help the company ensure a stable supply of products to customers
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales (Apparel Material)
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★Recommended for those with sales experience and Japanese language skills.
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with Experience in sales of machinery or equipment.
Sales Assistant
★ The company manufactures and sells packaging materials for Nitori furniture, 7-Eleven, etc.
★ The company will provide assistance in the acquisition of the Japanese language and other certifications.
★ Recommended for applicants who are in their 20s, have good Japanese communication skills, and can commute to Ho Chi Minh City District 7.
Marketing Staff
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times since then.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Welcome who are willing a fulltime job in an active environment.
Data Entry Part time
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times in sales.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
Sale Staff
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant.
★ Candidates who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
Senior Accountant Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
★ 当社はベトナム系企業でほぼ100%日系企業向けに、機械設計、電気設計、自動化機械・ロボット製造、およびIoT研究を専門としています。
★ 日本企業向けデザイン分野ではベトナムのリーディングカンパニーに位置しており、日本向けの他、米国、またはベトナム国内のFDI企業向けに設計と自動化機械の販売を行っております。
★ 産業機械分野に携わった経験のある方で日系企業向け営業マネージャーとして活躍したい方にお薦めします。
Accounting and Tax consulting Leader
★ The company business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales cum Trading
★ We are a subsidiary of a large Japanese corporation established in 1949
★ More than 11 years of operation in Vietnam with many different industries
★ Recommended for those with more than 5 years of sales & trading experience (B2B)
Sales Engineer
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in Robotics or Factory Automation.
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with Experience in sales of machinery or equipment.
Steel Sales
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Recommended for those who want to use your energy, knowledge and
intelligence in the steel industry and earn high salaries.
Trading Sales
★ A corporation established in 1930 with 105 domestic and foreign companies
★ In Vietnam with head office in Hanoi and branch in HCMC.
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam.
So we're looking for talented Japanese speaker in the Plastic industry to join and develop with us.
Food Sales (Lactobacillus bifidus)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in the Vietnam market from 2020
★ We manufacture and trade Bifidobacterium bifidum
★ We are looking for a candidate with Sales experience to contribute to the development of the company
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as a sales assistant in a Japanese apparel company.
★We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Sales Support Staff.
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Sales Support Staff.
Business Development Manager
★ We are an M&A Staffing Service leader in Retail in Viet Nam over the past 15 years
★ We are a member of World Mode Holding Group (WMH) Japan, offer full package service to Luxury Fashion and Beauty Customers around the World
★ We are looking for a unique talent for Business Development Manager who has a good heart, a great passion to win, and Smart and strong Negotiation skills to join our team.
Account Manager
★ We are an M&A Staffing Service leader in Retail, FMCG in Viet Nam over the past 15 years
★ We are member of World Mode Holding Group (WMH) Japan who offers full package service to Luxury Fashion and Beauty Customers in the World
★ We are looking for the unique talent for Account Manager who has a good heart, great passion to win, Smart and strong Operation Experience and skill to join our young and dynamic team.
This position will report to CEO (Vietnamese)
Marketing Executive (Part-time)
★ Since the company was founded in 2018 in HR agency field, the number of employees has stayed the same and sales have grown up to 8 times.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for talented people with knowledge of advertising in the digital field such as social medias, Google Ads, etc.
Sales (Insurance)
★ A top-ranked non-life insurance company in Japan.
★ We're planning to hire as soon as possible, even if it's remote work.
★This is a great opportunity for those who want to work with Japanese customers and improve your Japanese skills.
Sales Assistant
★ The company manufactures and sells packaging materials for Nitori furniture, 7-Eleven, etc.
★ The company will provide assistance in acquisition of Japanese language and other certifications.
★ Recommended for applicants who are in their 20s, have good Japanese communication skills, and can commute to Ho Chi Minh City District 7.
Japanese Customer Relation, trainer cum MKT Executive (日本人向け)
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Sale Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Transfer Pricing Manager
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Assistant Manager
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Assistant Manager
★ The company business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Japanese Speaking Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
GA / HR / Accounting Manager
★ The company is based in Singapore and operates in the animal health field in Japan, India, Thailand, and other countries.
★ The company acquired a animal hospital in Ho Chi Minh City this January and plans to recruit a local hospital operations and corporate administrator in March!
★ We imagine recruiting a female between 33 ~ 45 years old who has experience as an admnistrator and can speak both Japanese and English.
GA / HR / Accounting Leader
★The company is based in Singapore and operates in the animal health field in Japan, India, Thailand, and other countries.
★The company acquired a animal hospital in Ho Chi Minh City this January and plans to recruit a local hospital operations and corporate administrator in March!
★We imagine recruiting a female between 28 ~ 38 years old who has experience as an admnistrator and can speak both Japanese and English.
Customers Care Associates
★ We were founded in 1984 as Overseas Products International
★ We are looking for people who want to communicate with Japanese customers in Japanese
★ If you join, you can buy all Group products (including Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel) at a discount
Marketing / Candidates Support / Account Support
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times in sales.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
Customers Care Associates
★ USA に本社を構える世界的なファッションカンパニーです。
★ 日本人顧客からのメール・電話で応対する業務ですが、社内の公用語は英語である為、英語力を伸ばしたい方におすすめします。
★ 福利厚生が充実しています。ジムやブッフェの利用、グループ全商品
(Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel)の割引購入等が可能です。
Sales Staff
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant.
★ Candidates who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
Food Sales (Lactobacillus bifidus)
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020
★ We manufacture and trade bifidobacterium bifidum
★ We are looking for a candidate with Sales experience to contribute to the development of the company
Senior Accountant Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
Sales Engineer
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Sale Staff
★ We started making bread dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ Through the production of bread dough, we take great pride in our role in improving quality and adding richness to the culinary life of not only Japanese people, but also other countries around the world.
★ In order for the company to maintain an important role in society, we will continue to make more efforts to make everyone's culinary life more and more sublimated.
Consultant (日本人向け)
★ 日系美容クリニックにて日本人のアルバイトを募集しています!
★ 社員・アルバイトは美容品を格安で買う事が出来ます!
★ 日中の隙間時間に働きたい方にお勧めの仕事です!
Sales (Molding Machine)
★ Total sales of automatic molding systems: 130,000 units! We are a global company that sells our products to 80 countries around the world.
★ The Hanoi office has about 7 people. It is recommended for those who want to work in an environment with a small number of talented people.
★ If you are an experienced sales person with Japanese language skills, we are looking forward to receiving your application.
Trade cum Sales Admin
★The company has a strong position in the industry as a Japanese OEM trading company for well-known brands.
★ We sell household goods to well-known Japanese retailers. You will be able to find out the future trend in Vietnam regarding household goods.
★ The office atmosphere is very welcoming, with almost no one quitting.
ACT Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Customer Support
★ This is a customer support job at a Japanese consulting firm headquartered in Tokyo.
★ Able to work in a clean office environment. The Ho Chi Minh office has about 20 people, and there are many company events.
★ Recommended for people in their 20s and 30s who are energetic and want to be active in Southeast Asia as a business person!
Production cost analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Raw Material
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Cost Management Price Modeling Analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Marketing cum Data Management
★ The company was founded in 2016 and is growing now.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
Sales Staff
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ We operate in 23 countries around the world and provides integrated transportation services in 18 countries through its network of affiliated companies.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at English to work as Sales Staff.
IBC Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
FAS Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
FAS Assistant Manager
★ The company business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Supplier Management
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Consultant (日本人向け)
★ 日系美容クリニックにて日本人のアルバイトを募集しています!
★ 社員・アルバイトは美容品を格安で買う事が出来ます!
★ 日中の隙間時間に働きたい方にお勧めの仕事です!
Food Sales
★ Our company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020
★ We manufacture and trade cheese products
★ We are looking for a candidate with Sales experience to contribute to the development of the company
Sales Engineer
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Transfer Pricing Assistant Manager
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Fresh Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female (under 30 years old) with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
Site management and construction drawing production staff
★ We are a Japanese design company established in 2015 in Ho chi minh city.
★ We have a team of designers with extensive experience in many fields, we can offer a consistent solution from branding to store design, products, and promotional tools, sales reports.
★ We also provide offshore services in the creative industry.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
★ コピー複合機業界トップクラス企業のホーチミンオフィスにて日本人営業を募集しております。
★ 東南アジアにて英語を使用し、ビジネスパーソンとして成長したい20~30代の女性にお勧めいたします。
★ ホーチミンの中心にあり、綺麗で眺望の良いオフィス環境です。
Accounting and tax consulting Division
★ The company business point of view is: Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Senior Accountant
★ A professional consulting group in the field of Tax - Accounting - Investment for businesses in Vietnam and Cambodia.
★ The Group was established in 2003 and became the first accounting and consulting firm with Japanese capital in Vietnam.
★ The top-tier Japanese companies in Vietnam with over 1000 clients and large number of consulting pojects.
Sales (Molding Machine)
★ Total sales of automatic molding systems: 130,000 units! We are a global company that sells our products to 80 countries around the world.
★ The Hanoi office has about 7 people. It is recommended for those who want to work in an environment with a small number of talented people.
★ If you are an experienced sales person with Japanese language skills, we are looking forward to receiving your application.
Sales & Trading (Chemical)
★ A trading company handling textile, sewing, and chemical products is looking for a sales staff for a chemical product for the food industry.
★ Working in a beautiful office in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We welcome applicants who have experience in sales and trade support in the food industry.
Apparel Sales
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are looking for candidates with good Japanese language skills and knowledge of textiles and fabrics.
Cost Manager / Price Modeling
★ The company is an innovation company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods Co-founded CADDi in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Supply Chain Manager
★ The company is an innovation company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University, spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female (up to 30 years old) with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
Sale Staff
★ We started making bread dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ Through the production of bread dough, we take great pride in our role in improving quality and adding richness to the culinary life of not only Japanese people, but also other countries around the world.
★ Recommended for those who want to develop the business ability of Japan's food industry.
Marketing cum HR Support
★ The company was founded in 2016 and is growing now
★ The company is strong in figures. You will learn a lot of various data
★ You can choose to work part-time or full-time. Please discuss this with us during the interview
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ They will also focus on sales to Europe in the near future.
Account Support (Part time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 8 times since then.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to accounting in a Japanese trading company, so you can learn accounting knowledge
★ One of our current members is leaving in November for maternity leave.
So we are looking for someone to start working in October to take over. Please let us know if you want a permanent position.
Supervisor Oversea
★ We are one of the top meat processors in Japan. Currently, we are expanding our market share in Vietnam.
★ We sell meats to convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, and just about everywhere else.
★ Welcome applications from bright male and female applicants who enjoy sales.
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as a sales assistant in a Japanese apparel company.
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as a sales assistant in a Japanese apparel company.
Sale Staff
★ We are an enterprise that creates new values with insulation technology.
★ We supply materials, develop products and provide solutions, and contribute to the global market with our innovative technology.
★ Currently, we are in need of sales staff who know Japanese to develop the market!
Sales Staff
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant
★ Who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
Business management (日本人向け)
★ 2016年に設立され、高品質のヘルス&パーソナルケア製品の製造分野におけるベトナムのトップ企業の1つとして位置づけられます。
★ 私たちは常にベトナムの健康とパーソナルケア製品の主要なサプライヤーとしての地位を維持してきました。
★ 基礎として誠実さを取る、我々は常に消費者の要求を満たし、パートナーと成功を共有しようとします。
Sales Staff
★ The company was established in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh in 2005 in order to provide high-quality printed materials to export companies.
★ Currently, this branch exports products to customers in Asia, Europe, and the US.
★ We are constantly striving to advance its business in order to meet the demands of its numerous clients.
Sales Leader
★ The company was established in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh in 2005 in order to provide high-quality printed materials to export companies.
★ Currently, this branch exports products to customers in Asia, Europe, and the US.
★ We are constantly striving to advance its business in order to meet the demands of its numerous clients.
Trade Sales Admin
★ A company that manufactures products used in high performance machines.
★ It's NOT a big company. Recommended for applicants who like such an environment
★ Import and export support experience is welcome.
Candidate Interview & Client Support
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 7 times since then.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to work in sales at a Japanese trading company, so you can learn a lot of things.
★ You can also apply as a part-time worker.
Please let us know if you would like a full-time or part-time position at the time of the interview.
Sales Engineer
★ We are a large Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Attractive Sales incentives that allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for candidates who want to improve their knowledge and experience in an automation product sales role.
Customers Care Associates
★ We were founded in 1984 as Overseas Products International
★ We are looking for people who want to communicate with Japanese customers in Japanese.
★ If you join, you can buy all Group products (including Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel) at a discount.
Sales (Apparel Material)
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Experienced textile / Garment / Material sales people who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply.
HR Support Staff
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 7 times since then.
★ You can learn a lot of knowledge and experience in the business field directly from Japanese boss who has worked in sales at a Japanese trading company.
★ You can apply full-time or part-time, so please let us know during interview
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Supply Partner Development
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant
★ Who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
Apparel Sales Assistant (Factory)
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Male or Female, 26~35 years old, with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.Industry
Vietnam Office Management Executive
★ The company is an innovation company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ This company was just founded in Vietnam in March 2022 and plans to expand its organization to 30 employees in 2022.
★ We are looking for talents with potential to manage our Vietnam base in the future.
Sales (Construction)
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ You can work in a new and stylish office.
★ Recommended for candidates with sales experience in the construction or equipment industry.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ We are looking for someone with experience in the apparel industry.
Sales (Machine Tool)
★ We are a Japanese trading company of machine tools and cutting tools.
★ In Vietnam, we have a large share of the market for Japanese manufacturing companies.
★ We have a Japanese/English allowance.And we plan to hire excellent people.
Sales Staff
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Manager or Assistant Manager in a Japanese company.
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female, 24~33 years old, with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
カスタマーサポート (日本人向け)
★ 東京に本社を置く日系コンサルティング事務所にて顧客サポートを行う仕事です。
★ キレイなオフィス環境で働く事が出来、ホーチミンオフィスは20名ほどの規模で、社内イベントも多く、チームワークの良い環境です。
★ 20~30代で元気があり、ビジネスパーソンとして東南アジアで活躍したい方にオススメいたします!"
Office Administrator
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam.
Sales (Food)
★We are one of the top meat processors in Japan. Currently, we are expanding our market share in Vietnam.
★We sell meats to convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, and just about everywhere else.
★We welcome applications from bright male and female applicants who enjoy sales.
FA Sales
★ We are a major Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Sales incentives allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ Recommended for people who want to improve your knowledge and experience as an FA sales person.
Sales (Robot)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with Experience in sales of machinery or equipment.
Sales Engineer (Robot)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in Robotics or Factory Automation.
Sales (Security Service)
★ We are the one of the largest security company in Japan.
★ It's a beautiful office environment, and the area near the company is quiet and has many restaurants.
★ This job suits those who like to meet people and develop new business (European, American and Vietnamese companies).
Sales (Steel Products)
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Seafood Sales
★ Our office is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. You can work in a nice environment.
★ Find and negotiate processing factory for customer orders. If you're looking to build your sales skills in a Japanese company, this is the right job for you!
HR Consultant (日本人向け)
★ 日本人の経営層と商談できる機会がある
★ 外国語(英語・ベトナム語)能力を高める機会がある
★ 一流のコンサルタント・講師になるための教育体制がある
★ 切磋琢磨できる仲間、裁量の大きい仕事(能力次第)、風通しの良い職場環境
Japan デスクコンサルタント(日本人向け)
★ 世界 4 大会計事務所の1 社にて日本人コンサルタントを募集しています。
Sales (Food)
★We are one of the top meat processors in Japan. Currently, we are expanding our market share in Vietnam.
★We sell meats to convenience stores, supermarkets, restaurants, hotels, and just about everywhere else.
★We welcome applications from bright male and female applicants who enjoy sales.
Parts Sales Admin
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as sales admin. in a Japanese industrial company.
Sales Assistant (HR Agency)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 7 times since then.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to work in sales at a Japanese trading company, so you can learn a lot of things.
★ You can also apply as a part-time worker. Please let us know if you would like a full-time or part-time position at the time of the interview.
Digital Marketing & Scouter (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing now.
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ We are looking for someone who can work at least 4 days a week.
Sales (日本人向け)
★ 当社は100%日本の投下資本の会社です。主にホンダ様向けの二輪車部品の製造をしております。
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Accounting and Tax Consulting Senior Staff
★ The companys business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff / Assistant Manager (日本人向け)
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love
and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after
Transfer Pricing Senior Consultant(日本人向け)
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love
and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after
IBC Japanese Support Staff
★ The companys business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Japanese Support Assistant Manager
★ The companys business point of view is “Become a platform to support the development of customers”
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Accounting & Tax Consulting Manager
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female, 24~33 years old, with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
Machine and Tool Sales
★ We are a trading company that sells machinery, Cutting tools, and Welding Tips in factories. Our customers are 95% Japanese manufacturers.
★ We are the first Japanese company to start business in Vietnam as a machine and tool trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to communicate with Japanese manufacturing customers and enjoy sales.
★ We are a Japan-based comprehensive and multi-disciplinary consulting firm providing worldwide services in all related fields, including city and urban planning, site planning and civil engineering, architectural and interior design, structural engineering, etc...
★ Established in 1900, We have completed over 20,000 projects in over 40 countries, actively contributing to the social welfare and economy in Japan and on a global scale.
★ We are recruiting urgently Architect for Architectural and Urban Design Projects/Production.
(For not only projects in Vietnam, but also projects in Japan and the other countries.)
カスタマーサポート (日本人向け)
★ ベトナム最大規模の日系コンサルティングファームにてカスタマーサポートを募集しています。
★ 財務・会計に関しては基本的な知識のみで構いません。
★ 正社員の他、パートタイムとしての応募も可能です。
Sales (Molding Machine)
★ Total sales of automatic molding systems: 130,000 units! We are a global company that sells our products to 80 countries around the world.
★ The Hanoi office has about 7 people. It is recommended for those who want to work in an environment with a small number of talented people.
★ If you are an experienced sales person with Japanese language skills, we are looking forward to receiving your application.
Assistant Japanese Director
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Assistant Manager / FAS Senior Staff
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Manager / FAS Senior Consultant
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales (HR Agency)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 7 times since then.
★ The number of people in the company is small, you can grow in this environment.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to work in sales at a Japanese trading company, so you can learn a lot of things.
Account Consulting Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Sales Manager (FA/Robotics)
★ For the last around 100 years, we has constantly shaped technological innovation and the industrial development of our times.
★ We are one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of motors and drives, PLC, factory automation products and robots. Standard products as well as customized solutions from us gain broad acceptance and recognition in global markets.
★ We are looking for FA / Robotics Specialists who are confident in their ability to achieve success in a professional environment.
★ As a joint venture company with Japan, Thailand specializes in manufacturing lamps and electronic components for cars and motorcycles.
★ Over 22 years of establishment and development, we have constantly grown and become one of the typical enterprises of Vietnam.
★ As a branch of famous brands in the world, we are proud to bring customers quality products: electronic equipment, lighting equipment.
Sales Engineer
★ Being the official distributor of a reputable Japanese printing company in Vietnam market.
★ The company has become a reliable choice for many printing businesses all over Vietnam, especially big cities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are striving to develop a dynamic and sustainable distribution system, build a modern and professional working environment and bring new product lines to meet customers' needs.
Sales (Office Equipment)
★ Being the official distributor of a reputable Japanese printing company in Vietnam market.
★ The company has become a reliable choice for many printing businesses all over Vietnam, especially big cities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are striving to develop a dynamic and sustainable distribution system, build a modern and professional working environment and bring new product lines to meet customers' needs.
International Sales - Food Industry
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Sales Engineer (Cutting Tool)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
Sales Engineer (Robot)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ Recommended for anyone interested in working in the field of Automated Machinery and Robotics.
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Female, 24~33 years old, with experience in the apparel industry, welcome to contact us.
Sales & Marketing
★ We are the one of the leading companies in the field of security in Japan with more than 50 years of experience.
★ It's a beautiful office environment, and the area near the company is quiet and has many restaurants.
★ Recommend this job to those who love and are good at designing.
FB & Linkedin Marketing staff (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing now.
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ We are looking for students who can work 3 hours every afternoon.
Sales Supervisor
★ The company was established in the southern city of Ho Chi Minh in 2005 in order to provide high-quality printed materials to export companies.
★ Currently, this branch exports products to customers in Asia, Europe, and the US.
★ We are constantly striving to advance its business in order to meet the demands of its numerous clients.
営業マネージャー (日本人向け)
★ 日本最大手フォワーダー企業様のマネージャー案件です。
★ プライベート保険の他、手当が充実しております。
★ 履歴書・職務経歴書は英語で送付をお願いいたします。
Sales Staff
★ 会社は化粧品原料の事業を専門としいます。
★ 化粧品業界に興味のある候補者を歓迎します。
Sales (Rechargeable cleaning machines, Grass cutters)
★ We have directly managed business bases in about 50 countries, and have contracted with distributors in over 170 countries to provide after-sales service.
★ Looking for someone who has experience selling industrial vacuum cleaners to building management companies or grass cutters.
★ No need to be fluent in English or Japanese
Sales (Lubricant)
★ Established in 1888 and started operations in Vietnam in 2012, it specializes in oil refining and conducts business related to lubricants. Its production in Japan accounts for 50% of the market and it is one of the leading lubricant manufacturers in the world.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work in Japanese Manufacture and trade in lubricant
★ Who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
★ エンジニアリングコンサルタント、プロジェクトマネジメントを専門としているベトナム系建設企業です。
★ これまで120以上の日系工場建設の実績があります。
★ 10年ほど勤務して頂いた日本人担当者が退職する事になりました。
Sales Admin
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Manager or Assistant Manager in a Japanese company.
★ 100%日本企業であり、ベトナムの日本人顧客向けの医療サービスを専門としています。
★ ハノイとホーチミン市にオフィスがあり、ハイフォン、ダナン、ブンタウにも代理店があります。
★ 未経験からスタートした先輩が多くイチから育てる環境です。
Sales Engineer
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
★ As a joint venture company with Japan, Thailand specializes in manufacturing lamps and electronic components for cars and motorcycles.
★ Over 22 years of establishment and development, we have constantly grown and become one of the typical enterprises of Vietnam.
★ As a branch of famous brands in the world, we are proud to bring customers quality products: electronic equipment, lighting equipment.
Security Management Manager
★ The company is a Korean corporation, specializing in manufacturing intelligent electronic components for cars, is a high-tech factory located in Dai An Industrial Park, Tu Minh Ward, Hai Duong City.
★ With 10 years of establishment and development, our company is constantly expanding production, installing more new lines to meet the increasing market demand, bringing more and more good policies for all staffs.
Sales (Insurance)
★ A top-ranked non-life insurance company in Japan.
★ We're planning to hire as soon as possible, even if it's remote work.
★This is a great opportunity for those who want to work with Japanese customers and improve your Japanese skills.
Sales (Air Conditioner)
★ It is a huge global company with production bases in more than 100 countries and sales bases in more than 150 countries.
★ We boast industry-leading heat pump, inverter and refrigerant control technologies.
★ We are looking for people with at least 5 years of experience in air conditioning.
Sales (Construction Material)
★ We are a Japanese building materials manufacturer with a global presence.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to have technical meetings rather than simple sales.
★ We are looking for candidates for two positions : one English speaker and one Japanese speaker.
Assistant Manager
★ We are one of the 4 largest audit firms in the world. We have a global staff of approximately 227,000 and serves 146 countries and territories.
★ Recommended for anyone who wants to challenge your skills in a world-class, professional environment.
★ This position is for anyone who can communicate in English or Japanese and has knowledge or experience in accounting, auditing, or legal matters.
Senior Sales Executive
★ Originating from a Japanese corporation established in 1887, now our company specializes in the field of manufacturing and trading musical instruments.
★ Our business philosophy is to provide the best products and services to the market. We always aim to exploit new markets.
★ The companys vision is the desire to contribute a part to enriching and improving the lives of people around the world.
Sales Engineer (Machine Tool)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
Sale Engineer
★ The company is a Korean corporation, specializing in manufacturing intelligent electronic components for cars, is a high-tech factory located in Dai An Industrial Park, Tu Minh Ward, Hai Duong City.
★ With 10 years of establishment and development, our company is constantly expanding production, installing more new lines to meet the increasing market demand, bringing more and more good policies for all staffs.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Seafood Sales
★ Our office is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. You can work in a nice environment.
★ Find and negotiate processing factory for customer orders. If you're looking to build your sales skills in a Japanese company, this is the right job for you!
Sales Admin (Import and Export Support)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in Trade Practice
Sales Staff
★ We are a Japanese trading company that has been in the relationship between manufacturers and customers for about 70 years since its establishment and has greatly contributed to the distribution of spring materials.
★ An Overseas Group has distribution bases in Hong Kong, China (Dongguan), Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam, and is a company that manages sales of special materials such as stainless steel and colored products mainly in Asia.
★ We’re looking for Sales Staff Position.
Sales (car maintenance)
★ A company specialising in car care (glass replacement, glass repair, body coating, car film application, etc.) and sheet metal painting using Japanese technology.
★ A company specialising in car repairs, based in Tokyo
★ If you have experience in sales to insurance companies or car dealerships, this job will be very rewarding.
Customers Care Associates (日本人向け)
★ We are a global fashion company based in the USA.
★ We are looking for people who want to communicate with Japanese customers in Japanese.
★ If you join, you can buy all Fossil Group products (including Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel) at a discount.
リサーチ・プロジェクトマネージャー (日本人向け)
★ 市場調査等のコンサルティングを希望するクライアント(企業)と、専門知識を持つ個人(エキスパート)を繋げる「Consulting Matching Platform」という新しいビジネスモデルで急成長している日系スタートアップ企業です。
★ プロフェッショナルな環境でのマネジメントに意欲を持つ方にお勧めします。
★ 市場調査等のコンサルティングを希望するクライアント(企業)と、専門知識を持つ個人(エキスパート)を繋げる「Consulting Matching Platform」という新しいビジネスモデルで急成長している日系スタートアップ企業です。
★ 日本人社員は少数、他はベトナム・マレーシア・タイ・アメリカ人が大半を占め、グローバルな環境で成長する機会があります。
★ プロフェッショナルな環境で成長したいという意欲を持つ方にお勧めします。
Clinic - Supervisor
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
International Sales - Food Industry
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ They will also focus on sales to Europe in the near future
Sale Engineer Robot
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
Sales Engineer (Bearing)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
★設計、設計サポート、機械設計、電気設計、製造自動化機械、研究および製造ロボット、AGV、IoTを専門としています。 日本市場向けデザインの分野でベトナムのリーディングカンパニーとして。主な市場は日本、米国、またはFDIです。
★ We are proud of being one of Japanese famous law firm.
★ We are providing premium quality legal services.
★ We are doing our best to becoming a leader in the development of the practice of law.
Customer Service
★ We are the No.1 needle manufacturer and distributor in Japan.
★ We have been operating in Vietnam since the 1990s, and has a long history of stable management.
★ We just opened a sales office in Hanoi in April 2021.We are looking for a Chinese speaker who is interested in starting up the Hanoi office.
Sales Staff
★ 会社は化粧品原料の事業を専門としいます。
★ 化粧品業界に興味のある候補者を歓迎します
営業 (日本人向け)
★ 主にホンダ様向けの二輪車部品の製造をしております。
★ 次のポジションを募集致します。
Machine Tool Sales
★We are a Japanese trading company of machine tools and cutting tools.
★In Vietnam, we have a large share of the market for Japanese manufacturing companies.
★We have a Japanese/English allowance.And we plan to hire excellent people
営業 (日本人向け)
★ We applies its expertise, technological strengths, and track record established over more than 100 years as a general construction company.
★ We provides valuable client-services based upon its long record of achievements in the fields of land utilization, construction, and maintenance and renovation of buildings.
★ We make the utmost effort to turn our clients’ business ideas into concrete shape and create new values to their maximum satisfaction.
Apparel Sales
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable
★ Experienced Textile / Garment / Material sales people who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply.
FA Sales
★ We are a major Japanese machinery trading company with 4,000 sales partners and 2,400 suppliers.
★ Sales incentives allow you to earn a higher salary.
★ We do not have an office in Da Nang, so we are looking for someone who can go to the office from home to do business
Trade Sales Admin
★ A company that manufactures products used in high performance machines.
★ It's NOT a big company. Recommended for applicants who like such an environment
★ Import and export support experience is welcome.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
★ Being the official distributor of a reputable Japanese printing company in Vietnam market.
★ The company has become a reliable choice for many printing businesses all over Vietnam, especially big cities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are striving to develop a dynamic and sustainable distribution system, build a modern and professional working environment and bring new product lines to meet customers' needs.
B2B Food Sales
★ This is a rewarding job that is able to coordinate logistics and food products.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Marketing Staff (Part time)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020, 2021 !
★ We hire on an part time job basis, but those who perform well will be hired on a permanent basis.
★ This is a great job for people who want to improve their Japanese, English, and working skills.
★ 弊社は日本語が喋れるベトナム人も多く在籍しており、毎日日本語学習のクラスも開講しております。
★ 語学が不安でも、コミュニケーションには問題なく働くことができます。
★ 従業員も陽気で明るい人が多いので、すぐに打ちとけることができます!
★ 取り扱いシステムは、
Sales Manager (Machine Tool)
★ We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are looking forward to hearing from candidates with experience in machine tools.
Sales Staff
★ 会社は化粧品原料の事業を専門としいます。
★ 化粧品業界に興味のある候補者を歓迎します。
Manager – Chemical Sales
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
Sales Engineer
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
Interviewer & Sales Assistant (Part time)
★ 国籍を超えた日本語話者、エンジニアがより活躍できる世界を目指し、2016年にHCMC で創業したHR Agency 企業です。2016年より成長を続けています。
★ 顧客・候補者との信頼関係を大切にしており、日系・米国企業に対して採用サポートを行っています。
★ 候補者転職サポートに興味があり、フレキシブルに働きたい日本人の方に合うポジションです。
Sale Staff
★ The company is a symbol of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, with the main product being agricultural fertilizers.
★ The company has more than 20 years of operation in Vietnam.
★ Modern fertilizer plant, equipped with automatic closed water recirculation technology according to Japanese safety and quality standards.
Account Consulting Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Assistant General Director
★ We are the one of the largest security company in Japan, which will be in charge of the security for the Olympic.
★ It's a beautiful office environment, and the area near the company is quiet and has many restaurants.
★ We are looking for a woman who wants to work as a secretary in a Japanese company.
Career Advisor & Sales Assistant
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020!
★ Recommended for those who want to succeed with a small number of start-ups.
★ We hire on an internship or Part time basis,But High performers will be hired on a permanent basis.
Japanese Beauty Consultant (日本人向け)
★ ハノイで新規オープンした日系美容クリニックにて日本人のアルバイトを募集しています!
★ 社員・アルバイトは美容品を格安で買う事が出来ます!
★ 日中の隙間時間に働きたい方にお勧めの仕事です!
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Apparel Sales Assistant
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ We are looking for someone with experience in the apparel industry.
Chief Sales Engineer
★ Food machinery manufacturer with 90% share in Japan and 70% share in the world!
★ There is a possibility of going on a business trip to Japan, Shanghai, Germany, etc.!
★ No new business. A position where you can manage projects with large amounts of money!
Apparel Sales
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are looking for candidates with good Japanese language skills and knowledge of textiles and fabrics.
★ 日本人を相手に営業をするチャンスがあります。日本語に自信がある方、歓迎!
★ HCMC Office は 6名です。少人数が好きな方におすすめ!綺麗なオフィスです!
★ 能力が高い方には、高い給料を支払う事ができます!
Customers Care Associates (日本人向け)
★ We are a global fashion company based in the USA.
★ We are looking for people who want to communicate with Japanese customers in Japanese.
★ If you join, you can buy all Fossil Group products (including Emporio Armani, Michael Kors, Kate Spade and Diesel) at a discount.
Japanese Beauty Consultant (日本人向け)
★ ハノイで新規オープンした日系美容クリニックにて日本人のアルバイトを募集しています!
★ 社員・アルバイトは美容品を格安で買う事が出来ます!
★ 日中の隙間時間に働きたい方にお勧めの仕事です!
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
アパレル営業 (日本人)
★ UNIQLO Brand の品質を検査する会社です。
★ HCMC 3区にある きれいなオフィス環境で働くことができます。
★ アパレル 検査のプロフェッショナル企業です。アパレルに興味のある方にお勧めいたします。
Staff of Sales Departments
★ We are refrigeration equipment engineering and manufacturing company with 90% stake in Vietnam.
★ Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for people who want to be a Sales Staff in Hanoi who can go for 6 months training in HCM.
Clinic - Supervisor
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Steel Sales Admin
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Sales Staff
★ We are a leading company in oil and gas and petrochemical products in Japan, established in Hai Phong Vietnam since September.
★ Nice office in the city center.
★ We are looking for candidates interested in Sales Office positions.
Paper Sales
★ Japanese trading company with global operations
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
WMS Sales
★ We are a pioneering Japanese company in the field of warehouse management systems (WMS).
★ The company currently has offices in Japan, China and Thailand, and plans to establish an office in Vietnam in early 2021.
★ We are looking for a person who has experience in WMS sales and can manage a budget.
Insurance specialist Staff
★ Candidates with 1 year of experience consulting and supporting in the field of Insurance are welcome !
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
Sales Engineer
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese .
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Engineer in a Japanese company.
Flat steel Sale
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
B2B Food Sales
★ This is a rewarding job that is able to coordinate logistics and food products.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
★ We are a Japanese building materials manufacturer with a global presence.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to have technical meetings rather than simple sales.
★ We are looking for people who have worked for a construction company or a building materials manufacturer.
Steel processed product sales
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Online Customer Support (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020!
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ Recommended for university students who want to work in a start-up environment.
Metal Sales
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Machine and Tool Sales
★ We are a trading company that sells machinery, Cutting tools, and Welding Tips in factories. Our customers are 95% Japanese manufacturers.
★ We are the first Japanese company to start business in Vietnam as a machine and tool trading company.
★ Recommended for people who want to communicate with Japanese manufacturing customers and enjoy sales.
Global Sales Staff
★ We are founded in 2018, specializes in CG graphic design for developers.
★ The leading game products and CG film in the world.
★ To prepare manpower for large projects, we are looking for many talented to join, build and develop together.
FA Sales
★ We are a Japanese trading company with presence in 55 cities in 22 countries!
★ The Hanoi branch currently has two employees. If you want to expand your branch, this is the right job for you!
★ You will be able to take advantage of the sales expertise of Japanese trading companies.
Japanese Beauty Consultant ( Part time Job )
Sales Executive
★We are publishing Vietnam's first free Japanese magazine for Japan business men.
★We are making magazines / materials released in Japan related to Vietnam and produce publications such as company introduction.
★Welcome candidates who can speak Japanese and have experience in advertising.
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ They will also focus on sales to Europe in the near future.
Apparel Sales
★ The No. 1 Trading Company Group in Japan! We do business on a global scale.
★ We are looking for candidates who can build new commercial rights.
★ It is possible to pay high salaries to those who are talented.
Assistant and Japanese Interpreter
★ We are Japan's No. 1 company in the security industry.
★ You can work in a clean office environment in Binh Thanh District.
★ We recommend this job to people who want to use Japanese as an interpreter.
Junior Accountant
★ Candidates above N2 level do not need accounting knowledge!We will teach you accounting knowledge.
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
Sales Manager
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Manager in a Japanese company
Sales Executive
★ We are proud of having professional sales training curriculum.
★ Good working environment as a Global Corporation with a long history, well-known brand name, and supportive colleagues.
★ For sure that, this is a challenging working environment to be trained to a great salesman.
Business Assistant Manager
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Career Advisor
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020 !
★ We specialise in the introduction of construction engineers. If you're interested in becoming an engineering career advisor, we're looking forward to hearing from you
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to start a business in the future !
Seafood Sales
★ Our office is located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. You can work in a nice environment.
★Find and negotiate processing factory for customer orders. If you're looking to build your sales skills in a Japanese company, this is the right job for you!
Sales and Marketing
★ 繊維・化学・生地・縫製 のトータルサプライヤーとして有名な日系企業です。
★ Ho Chi Minh 1区の中心にある綺麗なオフィス環境で働きます。
★ 化学・水処理品の営業経験がある方におすすめします。
Forwarding Sales Staff
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services
★ Working in a beautiful and modern office at District 1
★ High salary is paid depending on ability and experience !
Strategic Sales Manager
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in English and Japanese
Sales Manager
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ Working in a beautiful and modern office at District 1.
★ High salary is paid depending on ability and experience !
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Project Sales Engineer
★ It is a huge global company with production bases in more than 100 countries and sales bases in more than150 countries.
★ We boast industry-leading heat pump, inverter and refrigerant control technologies.
★ We are seeking persons who has more than 3 years experience in Chiller sale or HVAC design or HVAC installation.
OEM Planning and Sales
★ We are one of Japan's top-ranked household goods companies.
★ We sell 15,000 products all over the world.
★ We have a plan to develop an OEM mold factory in Vietnam and export to USA.
Career Advisor and Sales Assistant
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 and 2019!
★ We hire on an internship basis, but those who perform well will be hired on a permanent basis!
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to start a business in the future!
★ 成形自動システム累計販売台数130,000台!世界80ヶ国に製品を販売しているGlobal Company です。
★ Binh Thanh 区 にある綺麗なオフィスで働く事ができます。
★ 5月頃に面接を行い、6月頃に採用をする予定です。
Apparel Inspection Management
★ UNIQLO Brand の品質を検査する会社です。
★ 3区にある きれいなオフィス環境で働くことができます。
★ アパレル 検査のプロフェッショナル企業です。アパレル業界でキャリアアップしたい方におすすめします。
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Clinic Digital Marketing executive
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Sales Engineer (Chiller)
★ It is a huge global company with production bases in more than 100 countries and sales bases in more than 150 countries.
★ We boast industry-leading heat pump, inverter and refrigerant control technologies
★ We are seeking persons who has more than 3 years experience in Chiller sale or HVAC design or HVAC installation
Sales (Factory Automation)
★ 世界22カ国、55都市に展開している日系貿易会社です!
★ Ha NoiでFactory Automationの営業人員を探しています!
★ Ha Noi Branch は現在2名。少人数から支店を拡大し、Manager として活躍したい方におすすめの仕事です!
Deputy Sales Manager
★ We are looking for the person who will be manager of branch office in Ha Noi
★ We specialized in spark plugs parts for motorbike and our headquarters are located in Japan
★ Mass recruitment for the person with motor sales experience!
Sales Engineer (Factory Automation)
★ In view of our business expansion and setting up new company in Vietnam, we are currently seeking excellent candidate to join our team in Ho Chi Minh office for the position of Factory Automation Coordinator
★ Founded 90 years ago, We provide high value-added electrical products around the world
★ Engineers with Factory Automation are welcome
Sales Engineer (Air Conditioning Project)
★ In view of our business expansion and setting up new company in Vietnam, we are currently seeking excellent candidate to join our team in Ho Chi Minh office for the position of Sales Engineer (Air Conditioning Project)
★ Founded 90 years ago, We provide high value-added electrical products around the world.
★ Engineers with Thermal, HVAC knowledge are welcome
Junior Accountant
★ Candidates above N3 level do not need accounting knowledge!We will teach you accounting knowledge.
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
★ プロフェッッショナルな環境で、日本語・英語を使用した仕事が上がしたい方、歓迎します!メールを使用する事が多いポジションです!
★ 1区の中心にオフィスがあります。
Job Agent
★ HCMCで働きますが、Mail・Skypeで 日本の仕事を行います。
★ 給料が高く、週2日は自宅で働くことができます。
Assistant Director
★ HCMC 3 区にある 綺麗なオフィスで働くことができます. Roof Top Bar でLunch や Dinner を食べる事ができる環境です
★ 2016年に創業、2017年・2018年・2019年と着実に成長している企業です
★ 明るく、成長意欲のある方、お待ちしています!
Sales Manager (候補)
Service Management (TOKYO / OSAKA / NAGOYA )
★日本(TOKYO / OSAKA / NAGOYA )で働きたい方、応募をお待ちしています!
Seafood Sales
★ Ho Chi Minh 中心のAB TowerにOfficeがあります。綺麗な環境で働く事ができます。
★ 明るく積極的な性格の方、応募をお待ちしています!当社は明るい雰囲気です!
Seafood Sales
★ Ho Chi Minh 中心のAB TowerにOfficeがあります。綺麗な環境で働く事ができます。
★ 顧客の注文に応じて加工工場を探し、交渉をします。日系企業でスキルを身に付けたい方におすすめです!
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service !
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply !
Career Adviser (Internship)
★ HCMC 3 区にある 綺麗なオフィスで働くことができます。 Roof Top Bar でLunch や Dinner を食べる事ができる環境です。
★ 2016年に創業、2017年・2018年・2019年と着実に成長している企業です。
★ 明るく、成長意欲のある方、お待ちしています!
Assistant Director
★ 2020年3月にベトナムで日本式の車修理サービスを開始予定です!立ち上げメンバーを募集しています!
★ 笑いが溢れる職場を目指しています!明るい人材をお待ちしています!
★ プロフェッッショナルな環境で、日本語・英語を使用した仕事が上がしたい方、歓迎します!メールを使用する事が多いポジションです!
★ 1区の中心にオフィスがあります。
Junior Accountant (Japanese speaker)
★ Even at junior level, those who majored in accounting at university can apply!
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
★ 日本人を相手に営業をするチャンスがあります。日本語に自信がある方、歓迎!
★ HCMC Office は 6名です。少人数が好きな方におすすめ!綺麗なオフィスです!
★ 能力が高い方には、高い給料を支払う事ができます!
★ Ho Chi Minh 中心のAB TowerにOfficeがあります。綺麗な環境で働く事ができます!
★ 顧客の注文に応じて加工工場を探し、交渉をします。日系企業でスキルを身に付けたい方におすすめです!
Accouting Consultant (日本企業対応)
★ 能力・経験によっては高い給料が支払われます!
★ 会計 コンサルティングのプロ集団!
★ 日本でNo.1 の Trading Company Groupです!世界規模でビジネスを展開しています
★ アパレルの営業として、新たな商権を構築できる人材を募集しています
★ 有能な方には、高給を出す事が可能です
★ Ho Chi Minh 中心のAB TowerにOfficeがあります。綺麗な環境で働く事ができます
★ 鉄鋼製品の販売先、仕入先を探す仕事です!日系企業でスキルを身に付けたい方におすすめです!