★ 発注者と品質・納期・価格に最適な加工会社を選定し、最適なサプライチェーンを構築するための受発注プラットフォームを提供しています。
★ 独自開発の原価計算アルゴリズムに基づく自動見積もりシステムを搭載し、製造業の調達プロセスをデジタル化(DX)することで、より生産性の高い仕事に注力できる環境を提供しています。
★ 働く環境では、採用経験を積むと共に、労務や総務などの他部門との距離が近く、さまざまな部署と密に連携しながら働くことができます。
Industry | IT・Back Office |
Location | 日本 - 東京(業務内容によりリモート/出社/地方出張と柔軟な働き方をして おります) |
Salary | 2000 - 3000 USD |
Bonus | 給与改定は原則年2回 |
Working Hours | 09:00~18:00 |
Holiday | 土曜、日曜、祝日 |
Welfare | 社会保険完備、交通費支給、健康診断、家族手当、資格取得制度、社員割引制度 |
Jobs Description | 採用のオペレーションをメインに、実行から改善までを担っていただきます。 ・採用選考管理、面接調整、採用候補者への対応 |
Required Skill | ・日本語N1以上 |
Engineering Manager
★ IT技術を「楽」に企業の発展に活用できるように、クラウドサービスとIT人材を通じて、お客様の課題解決やビジネスの成長を支援しています。
★ 当社ベトナム支店は2014年の設立以来、楽楽精算、メールディーラー、配配メールなど、ラクスの主要クラウドサービスの機能開発を行っております。
★ 組織のリーダーとして、仲間として、家族として尊敬され、慕われるポジションです。過去に赴任した駐在員は帰任後も慕われ、現在でも仕事外でも現地メンバーとの交流が続いており、そこで築いた絆は一生ものです。
BrSE Leader
★ 同社は1998年に創業し、IT・インターネット分野およびエンジニアリング分野で事業を展開しています。
★ 取引先企業は、顧客からの紹介を受けながら少しずつ信頼を築き、現在では約700社にまで拡大しました。
★ 顧客の海外進出を支援するグローバルサービスや、モノづくり領域における生産技術をサポートするエンジニアリング事業を展開・拡大し、DX推進企業の共創パートナーとしてさらなる成長を目指しています。
★ 1994年の設立当初より、一括受託のスタイルを基本として、 企画から仕様作成・シナリオ・グラフィック・プログラミングまで自社内で一貫して制作を行ってきました。
★ 企画から映像制作まで一貫して開発をおこなっており、 アニメ制作、サウンド実装、実機シミュレータアプリの開発も請け負っています。 また、実機開発にあわせたアプリのリリースも可能です。
★ 業界歴10年以上の経験を積んだベテランスタッフによる、クライアントのニーズに合わせてクオリティの高い提案・開発を提供することが強みです。
★ 派遣法で定められた雇用期間に制限を受けることなく、長期的かつ安定した環境でスタッフを派遣します。
★ スタッフはポテンシャルやオフィスワーク適性が高い若手人材を厳選し、教育訓練を実施した後、弊社と取引のある安定した企業に派遣します。
★ 未経験者が多く占めるのも特徴であり、カウンセリングと研修を通じて、あなたの適性に合った配属先を選定し、安心して事務スタッフとしてのキャリアをスタートできます。
★ 当社は2010年に設立され、創立から10年以上が経過した現在、幅広い分野・多様な規模の企業様と多数の取引をさせていただいております。
★ 優れた技術と人材を活かし、グローバルなトータルソリューションを提供する事業を展開しています。
★ 当社ではグレード制を採用しており、年に1回のコンピテンシー評価を基に昇給が決まります。賞与も結果に応じて評価され、インセンティブも5回支給されるため、成果に応じた報酬を得られる環境で働くことができます。
GA/Sales Admin
★ 安定した経済基盤と長期的な事業計画を持つ企業での勤務
★ 業界・職種問わず、プロフェッショナルネットワークの拡充
★ 新しいプロジェクトや責任あるポジションが生まれる成長企業
★ 資格補助手当が充実しています。働きながら、必要な資格を取得できるため、
★ 社内には業界経験が長い人が多く、様々な知識を吸収できる環境です
営業事務/一般事務 (派遣)
★ CMで有名な大手人材派遣会社です。年間 125日の休暇があり、福利厚生が充実しています
★ 入社後にビジネスマナー/PCスキル修得など充実した研修制度があります
★ N1レベル日本在住の外国籍の方におすすめします
接客/販売スタッフ/一般事務 (派遣)
★ 挑戦しやすい環境。年齢に関係なく業務姿勢、スキルの習熟度次第で
営業事務/総務/貿易事務 (派遣)
★ 大手人材派遣会社の求人です。これまで10,000人以上を派遣しています
★ 未経験からチャレンジOK。土⽇祝休み+残業もほとんどありません
★ 配属先企業は希望をしっかりと聞いた後で派遣します
★ セレクトショップからスポーツアパレルまで幅広いブランドを展開しているアパレル企業です
★ 残業なし、服装は自由です
★ N1以上のコミュニケーションスキルと英語コミュニケーションに自信がある方にお薦めします
★ A Japanese metal processing company with a professional working environment and growth opportunities.
★ We highly value professionalism and are committed to supporting the development of our employees.
★ The company is currently recruiting for a GA position with strong Japanese communication skills.
GA Staff
★ This company is based in Kyoto, Japan and sells tags and other products for the fashion industry.
★ Currently, they have offices in Japan, China, and Indonesia, and will establish a Vietnam office in Binh Duong in August 2024.
★ The candidate will start working only with the Japanese director after joining the company.
Director is not experienced in Vietnamese business, so they are looking for someone who can support the general affairs of the company after it is established.
GA Manager
★ A company that operates 1,200 stores in Japan selling medicines and household goods will open a new store in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
★ The company is looking for GA Manager to expand their business in Vietnam.
★ Vietnamese females aged about 30-40 years old with general administration experience are welcome to apply.
Admin Staff (Term Contract)
★ It is a leading company in the printer and other IT device industry.
★ The office environment is clean and fashionable.
★ We are looking for someone who can work on a 6-8 month contract as a maternity leave replacement.
Admin (GA / HR / Account Support)
★ The company is looking for someone who can take charge of the back office for the setting up of a local subsidiary in Vietnam.
★ The company has a clean office environment and a workforce of around 5 people.
★ Interviews are scheduled from 7th June.
Technical Sales (ERP System)
★ It is one of the leading global IT vendor companies in Japan.
★ This is a job with great potential for your career development.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in the IT industry.
HR Manager
★ The company provides entertainment, including a casino in a 5-star hotel.
★ Recommended for those interested in the service and entertainment industry.
★ We welcome applications from experienced HR managers who are fluent in Japanese and English.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
HR Staff
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The company products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
HRBP Supervisor
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
General Affair
★ Japanese global company is looking for its first national staff in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in Mac Dinh Chi, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City and has a good office environment.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers with experience in general affairs in a Japanese company.
Business Analyst (Senior level)
★ We are a design and technology company with “human-friendly” design
★ The company has very good benefits and bonuses, opportunities to go on business trips to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and provinces in Vietnam
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
Business Analyst (Middle level)
★ We are a design and technology company with “human-friendly” design
★ The company has very good benefits and bonuses, opportunities to go on business trips to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and provinces in Vietnam
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
General Affairs
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam and there are offices in 40 countries around the world.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for male candidates with experience in general affairs and knowledge of machines used in the office.
Admin Staff
★ We have about 40,000 employees and are operating in over 150 countries.
★ Our expertise in imaging, data processing, and data-based decision-making. We create relevant solutions for customers and solve issues faced by society. ★ We are looking for a candidate who has experience as an admin.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Sales assistant cum GA
★ We are an enterprise that creates new value with insulation technology background.
★ The company supplies materials, develops products, provides solutions, and contributes to the global market with our advanced technology
★ We are looking for General Administration who can speak Japanese.
★ Over 50 years of experience in the development of footwear and sportswear products.
★ Head office in District 1, HCMC with a convenient location and nice offices.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers and have experience in general affairs department in Japanese company
GA - HR - Accountant Staff
★ A Japanese company with a history of over 130 years as a chemical trading company.
★ The Vietnam office currently has less than 10 employees and is a company that will grow in Vietnam in the future.
★ We are looking for a person who has experience in general affairs and accounting with N3 or above.
GA Staff
★ The company manufactures and sells packaging materials for Nitori furniture, 7-Eleven, etc.
★ The company will provide assistance in the acquisition of the Japanese language and other certifications.
★ Recommended for applicants who are in their 20s, have good Japanese communication skills, and can commute to Kizuna Industry Park in Long An Province.
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with a 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for a 23-28-year-old who wants to work as a GA/HR in a Japanese company.
Design & Verification Engineer (For Japan Headquarter)
★ As a company of a large Japanese corporation, established an office in Vietnam in May 2014
★ Business field: LSI/FPGA Design&Verification・IoT Embedded System Solutions
★ We are looking for candidates with experience in Verilog language, systemVerilog language, high-level synthesis technology (Synopsys/Cadence)
Design & Verification Engineer (Lead/Staff)
★ As a company of a large Japanese corporation, established an office in Vietnam in May 2014
★ Business field: LSI/FPGA Design&Verification・IoT Embedded System Solutions
★ We are looking for candidates with experience in Verilog language, system Verilog language, high-level synthesis technology (Synopsys/Cadence)
Start-up support (GA & Import-Export)
★ Our company was established in 1956 and has factories in many countries such as India, China, Thailand...
★ We are looking for talented candidates with experience in building a start-up in vietnam branch and strong in business affairs, Import-Export…
★ Recommended for someone who can work from the beginning of July. (Company will be established in October 2023). We are looking for someone who can interview on May 31 in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Assistant Japanese Manager cum GA
★ The company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020.
★ You can work in a beautiful new office in the 7th district.
★ Recommended for female who has N2 level of Japanese and can start working from May 8.
GA Staff
★ The company manufactures and sells packaging materials for Nitori furniture, 7-Eleven, etc.
★ The company will provide assistance in acquisition of Japanese language and other certifications.
★ Recommended for applicants who are in their 20s, have good Japanese communication skills, and can commute to Kizuna Industry Partk in Long An Province.
Sale Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Installation Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Software Developer Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry ★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
GA cum Sales Assistant
★ Established in 1964, we are a trading company handling dyeing agents for textiles. We expand our business in 4 fields of science (chemistry) and building materials.
★ Up till the present, we have established bases in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, and Thailand.
★ We are looking for a candidate with good command of English and Japanese, who wants to work in the position of GA cum Sales Assistant.
Admin & Accountant
★ 100% Japanese investment capital.
★ The motto is to give customers peace of mind when using Japanese brand optical microscope products with "high quality and reasonable price".
★ The company's products were introduced in b-platz magazine, at the 16th MICONEX exhibition, on the Rakuten site, started selling products online.
Japanese Interpreter & Safety Management
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ We will hire people who can interpret Japanese and who are willing to obtain safety management certification after joining the company.
Business Analyst
★ We are a design and technology company with human-friendly design
★ Our aim is to share our design approach, cultivated in Japan, to contribute to the future of Vietnam, helping create a world where technology and people can coexist harmoniously
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
Admin. (Trading & GA)
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers
HR & GA General Manager
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ This position is being offered as a Deputy General Manager, with the expectation that the candidate will become a director in the future.
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for a 23-28 year old male who want to work as a GA/HR in Japanese company.
Accountant cum Admin
★ Quality control company of UNIQLO Brand.
★ Working in a beautiful office in District 3.
★ A professional apparel inspection company. Welcome those who want to advance in the field.
HRBP Leader
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese
★ We are looking for a 22-25 year old male who want to work as a GA/HR in Japanese company
HR Staff
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions with about 100 employees.
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Sale Admin
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Manager or Assistant Manager in a Japanese company.
Deputy General Manager of HR & GA
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ This position is being offered as a Deputy General Manager, with the expectation that the candidate will become a director in the future.
Office Administrator
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam.
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as GA & HR in a Japanese industrial company.
Filemaker Developers
★ As a partner of Apple Inc. the largest group of business improvement professionals in Japan, will establish a base in Vietnam.
★ We recommend this position to an engineer who wants experience growing a business as a File Maker developer.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese and want to be an IT engineer, you can apply even if you have no experience.
QA (Industrial Machinery for Japan)
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam.
Recruiting Manager
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam.
Filemaker Developers
★ As a partner of Apple Inc. the largest group of business improvement professionals in Japan, will establish a base in Vietnam.
★ We recommend this position to an engineer who wants experience growing a business as a File Maker developer.
★ If you do not have File Maker experience, we are looking for someone with SAP / SQL / ORACL experience.
Admin Staff
★ We are an apparel trading company that has been in business for 180 years and has offices in 15 countries around the world.
★ We started operations in Vietnam in 2013, and it is an important production base for our company.
Accounting & Admin Executive
★ We are a global company, offering a diverse range of products, including advanced materials and mechanical components.
★ We always aim to provide opportunities for the physical and mental growth of all our employees.
★ Applicants with at least 2- years of experience in 2-3 years of experience in a similar role and industry are welcome to apply.
★ The largest company in the industry in the field of industrial sewing machine needles.
★ The company has a history of about 100 years since its foundation and has been operating in Vietnam for almost 30 years.
★ The factory is located near the center of HCMC.
Environmental Staff
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions with about 850 employees and 4 personnel in the human resources department.
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
HR & Admin Manager
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Human Resources, General Affairs G (The position is for a person who can be equivalent to a manager in the future.) in a Japanese company.
HR & Admin Manager
★ We pioneered the research to apply comprehensive solutions for HVAC - BMS - ME systems in commercial activities, design and construction. Therefore, it brings the valuable investment growth, achieves satisfaction of customers and trust in society. Since it creates intellectual property and contribute to sustainable development.
★ Our policy is to realize the vision through developing each member's ability and we always act in discipline, honesty and consistency with the common goal.
★ Our slogan: The best solution for customer success. Best solution, best value
GA Leader
★ MEP design company (Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing). Currently there are about 150 employees.
★ We are recruiting for the position of Head of Human Resources.
★ Welcome candidates who can communicate well in Japanese!
Deputy Director of Human Resources
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializing in the production of airbags and car seat cushions;
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
HR Manager
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions with about 850 employees and 4 personnel in the human resources department.
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
★ We are a website development and server rental company headquartered in Japan.
★ The Vietnam office is a small office with about 4 people.
If you are interested in this environment, this is the place for you.
★ We are looking for a female who can manage the overall accounting of the company.
HR Leader
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Welcome to those who want to work in Japanese factories as HR Leader.
Trading cum Admin
★ We are an apparel trading company that has been in business for 180 years and has offices in 15 countries around the world.
★ We started operations in Vietnam in 2013, and it is an important production base for our company.
★ At first, you will be in charge of trade support in the office. In the future, you will be expected to work as a trade sales representative.
General Affairs
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as General Affairs in a Japanese company
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in Japanese.
GA (Account)
★ A new factory invested in by a Japanese apparel trading company is going into operation.
★ As a new organization, we are looking for a person who can handle general affairs work independently.
★ Japanese speakers with experience in general affairs are welcome.
GA Staff
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
HR Manager
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in Japanese.
Web Designer
★ We are a Japanese IT company that started business in Vietnam in 2012.
★ We are looking for experienced web producers who can speak Japanese.
★ You can work in a professional environment in District 1.
GA (HR_Account)
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Our office is located in the heart of District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. You can work in a clean and spacious environment.
HR Manager
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ Recommended for people who want to be in charge of HR management and organisational development in a factory.
Admin Staff
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020 !
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to become professional Admin Manager !
★We have a small number of people and will be making great strides in the coming years.
This is an environment where you are expected to find your own work.
Admin Manager
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
QC Tester Cum IT Comtor
★ The headquarter is located in Tokyo, Osaka. 2 Vietnamese employees are currently working onsite.
★ The office manager in HCM is Japanese (about 40 years old) living in HCM, very comfortable if you are self-conscious, conscious in working environment, regularly discuss with each employee to inquire, exchanging new ideas and help to improve productivity.
Food QC
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
★ Welcome people with experience in food plant production management
Food Trading sales Admin
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
HR Manager
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in Japanese.
Global Sales Staff
★ We are founded in 2018, specializes in CG graphic design for developers.
★ The leading game products and CG film in the world.
★ To prepare manpower for large projects, we are looking for many talented to join, build and develop together.
IT Staff
★We are Japan is a Japanese invested company that was established in 2012.
★We are looking for IT candidates who can speak Japanese.
★Candidates who want to work in a professional Japanese corporate environment are welcome !
IT Communicator
★ The pioneer company of Japanese offshore development.
★ The predecessor was a Japanese language class for Vietnamese engineers, which was founded in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2002.
★ There is a history of being featured in the Nikkei Special program.
HR and General Affairs
★ 冷凍設備 メーカー・エンジニアリング としてベトナムシェアー90%の企業です!
★ 人事・総務のManager Class を採用予定です!男性の応募をお待ちしています!
General Accoutant
★ We a fast growing application company in Vietnam !
★ We are looking for an accountant who can speak Japanese!
★ Gain accounting knowledge in the IT industry!
Job Agent
★ HCMCで働きますが、Mail・Skypeで 日本の仕事を行います。
★ 給料が高く、週2日は自宅で働くことができます。
★ A huge global company that also undertakes subway construction projects!
★ A company that offers high salaries, bonuses and profits to employees!
★ A company has a history of 177 years since its establishment, and the world's top construction technology company!
★日本企業 “エステアールコーポレーション”は、有名なファッションブランドの下着製品の OEM 生産を行っております
Engineering Manager
★ IT技術を「楽」に企業の発展に活用できるように、クラウドサービスとIT人材を通じて、お客様の課題解決やビジネスの成長を支援しています。
★ 当社ベトナム支店は2014年の設立以来、楽楽精算、メールディーラー、配配メールなど、ラクスの主要クラウドサービスの機能開発を行っております。
★ 組織のリーダーとして、仲間として、家族として尊敬され、慕われるポジションです。過去に赴任した駐在員は帰任後も慕われ、現在でも仕事外でも現地メンバーとの交流が続いており、そこで築いた絆は一生ものです。
BrSE Leader
★ 同社は1998年に創業し、IT・インターネット分野およびエンジニアリング分野で事業を展開しています。
★ 取引先企業は、顧客からの紹介を受けながら少しずつ信頼を築き、現在では約700社にまで拡大しました。
★ 顧客の海外進出を支援するグローバルサービスや、モノづくり領域における生産技術をサポートするエンジニアリング事業を展開・拡大し、DX推進企業の共創パートナーとしてさらなる成長を目指しています。
★ 1994年の設立当初より、一括受託のスタイルを基本として、 企画から仕様作成・シナリオ・グラフィック・プログラミングまで自社内で一貫して制作を行ってきました。
★ 企画から映像制作まで一貫して開発をおこなっており、 アニメ制作、サウンド実装、実機シミュレータアプリの開発も請け負っています。 また、実機開発にあわせたアプリのリリースも可能です。
★ 業界歴10年以上の経験を積んだベテランスタッフによる、クライアントのニーズに合わせてクオリティの高い提案・開発を提供することが強みです。
★ 派遣法で定められた雇用期間に制限を受けることなく、長期的かつ安定した環境でスタッフを派遣します。
★ スタッフはポテンシャルやオフィスワーク適性が高い若手人材を厳選し、教育訓練を実施した後、弊社と取引のある安定した企業に派遣します。
★ 未経験者が多く占めるのも特徴であり、カウンセリングと研修を通じて、あなたの適性に合った配属先を選定し、安心して事務スタッフとしてのキャリアをスタートできます。
★ 当社は2010年に設立され、創立から10年以上が経過した現在、幅広い分野・多様な規模の企業様と多数の取引をさせていただいております。
★ 優れた技術と人材を活かし、グローバルなトータルソリューションを提供する事業を展開しています。
★ 当社ではグレード制を採用しており、年に1回のコンピテンシー評価を基に昇給が決まります。賞与も結果に応じて評価され、インセンティブも5回支給されるため、成果に応じた報酬を得られる環境で働くことができます。
GA/Sales Admin
★ 安定した経済基盤と長期的な事業計画を持つ企業での勤務
★ 業界・職種問わず、プロフェッショナルネットワークの拡充
★ 新しいプロジェクトや責任あるポジションが生まれる成長企業
★ 資格補助手当が充実しています。働きながら、必要な資格を取得できるため、
★ 社内には業界経験が長い人が多く、様々な知識を吸収できる環境です
営業事務/一般事務 (派遣)
★ CMで有名な大手人材派遣会社です。年間 125日の休暇があり、福利厚生が充実しています
★ 入社後にビジネスマナー/PCスキル修得など充実した研修制度があります
★ N1レベル日本在住の外国籍の方におすすめします
接客/販売スタッフ/一般事務 (派遣)
★ 挑戦しやすい環境。年齢に関係なく業務姿勢、スキルの習熟度次第で
営業事務/総務/貿易事務 (派遣)
★ 大手人材派遣会社の求人です。これまで10,000人以上を派遣しています
★ 未経験からチャレンジOK。土⽇祝休み+残業もほとんどありません
★ 配属先企業は希望をしっかりと聞いた後で派遣します
★ セレクトショップからスポーツアパレルまで幅広いブランドを展開しているアパレル企業です
★ 残業なし、服装は自由です
★ N1以上のコミュニケーションスキルと英語コミュニケーションに自信がある方にお薦めします
★ A Japanese metal processing company with a professional working environment and growth opportunities.
★ We highly value professionalism and are committed to supporting the development of our employees.
★ The company is currently recruiting for a GA position with strong Japanese communication skills.
GA Staff
★ This company is based in Kyoto, Japan and sells tags and other products for the fashion industry.
★ Currently, they have offices in Japan, China, and Indonesia, and will establish a Vietnam office in Binh Duong in August 2024.
★ The candidate will start working only with the Japanese director after joining the company.
Director is not experienced in Vietnamese business, so they are looking for someone who can support the general affairs of the company after it is established.
GA Manager
★ A company that operates 1,200 stores in Japan selling medicines and household goods will open a new store in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
★ The company is looking for GA Manager to expand their business in Vietnam.
★ Vietnamese females aged about 30-40 years old with general administration experience are welcome to apply.
Admin Staff (Term Contract)
★ It is a leading company in the printer and other IT device industry.
★ The office environment is clean and fashionable.
★ We are looking for someone who can work on a 6-8 month contract as a maternity leave replacement.
Admin (GA / HR / Account Support)
★ The company is looking for someone who can take charge of the back office for the setting up of a local subsidiary in Vietnam.
★ The company has a clean office environment and a workforce of around 5 people.
★ Interviews are scheduled from 7th June.
Technical Sales (ERP System)
★ It is one of the leading global IT vendor companies in Japan.
★ This is a job with great potential for your career development.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in the IT industry.
HR Manager
★ The company provides entertainment, including a casino in a 5-star hotel.
★ Recommended for those interested in the service and entertainment industry.
★ We welcome applications from experienced HR managers who are fluent in Japanese and English.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
HR Staff
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The company products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
HRBP Supervisor
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
General Affair
★ Japanese global company is looking for its first national staff in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in Mac Dinh Chi, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City and has a good office environment.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers with experience in general affairs in a Japanese company.
Business Analyst (Senior level)
★ We are a design and technology company with “human-friendly” design
★ The company has very good benefits and bonuses, opportunities to go on business trips to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and provinces in Vietnam
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
Business Analyst (Middle level)
★ We are a design and technology company with “human-friendly” design
★ The company has very good benefits and bonuses, opportunities to go on business trips to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and provinces in Vietnam
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
General Affairs
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam and there are offices in 40 countries around the world.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for male candidates with experience in general affairs and knowledge of machines used in the office.
Admin Staff
★ We have about 40,000 employees and are operating in over 150 countries.
★ Our expertise in imaging, data processing, and data-based decision-making. We create relevant solutions for customers and solve issues faced by society. ★ We are looking for a candidate who has experience as an admin.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Sales assistant cum GA
★ We are an enterprise that creates new value with insulation technology background.
★ The company supplies materials, develops products, provides solutions, and contributes to the global market with our advanced technology
★ We are looking for General Administration who can speak Japanese.
★ Over 50 years of experience in the development of footwear and sportswear products.
★ Head office in District 1, HCMC with a convenient location and nice offices.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers and have experience in general affairs department in Japanese company
GA - HR - Accountant Staff
★ A Japanese company with a history of over 130 years as a chemical trading company.
★ The Vietnam office currently has less than 10 employees and is a company that will grow in Vietnam in the future.
★ We are looking for a person who has experience in general affairs and accounting with N3 or above.
GA Staff
★ The company manufactures and sells packaging materials for Nitori furniture, 7-Eleven, etc.
★ The company will provide assistance in the acquisition of the Japanese language and other certifications.
★ Recommended for applicants who are in their 20s, have good Japanese communication skills, and can commute to Kizuna Industry Park in Long An Province.
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with a 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for a 23-28-year-old who wants to work as a GA/HR in a Japanese company.
Design & Verification Engineer (For Japan Headquarter)
★ As a company of a large Japanese corporation, established an office in Vietnam in May 2014
★ Business field: LSI/FPGA Design&Verification・IoT Embedded System Solutions
★ We are looking for candidates with experience in Verilog language, systemVerilog language, high-level synthesis technology (Synopsys/Cadence)
Design & Verification Engineer (Lead/Staff)
★ As a company of a large Japanese corporation, established an office in Vietnam in May 2014
★ Business field: LSI/FPGA Design&Verification・IoT Embedded System Solutions
★ We are looking for candidates with experience in Verilog language, system Verilog language, high-level synthesis technology (Synopsys/Cadence)
Start-up support (GA & Import-Export)
★ Our company was established in 1956 and has factories in many countries such as India, China, Thailand...
★ We are looking for talented candidates with experience in building a start-up in vietnam branch and strong in business affairs, Import-Export…
★ Recommended for someone who can work from the beginning of July. (Company will be established in October 2023). We are looking for someone who can interview on May 31 in District 1, Ho Chi Minh City.
Assistant Japanese Manager cum GA
★ The company was established in 1917 in Japan and developed in Vietnam market from 2020.
★ You can work in a beautiful new office in the 7th district.
★ Recommended for female who has N2 level of Japanese and can start working from May 8.
GA Staff
★ The company manufactures and sells packaging materials for Nitori furniture, 7-Eleven, etc.
★ The company will provide assistance in acquisition of Japanese language and other certifications.
★ Recommended for applicants who are in their 20s, have good Japanese communication skills, and can commute to Kizuna Industry Partk in Long An Province.
Sale Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Installation Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Software Developer Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry ★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
GA cum Sales Assistant
★ Established in 1964, we are a trading company handling dyeing agents for textiles. We expand our business in 4 fields of science (chemistry) and building materials.
★ Up till the present, we have established bases in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, and Thailand.
★ We are looking for a candidate with good command of English and Japanese, who wants to work in the position of GA cum Sales Assistant.
Admin & Accountant
★ 100% Japanese investment capital.
★ The motto is to give customers peace of mind when using Japanese brand optical microscope products with "high quality and reasonable price".
★ The company's products were introduced in b-platz magazine, at the 16th MICONEX exhibition, on the Rakuten site, started selling products online.
Japanese Interpreter & Safety Management
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ We will hire people who can interpret Japanese and who are willing to obtain safety management certification after joining the company.
Business Analyst
★ We are a design and technology company with human-friendly design
★ Our aim is to share our design approach, cultivated in Japan, to contribute to the future of Vietnam, helping create a world where technology and people can coexist harmoniously
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
Admin. (Trading & GA)
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers
HR & GA General Manager
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ This position is being offered as a Deputy General Manager, with the expectation that the candidate will become a director in the future.
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for a 23-28 year old male who want to work as a GA/HR in Japanese company.
Accountant cum Admin
★ Quality control company of UNIQLO Brand.
★ Working in a beautiful office in District 3.
★ A professional apparel inspection company. Welcome those who want to advance in the field.
HRBP Leader
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese
★ We are looking for a 22-25 year old male who want to work as a GA/HR in Japanese company
HR Staff
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions with about 100 employees.
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Sale Admin
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Sales Manager or Assistant Manager in a Japanese company.
Deputy General Manager of HR & GA
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ This position is being offered as a Deputy General Manager, with the expectation that the candidate will become a director in the future.
Office Administrator
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam.
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as GA & HR in a Japanese industrial company.
Filemaker Developers
★ As a partner of Apple Inc. the largest group of business improvement professionals in Japan, will establish a base in Vietnam.
★ We recommend this position to an engineer who wants experience growing a business as a File Maker developer.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese and want to be an IT engineer, you can apply even if you have no experience.
QA (Industrial Machinery for Japan)
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam.
Recruiting Manager
★ We provide a platform that utilizes an original cost estimation algorithm to optimally matches buyers and suppliers based on quality, cost, and delivery time.
★ Supported by an automatic quotation system, our platform radically simplifies the RFQ process and reduces a process that previously took over two weeks to just seven seconds, providing economical and high quality metal fabrication services.
★ The company is growing rapidly in Japan and has decided to establish an offshore base in Vietnam.
Filemaker Developers
★ As a partner of Apple Inc. the largest group of business improvement professionals in Japan, will establish a base in Vietnam.
★ We recommend this position to an engineer who wants experience growing a business as a File Maker developer.
★ If you do not have File Maker experience, we are looking for someone with SAP / SQL / ORACL experience.
Admin Staff
★ We are an apparel trading company that has been in business for 180 years and has offices in 15 countries around the world.
★ We started operations in Vietnam in 2013, and it is an important production base for our company.
Accounting & Admin Executive
★ We are a global company, offering a diverse range of products, including advanced materials and mechanical components.
★ We always aim to provide opportunities for the physical and mental growth of all our employees.
★ Applicants with at least 2- years of experience in 2-3 years of experience in a similar role and industry are welcome to apply.
★ The largest company in the industry in the field of industrial sewing machine needles.
★ The company has a history of about 100 years since its foundation and has been operating in Vietnam for almost 30 years.
★ The factory is located near the center of HCMC.
Environmental Staff
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions with about 850 employees and 4 personnel in the human resources department.
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
HR & Admin Manager
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as a Human Resources, General Affairs G (The position is for a person who can be equivalent to a manager in the future.) in a Japanese company.
HR & Admin Manager
★ We pioneered the research to apply comprehensive solutions for HVAC - BMS - ME systems in commercial activities, design and construction. Therefore, it brings the valuable investment growth, achieves satisfaction of customers and trust in society. Since it creates intellectual property and contribute to sustainable development.
★ Our policy is to realize the vision through developing each member's ability and we always act in discipline, honesty and consistency with the common goal.
★ Our slogan: The best solution for customer success. Best solution, best value
GA Leader
★ MEP design company (Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing). Currently there are about 150 employees.
★ We are recruiting for the position of Head of Human Resources.
★ Welcome candidates who can communicate well in Japanese!
Deputy Director of Human Resources
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializing in the production of airbags and car seat cushions;
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
HR Manager
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions with about 850 employees and 4 personnel in the human resources department.
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
★ We are a website development and server rental company headquartered in Japan.
★ The Vietnam office is a small office with about 4 people.
If you are interested in this environment, this is the place for you.
★ We are looking for a female who can manage the overall accounting of the company.
HR Leader
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Welcome to those who want to work in Japanese factories as HR Leader.
Trading cum Admin
★ We are an apparel trading company that has been in business for 180 years and has offices in 15 countries around the world.
★ We started operations in Vietnam in 2013, and it is an important production base for our company.
★ At first, you will be in charge of trade support in the office. In the future, you will be expected to work as a trade sales representative.
General Affairs
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as General Affairs in a Japanese company
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in Japanese.
GA (Account)
★ A new factory invested in by a Japanese apparel trading company is going into operation.
★ As a new organization, we are looking for a person who can handle general affairs work independently.
★ Japanese speakers with experience in general affairs are welcome.
GA Staff
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
HR Manager
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in Japanese.
Web Designer
★ We are a Japanese IT company that started business in Vietnam in 2012.
★ We are looking for experienced web producers who can speak Japanese.
★ You can work in a professional environment in District 1.
GA (HR_Account)
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ Our office is located in the heart of District 1, Ho Chi Minh City. You can work in a clean and spacious environment.
HR Manager
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ Recommended for people who want to be in charge of HR management and organisational development in a factory.
Admin Staff
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020 !
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to become professional Admin Manager !
★We have a small number of people and will be making great strides in the coming years.
This is an environment where you are expected to find your own work.
Admin Manager
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
QC Tester Cum IT Comtor
★ The headquarter is located in Tokyo, Osaka. 2 Vietnamese employees are currently working onsite.
★ The office manager in HCM is Japanese (about 40 years old) living in HCM, very comfortable if you are self-conscious, conscious in working environment, regularly discuss with each employee to inquire, exchanging new ideas and help to improve productivity.
Food QC
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
★ Welcome people with experience in food plant production management
Food Trading sales Admin
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
HR Manager
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in Japanese.
Global Sales Staff
★ We are founded in 2018, specializes in CG graphic design for developers.
★ The leading game products and CG film in the world.
★ To prepare manpower for large projects, we are looking for many talented to join, build and develop together.
IT Staff
★We are Japan is a Japanese invested company that was established in 2012.
★We are looking for IT candidates who can speak Japanese.
★Candidates who want to work in a professional Japanese corporate environment are welcome !
IT Communicator
★ The pioneer company of Japanese offshore development.
★ The predecessor was a Japanese language class for Vietnamese engineers, which was founded in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2002.
★ There is a history of being featured in the Nikkei Special program.
HR and General Affairs
★ 冷凍設備 メーカー・エンジニアリング としてベトナムシェアー90%の企業です!
★ 人事・総務のManager Class を採用予定です!男性の応募をお待ちしています!
General Accoutant
★ We a fast growing application company in Vietnam !
★ We are looking for an accountant who can speak Japanese!
★ Gain accounting knowledge in the IT industry!
Job Agent
★ HCMCで働きますが、Mail・Skypeで 日本の仕事を行います。
★ 給料が高く、週2日は自宅で働くことができます。
★ A huge global company that also undertakes subway construction projects!
★ A company that offers high salaries, bonuses and profits to employees!
★ A company has a history of 177 years since its establishment, and the world's top construction technology company!
★日本企業 “エステアールコーポレーション”は、有名なファッションブランドの下着製品の OEM 生産を行っております