High class
求人 597 件
★ 本社は日本にあり、アパレルのブランドネーム・プライスタグ・ラベル等を製造する「アパレル副資材」会社です。
★ 日本以外では中国(上海・青島・東莞)、香港、タイ、インドネシア、ベトナム2拠点、バングラデッシュ、インドに拠点があります。
★ 2015年にベトナム南部のドンナイ省で操業開始し、翌2016年に北部のハナム省で操業開始しました。
Admin. (GA/HR/Interpreter)
★ A major flour and premix company in Japan will establish a Vietnam office in August 2024.
★ The company plans to hire a woman with strong admin experience who can support the Japanese president who has transferred to Vietnam from the Indonesian branch office.
★ We recommend this position for a Japanese speaker aged 30-45 years old who is interested in the start-up and expansion phase of the business.
Finance Manager
★ It is an innovator and growing company in geotechnical investigation and improvement in construction in Japan.
★ Recommended for those who want to build a finance career in a Japanese company.
★ We are looking for a Japanese- speaker Vietnamese with experience in cash management and CF forecasting.
Merchandiser (Garment)
★ It is a Japanese textile and sewing company with a long history, founded in 1893 by a young man (Mr. Yagi) who was 28 years old at the time.
★ Today, the company has been in business for 130 years and has established its status in the industry as a global textile and sewing company.
★ Apparel merchandisers who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply.
Sales Executive
★ We have about 40,000 employees and are operating in over 150 countries.
★ Our expertise in imaging, data processing, and data-based decision-making.
We create relevant solutions for customers and solve issues faced by society.
★ Welcomes applications from those with experience in Sales in a product company.
★ 日系大手プリンターメーカーにて購買担当者を募集しています。
★ タイ・マレーシア・日本・ベトナムのサプライヤーと納期・価格・品質を交渉・確認する仕事です。
★ ベトナム在住の20~30代日本人女性にお薦めいたします。
QA Staff
★ We have about 40,000 employees and are operating in over 150 countries.
★ Our expertise in imaging, data processing, and data-based decision-making.
We create relevant solutions for customers and solve issues faced by society.
★ Welcomes applications from those with experience in QA/QC in a product company.
Sales Support
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply.
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
QA & QC Staff
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Logistics Manager Assistant
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Logistics Manager Assistant.
Pattern Maker
★ The company was founded in 1894 and has a 130-year history as a Japanese-owned apparel trading company.
★ The company does business in Asia and Europe.
★ We welcome applications from pattern makers with experience in dealing with foreign buyers.
Sales Staff
★ A Japanese company operating in the field of mechanical engineering, specializing in providing services and products related to the maintenance, repair, and installation of mechanical systems.
★ With 12 years of operation in the Vietnamese market, the company specializes in manufacturing components and selling machinery related to the food industry.
★ Currently, the company is recruiting sales staff to expand its business operations.