求人 228 件
Assistant Construction Manager
★ プライム上場企業のグループ会社として、 全国452社以上のクライアントと安定的な取引を続けている会社です。
★ 希望者は、自社研修施設「技術センター」にて、入社後17日間の基礎研修(+1~6日間の特別教育)を受けていただくことが可能です。
★ 男女比が5:5となっており、性別問わず働きやすい環境となっています。
Construction Engineer
★ The company specializes in comprehensive engineering solutions for electrical systems, offering expertise in design, construction, and maintenance to meet diverse client needs globally.
★ The company emphasizes tailored solutions, ensuring energy efficiency, reliability, and compliance with international standards, particularly in industrial and factory settings.
★ Provides opportunities to collaborate with Japanese experts, gain valuable experience in cutting-edge technology, and enhance skills in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Electrical Engineer
★ The company specializes in comprehensive engineering solutions for electrical systems, offering expertise in design, construction, and maintenance to meet diverse client needs globally.
★ The company emphasizes tailored solutions, ensuring energy efficiency, reliability, and compliance with international standards, particularly in industrial and factory settings.
★ Provides opportunities to collaborate with Japanese experts, gain valuable experience in cutting-edge technology, and enhance skills in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Construction Manager(EV)
★ 全国の集合住宅をメインとした電気自動車(EV)充電サービスのソリューション提供をしています。
★ EV充電設置は工期も短く複雑な工程はあまりありません。専門知識や経験がないメンバーも、事務処理能力やコミュニケーション能力を活かしてキャッチアップして主力メンバーとなっています。
★ 基本給に加えて月払賞与の仕組みを取り入れ、 成果を上げた方はしっかりと評価する体制となっています。
Construction Management
★ 建設業界とドライバーに特化した人材紹介サービスを展開しています。
★ 創業以来51年、土地活用に取り組み続けてきました。その結果、累計の着工戸数は100,000戸を超え、「賃貸住宅に強い建設会社年間完工戸数ランキング」でも14年連続1位と、着実に実績を積み重ねてきました。
★ 半年ごとに業務目標を設定し、成し遂げた成果やプロセスに基づいて評価。報酬を決めていきます。個人の成果に対する評価はもちろんのこと、チームや部署での成果に対しても評価をしています。
CAD Mechanical Design Engineer
★ 3Dプリンター・3D CADの導入支援から始まった企業で、お客様の要望から次第に3D CADの教育事業が始まり、現在はエンジニア派遣事業も展開おります。
★ フラットな組織で役職関係なく「さん」付けで呼ぶ文化があります。サバゲー・BBQ・バイクツーリング・麻雀など大小さまざまな集まりやイベントが開催されています。
★ エンジニア、コンサルタント、ビジネスリーダーなど、それぞれの成長ステージに応じたキャリアコースを設定し、活躍の場を提供しています。
MEP Design Engineer
★ One of the leading companies in Vietnam in the field of consulting, designing, constructing, and manufacturing cleanroom equipment, infection control devices, and medical equipment.
★ Offers many career development opportunities and management skills training from a team of experienced leaders.
★ Welcomes candidates with good English communication skills who want to develop in an design engineer position.
Sales Staff
★ One of the leading companies in Vietnam in the field of consulting, designing, constructing, and manufacturing cleanroom equipment, infection control devices, and medical equipment.
★ Offers many career development opportunities and management skills training from a team of experienced leaders.
★ Welcomes candidates with good English communication skills who want to develop in a sales staff position.
Automation Mechanical Engineer
★ A Japanese company operating in the mechanical field, specializing in providing services and products related to maintenance, repair, and installation of mechanical systems.
★ With 12 years of operation in the Vietnamese market, the company specializes in manufacturing components and selling machinery related to the food industry.
★ We are looking to recruit an automation mechanical engineer who can communicate in English or Japanese.
Technical Team Leader
★ A Japanese metal processing company with a professional working environment and growth opportunities.
★ We highly value professionalism and are committed to supporting the development of our employees.
★ The company is currently recruiting for a Technical Team Leader position with strong Japanese communication skills.
Sales Engineer
★ The company handles all Mitsubishi Electric FA system products, including electric discharge machines, laser machines, and FA equipment.
★ Provide valuable solutions for factory organization, such as upgrading existing electrical equipment, consulting on preventive maintenance, and implementing energy-saving measures.
★ We are seeking dynamic candidates with strong language skills for the Sales position.