High class
求人 597 件
QC Manager
★ Since our establishment in 1948 in Japan, We continue to grow our business worldwide and Till now we have grown into a global corporation with more than 50 companies in Japan. and abroad.
★ Our company was established in 1996 with various products from chewing gum to cookies, ice cream.
★ We look forward to finding new members who are passionate about and love our brand.
Production Manager
★ Since our establishment in 1948 in Japan, we continue to grow our business worldwide and Till now we have grown into a global corporation with more than 50 companies in Japan and abroad.
★ Our company was established in 1996 with various products from chewing gum to cookies, ice cream.
★ We look forward to finding new members who are passionate about and love our brand.
Factory Manager
★ Since our establishment in 1948 in Japan, We continue to grow our business worldwide and Till now we have grown into a global corporation with more than 50 companies in Japan. and abroad.
★ Our company was established in 1996 with various products from chewing gum to cookies, ice cream.
★ We look forward to finding new members who are passionate about and love our brand
★ 縫製工場で生産された商品の検査・物流を行う企業です。よって繊維製品の経験や縫製工場・物流企業で勤務の経験が必要です。
★ 試用期間は2ヶ月です。試用期間の給料はベトナム法律に沿い1ヶ月の給料の85%を支給します。
アパレル品質管理 (日本人向け)
★ 創業150余年の繊維専門商社にて日本人品質管理者を募集しています。
★ ホーチミン中心部にオフィスがあり、工場まではタクシーが用意されています。
★ 縫製の豊富な知識を活かされたい日本人男性におすすめの仕事です。
Factory Director (日本人向け)
★ 会社のシステムでは最も近代的で完全に閉鎖されたイタリアの技術プロセスを備えております。
★ ベトナムで豊富なボトルウォーター市場の真っ只中に、我々はお客様に主要な製品である健康に有益な多数のミネラルを含む純水をもたらすと確信しております。
Factory Director (日本人向け)
★ 照明事業はその国・その時代の文化の指標ともいわれます。
★ 21世紀産業界は、グローバルな環境保全が求められています。
★ 地球にやさしい未来の<あかり>を作り、<あかり>文化を通じて、地域社会の発展に貢献する企業を目指しています。
HR cum GA General Manager
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ This position is being offered as a General Manager, with the expectation that the candidate will become a Director in the future.
Maintenance Engineer
★ As a freezing equipment manufacturer / engineering company, we have a 90% share of Vietnam!
★ Maintenance Engineers are welcome to apply!
★ I have a business trip for 3 days in a week. However, it is a high salary and well-paid position!
Food QA Manager
★ We started making bread dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ Through the production of bread dough, we take great pride in our role in improving quality and adding richness to the culinary life of not only Japanese people, but also other countries around the world.
★ In order for the company to maintain an important role in society, we will continue to make more efforts to make everyone's culinary life more and more sublimated.
Japan デスクコンサルタント(日本人向け)
★ 世界 4 大会計事務所の1 社にて日本人コンサルタントを募集しています。
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as Accountant in a Japanese industrial company.