High class
求人 597 件
Sales (Textile)
★ It is a major Japanese apparel trading company with 150 years of history.
★ We have an office in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Female under 30 years old with good Japanese and English skills who are interested in the apparel industry can apply. We offer high salary.
Apparel QC (Clothing)
★ A well-known Japanese company as a supplier of textile products, chemicals and general apparel.
★ Opportunity to work at the company's office located in the customer's garment factory in Quang Nam.
★ Welcoming candidates who wish to advance their career in the garment industry.
ERP Consultant
★ We are an ERP consultancy firm. We provide implementation and system integration support to companies in Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, and Australia.
★ The job is for a global market, so it offers a high salary and the ability to remote work.
★ Candidates with N1 level + TOEIC 800 level can apply with no experience.
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like Telesales work
Sale Staff (Senior)
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Chinese Sales Staff (Senior)
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi.
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like sales work.
Procurement staff
★ We have about 40,000 employees and are operating in over 150 countries.
★ Our expertise in imaging, data processing, and data-based decision-making. We create relevant solutions for customers and solve issues faced by society.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good Japanese and English to work as Procurement.
★ 業界トップクラスのアパレル生産・貿易会社です
★ 待遇・福利厚生が良く、安心して働く事が出来る環境です
★ 生地・縫製業界での経験をベトナムで活かしたい方にお薦めいたします
PE Deputy General Manager
★ As a company built in April 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag, and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companies' products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Sale B2B
★ Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and its a beautiful place to work!
Sales Assistant (Textile)
★ Our company is a one-stop provider of garment products to the market, from sewing to fabrics and raw materials. We are present in 23 countries and regions including Japan, and our strength lies in our global network.
★ You can work in a high-rise tower located in the center of Ho Chi Minh City. Good working environment.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers with experience in the apparel industry. Those who can also speak Chinese will be given further priority.
★ Japanese steel trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ha Noi
★ Recommended for those who want to work for a long time and like QC work