Finance Manager
★ It is an innovator and growing company in geotechnical investigation and improvement in construction in Japan.
★ Recommended for those who want to build a finance career in a Japanese company.
★ We are looking for a Japanese- speaker Vietnamese with experience in cash management and CF forecasting.
Industry | Construction |
Location | Dist.1,HCMC |
Salary | Negotiable *Depend on experience |
Bonus | Twice a year (August and December) |
Working Hours | 8:00 - 17:00 |
Holiday | Saturdays (shifts), Sundays, Japanese national holidays |
Welfare | Health insurance, social insurance, unemployment insurance, Other information will be provided at the time of interview |
Jobs Description | ・Handling internal audits from the parent company in Japan |
Required Skill | ・Japanese N2 level or above |
Site Supervisor / Designer
★ 日本では、2000年にホールディングスを設立以来、「地盤業界の透明化」を掲げ、革新的なサービスを展 開しています。
★ 施工監理または設計部署へ配属されますが、希望や経験によって相談が出来ます。
★ 将来的に幹部になって頂く予定です。また、ベトナム(HCMC)に拠点がある為、
Model Builder (M&E)
★ We were established in 2005 with 100% investment from Japan. Proud to lead in providing construction drawings for projects: high-rise buildings, offices, apartments, schools, stadiums, bridges and roads, infrastructure...
★ We have a team of dynamic, creative, enthusiastic young staff, not afraid of difficulties and ready to face challenges.
★ Suitable for candidates with experience in using Revit and offers opportunities for career advancement
BIM/CIM Architect
★ We were established in 2005 with 100% investment from Japan. Proud to lead in providing construction drawings for projects: high-rise buildings, offices, apartments, schools, stadiums, bridges and roads, infrastructure...
★ We have a team of dynamic, creative, enthusiastic young staff, not afraid of difficulties and ready to face challenges.
★ Welcome candidates who want to develop their careers in the field of BIM/CIM; the company has a capacity development program for advancement to the Leader position.
Factory Manager
★ 当社は、工業用ゴム製品からOA機器部品、シーリング材をはじめとする建築用資材まで幅広く取り扱う商社で、さまざまな業界と取引を行っています。
★ 自社工場を有し、企画段階から関わり、独自の製品を多数生み出しています。先進的な製造設備を整え、顧客のニーズに迅速に対応する体制を維持しています。
★ 香港、中国、マレーシア、ベトナムなど、積極的に海外展開を進めており、安定した経営基盤を有するため、景気の変動にも強い企業です。
Architectural Designer
★ 自宅で0から事業をスタートし、売上150億 / 従業員400名以上まで成長した企業です。
★「建築・不動産×金融」「建築・不動産×IT」の新規事業 や「海外展開」 に積極投資をしています。
★ 建築設計者としてキャリアアップしたい方におすすめいたします。
Civil Designer
★ 三井住友建設の100%子会社として安定した経営を行っている企業です。
★ 国交省・NEXCOといった国の土木事業案件に携わる事が出来る仕事です。
★ 橋梁設計の経験者には良い待遇でオファーする事が出来ます。
Construction Manager
★ 急成長中の不動産/住宅メーカーとして有名な企業です。
★ 年間担当数は25~30棟程度。他社に比べ圧倒的数を行うことにより短期間でスキルアップができます。
★ 建設業界未経験の方でも、普通自動車免許を持ち、当社に応募する理由が明確な方は応募をお待ちしております。
Civil Engineer
★ 会社の業績に合わせて決算賞与が支給されたり、資格取得の金銭的支援を受けられます。
★ 年間休日124日/土日祝休み/転勤なしという働きちゃすい環境です。
★ 土木施工監理分野で技術・知識を得たい方におすすめの仕事です。
Electrical Site Engineer
★ 売上高1000億円を超える大手グループのため、安定して仕事を受注することができます
★ クラウドサービスの活用やスマホ・タブレットの支給で業務効率化を進め、
★ 資格取得支援として、当社指定資格を取得した際のお祝い金に加え、取得後は毎月資格手当が支給されます。
Electrical Site Engineer
当社は社員を一番大事にする存在と定義し、社員の物心両面の豊かさを追求 しています。
★ 残業時間の大幅削減を達成
★ 完全週休2⽇制の実現
★ 継続的な給与ベースアップの実現
Construction Manager
★ 東証プライム上場の安定性を軸に、安定需要が見込まれているプラント解体で成長を続けている企業です。
★ 20~30代が幅広く活躍しています。
★ 建設業界ですが、土日・祝日休みで残業が少ない環境です。
Ground improvement Designer (Japan Desk)
★ It is an innovator and growing company in geotechnical investigation and improvement in construction in Japan.
★ Recommended for anyone who wants to improve skills at both the design and Japanese levels.
★ The position is scheduled for training in Tokyo, Japan.
Construction Engineer
★ The company specializes in comprehensive engineering solutions for electrical systems, offering expertise in design, construction, and maintenance to meet diverse client needs globally.
★ The company emphasizes tailored solutions, ensuring energy efficiency, reliability, and compliance with international standards, particularly in industrial and factory settings.
★ Provides opportunities to collaborate with Japanese experts, gain valuable experience in cutting-edge technology, and enhance skills in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Electrical Engineer
★ The company specializes in comprehensive engineering solutions for electrical systems, offering expertise in design, construction, and maintenance to meet diverse client needs globally.
★ The company emphasizes tailored solutions, ensuring energy efficiency, reliability, and compliance with international standards, particularly in industrial and factory settings.
★ Provides opportunities to collaborate with Japanese experts, gain valuable experience in cutting-edge technology, and enhance skills in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Construction Manager(EV)
★ 全国の集合住宅をメインとした電気自動車(EV)充電サービスのソリューション提供をしています。
★ EV充電設置は工期も短く複雑な工程はあまりありません。専門知識や経験がないメンバーも、事務処理能力やコミュニケーション能力を活かしてキャッチアップして主力メンバーとなっています。
★ 基本給に加えて月払賞与の仕組みを取り入れ、 成果を上げた方はしっかりと評価する体制となっています。
★ 創業67年を超える「はしご・脚立メーカー」のパイオニアです
★ 現在では世界27カ国で年間約45,000台を売り上げています
★ 社長/役員の方の近くで様々な仕事を学ぶ機会があります
Site Director (Steel Frame Processing)
★ We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of developing engineers who are active in the world.
★ Our company has a system for salary increases and promotions, which allows for career growth.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in factory production management or construction site management.
★ A subsidiary of a Japanese company, operating in the field of processing and designing electrical systems, piping, and air conditioning drawings for construction projects.
★ Specializing in providing services: consulting and designing electrical and piping systems for residential and industrial construction projects.
★ The company is currently recruiting for an Accountant position who can communicate in Japanese.
Finance Manager
★ It is an innovator and growing company in geotechnical investigation and improvement in construction in Japan.
★ Recommended for those who want to build a finance career in a Japanese company.
★ We are looking for a Japanese- speaker Vietnamese with experience in cash management and CF forecasting.
BIM / CIM Modeler
★ We were established in 2005 with 100% investment from Japan. Proud to lead in providing construction drawings for projects: high-rise buildings, offices, apartments, schools, stadiums, bridges and roads, infrastructure...
★ We have a team of dynamic, creative, enthusiastic young staff, not afraid of difficulties and ready to face challenges.
★ Welcome candidates who can communicate in Japanese and want to develop their careers in BIM/CIM.
Project Leader
★ A comprehensive solution provider in the field of signs and landscape.
★ Provide customers with a full package service from design to construction or just design or construction according to their needs of customers.
★ We are recruiting for the position of Project Manager for our representative office in Ha Noi.
Structure Engineer
★ A leading Japanese construction and real estate company, renowned for its innovative residential and commercial buildings.
★ Has grown to become a global enterprise, providing high-quality housing, office spaces, and logistics facilities.
★ We are recruiting for the position of Structural Engineer for our representative office in HCM.
★ 日系大手ゼネコンのベトナム勤務案件です。建設設備監理者を募集しています。
★ 日本から渡航される方には渡航費・ビザ費用等すべて会社が負担します。
★ 経済発展著しいベトナムで設備エンジニアとして活躍されたい方におすすめいたします。
Interpreter & Assistant Japanese Director
★ The position offers the opportunity to participate in both Japanese and Vietnamese projects in one year.
★ We are looking for Vietnamese with experience in the construction industry and good Japanese language skills.
★ It is an innovator and growing company in geotechnical investigation and improvement in construction in Japan.|
★ The job is to work in Tokyo as an interpreter and instructor for Vietnamese trainees.
★ We are planning to hire a Vietnamese person between 25-35 years old who lives in Japan and speaks good Japanese.
ME Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ Looking for ME Engineer aged 30-37 to join a project in Bac Ninh
Structural BIM Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ We are looking for structural designers using BIM software.
QC (Metal Product)
★ Established in Vietnam in 2013 at a good location
★ We process various steel materials, including those for construction
★ Applicants with careful personality, good communication ability and mechanical knowledge can apply are invited to apply
Hardware Drafter (Construction Material)
★ This company is located in a stylish office in Thao Dien
★ We process various steel materials, including those for construction
★ Applicants with Sketchup, Revit, Solodworks knowledge are invited to apply
Hardware Drafter
★We design 100% of architectural hardware for the Japanese market.
★All of our designs are custom-made, so the specifications are different each time.
Recommended for those who want to draw special drawings.
★This design company has an office in the center of Ho Chi Minh City and is planning to expand in Vietnam in the future.
Safety Management (Plant construction)
★ We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of "developing engineers who are active in the world".
★ Our company has a system for salary increase and promotion, which allows for career growth.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in safety management in the construction industry.
建築施工監理 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のあるゼネコンの1社です
★ プライベート保険完備。現場手当、出張手当 等の手当てが支給されます
★ 日本人は社長と建築施工監理者の2名体制です。新たに1名現地採用を予定しています
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as an engineer for a Japanese General Contractor
★ Architectural engineers who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply
Manager (Japanese Staff)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
★ Architecture & MEP design company (Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing). Currently there are about 150 employees.
★ We are recruiting for the position of accountant who can speak Japanese.
★ Located in the heart of the 7th district, you can work in a great office environment.
Head of Architectural Design
★ We are a 100% foreign-owned company specializing in M&E system design for customers both domestically and internationally.
★ We may not be a large-scale company, so you can fully unleash your potential and lead projects according to your own strengths, thereby improving various skills.
★ We welcome candidates with experience in HVAC design and proficiency in Japanese.
Head of Mechanical Equipment Design Department
★ We are a 100% foreign-owned company specializing in M&E system design for customers in and outside the country.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can fully leverage your potential, lead projects according to your own strengths, thereby improving various skills.
★ We welcome candidates with Japanese proficiency and experience in HVAC design.
Manager (日本人向け)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
★ We are a Japan-based comprehensive and multi-disciplinary consulting firm providing worldwide services in all related fields, including city and urban planning, site planning and civil engineering, architectural and interior design, structural engineering, etc...
★ Established in 1900, We have completed over 20,000 projects in over 40 countries, actively contributing to the social welfare and economy in Japan and on a global scale.
★ We are recruiting urgently Architect for Architectural and Urban Design Projects/Production.
(For not only projects in Vietnam, but also projects in Japan and the other countries.)
★ 100% foreign-owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, and lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
HVAC Designer
★ 100% foreign-owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, and lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
HVAC Designer
★ 100% foreign-owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, and lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
建築 / 設備 施工監理(日本人向け)
★ 在ベトナム日系大手ゼネコンにて施工監理を募集しております
★ 日本から渡航される方には渡航費・ビザ費用等すべて会社が負担します
★ 経済発展著しいベトナムで建築・設備エンジニアとして活躍されたい
Civil Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced civil engineering skills, we are waiting for your application.
M&E Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ 1 Electrical Engineer and 1 Mechanical Engineer will be hired each. The engineer will be assigned to a factory construction facility in an industrial park near Ho Chi Minh City.
Architect Coordinator
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies
★ We welcome applications from 25-30 year olds with at least 2 years of architectural design experience in a Japanese company
BIM Coordinator
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Junior Architect (No need experience)
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Structure Designer (No need experience)
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Senior Infrastructure Designer
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Senior Architect
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Document Controller
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ We welcome applications from candidates with document control experience in the construction industry.
Safety Management
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ Applicants with 3-5 years of safety management experience are welcome to apply.
There are opportunities for those who want to improve skills in a major construction company in Japan.
Safety Management
★ Electrical and equipment engineering company founded in 1928.
We have a lot of construction experience in Vietnam, mainly in electrical equipment for factories.
★ Holders of Class 2 in safety management with MEP safety management experience are welcome to apply.
★ We are looking for someone who can work at the factory site in Vung Tau from June 20, 2022 to the end of December 2022.
Accountant cum Admin. (Tokyo) _ID
★ As Japan's first pioneer of prestressed concrete technology, we have achieved many successes in various construction projects.
★ We are looking for a person who can take charge of accounting and admin in our Tokyo head office. Any nationality is acceptable, as long as you have N1 level Japanese and accounting experience.
★ A major construction company. Good salary and benefits, recommended for those who want to work with stability.
Hardware Designer & Drafter
★We design 100% of architectural hardware for the Japanese market.
★All of our designs are custom-made, so the specifications are different each time.
Recommended for those who want to draw special drawings.
★We have a clean office environment with about 2 people in the Vietnam office.
We are hiring one designer and one drafter this time.
Sales (Construction)
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ You can work in a new and stylish office.
★ Recommended for candidates with sales experience in the construction or equipment industry.
Electrical Designer
★ 100% foreign owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, lead the project to your own strength, thereby you can improve many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with electrical design experience
HVAC Designer
★ 100% foreign owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
★ We are one of the most prestigious companies in Vietnam today specializing in providing design consulting services and management of industrial and commercial construction projects.
★ We are always highly appreciated by customers and partners for our professionalism, quality and especially our well-trained and experienced staff through many important projects that have been and are being implemented across the country Vietnam.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories.
★ The Hanoi branch currently has 6 employees. We recommend it to people who want to work in a Japanese company with a small number of talented people.
★ You will work at a site near Hanoi city.
Commercial Interior Designer
★ Outstanding employees will be invited to an award ceremony at the TOKYO headquarters.
★ In the future, you will have a chance to take charge of various Projects in Asia as a leader.
★ The office is located in Thao Dien, District 2. You can work in a stylish and scenic office.
HSE Sub-Manager
★ A general construction company headquartered in Japan.
★ The company has a proven track record in private construction as well as ODA and other government projects.
★ Recommended for those who have experience in factory projects.
Facilities Management (M&E Engineer)
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with Facilities Management in the construction industry.
HSE Manager
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory, and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with HSE experience in the construction industry.
Site Supervisor
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory, and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with experience in the construction supervision of factories or warehouses.
設備施工監理 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のあるゼネコンの1社です
★ プライベート保険完備。現場手当、出張手当 等の手当てが支給されます
★ 日本人は社長と建築施工監理者の2名体制です。設備リーダーを探しております
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010 and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as an engineer for a Japanese General Contractor.
★ Architectural engineers who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply.
Construction Manager
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ This position will be responsible for a building construction
★ We welcome those who have experience in construction management and can speak Japanese.
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced civil engineering skills, we are waiting for your application.
Structural Design Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced structural engineer skills, we are waiting for your application.
Electrical Designer
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced electrical engineer skills, we are waiting for your application.
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories.
★ The Hanoi branch currently has 6 employees. We recommend it to people who want to work in a Japanese company with a small number of talented people.
★ From December 2021 to June 2022, you will work at a site in Hai Phong; after June 2022, you will work at a site near Hanoi city.
Team Leader for Interior Designer
★ We are a cross-disciplinary design studio with a singular mission – to radically improve how people work, learn, live, and play by shaping the way physical space influences human behaviour.
★ We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where every team member feels they belong, has the opportunity to do meaningful work, and is recognised and celebrated for their achievements.
★ We are an Australian design company. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as a manager in an active environment.
Architecture Design Manager
★ We are a cross-disciplinary design studio with a singular mission – to radically improve how people work, learn, live, and play by shaping the way physical space influences human behaviour.
★ We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where every team member feels they belong, has the opportunity to do meaningful work, and is recognised and celebrated for their achievements.
★ We are an Australian design company. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as a manager in an active environment.
★ エンジニアリングコンサルタント、プロジェクトマネジメントを専門としているベトナム系建設企業です。
★ これまで120以上の日系工場建設の実績があります。
★ 10年ほど勤務して頂いた日本人担当者が退職する事になりました。
★ A general construction company headquartered in Japan.
★ The company has a proven track record in private construction as well as ODA and other government projects.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as an architect in a Japanese company.
Construction Engineer
★ 日本では、2000年にホールディングスを設立以来、「地盤業界の透明化」を掲げ、革新的なサービスを展 開しています。施工管理装置による地盤の視える化、認定工法による施工管理.品質管理などによって高 品質な地盤の改良を実現し、急成長を遂げている企業です。
★ べトナムではゼネコンとして政府案件(道路,橋梁)の土木工事、住宅-工場等の建築案件、地盤調査を手掛 けています。
★ 日本で2~3年働いた後、ベトナム(HCMC)拠点へ転任し、将来的にベトナム拠点の中心的な役職について 頂く予定です。
Senior Architect
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for a Professional Senior Architect.
Architecture Designer
★ A general construction company headquartered in Japan.
★ The company has a proven track record in private construction as well as ODA and other government
★ Recommended for those who have basic design experience in Japanese companies.
★ リノベーション・メンテナンスの計画・予算作成・施工監理まで一貫してマネジメントできる
★ プライベート医療保険を始めとし、福利厚生が充実しています。
建築設計 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のあるゼネコンの1社です。
★ HCMC オフィスは少人数体制の為、落ち着いて仕事に取り組みたい方にお勧めします。
★ プライベート保険完備。ワークパーミット取得が補助されます。
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as an engineer for a Japanese General Contractor.
★ Architectural engineers who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
営業 (日本人向け)
★ We applies its expertise, technological strengths, and track record established over more than 100 years as a general construction company.
★ We provides valuable client-services based upon its long record of achievements in the fields of land utilization, construction, and maintenance and renovation of buildings.
★ We make the utmost effort to turn our clients’ business ideas into concrete shape and create new values to their maximum satisfaction.
建設営業 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナム在住の建設業界経験者の方に向いている仕事です。
Deputy Manager (Construction Sales & Business Development)
★ As Japan's first pioneer of prestressed concrete technology, we have achieved many successes in various construction projects.
★ We are looking for professionals with experience in the construction industries.
★ We have been working on civil engineering projects, but we are now looking for people who can obtain new architectural projects.
MEP Supervisor (日本人向け)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
Architecture Designer
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ This position will be responsible for architectural design for Vietnam and Japan.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese language and REVIT, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
HSE Management
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory and warehouse facilities. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★We welcome applications from professional engineers with HSE Management experience.
Vietnam Office Director (Engineering)
★ Study advanced engineering technology in Japan for 2 years and then become the president of our Vietnam office
★ We are construction consultants for highly technical construction projects such as pharmaceutical production facilities, cosmetics production facilities, data centres and semiconductors.
★ We are looking for Japanese-speaking engineers to join our company.
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のある建設企業の1社です。
Assistant Site Manager
★ We are a one-stop shop for factory construction, office and store interiors, from design and engineering to construction.
★ Our client is a Japanese company, so we are looking for someone with experience in Japanese construction company.
★ The project is expected to begin around November or December.
Electrical Design
★This company is famous in the construction industry in Japan as a specialist in electrical facilities.
★Our Vietnam office is a few people. Therefore, we are looking for engineers with professionalism.
★We recommend this job to engineers who want to improve your skills in a Japanese electrical construction company.
Project Manager
★ We are a one-stop shop for factory construction, office and store interiors, from design and engineering to construction.
★ Our client is a Japanese company, so we are looking for someone with experience in Japanese construction company.
★ A project manager manages multiple projects at the same time.
Electrical Design & Estimation
★ This company is famous in the construction industry in Japan as a specialist in electrical facilities.
★ Our Hanoi office is a few people. Therefore, we are looking for engineers with professionalism.
★ We recommend this job to engineers who want to improve your skills in a Japanese electrical construction company.
★ We are a one-stop shop for factory construction, office and store interiors, from design and engineering to construction.
★ Our client is a Japanese company, so we are looking for someone with experience in Japanese construction company.
★ The project is expected to begin around November or December.
Architects (Can make meeting with clients)
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ They offer Japanese quality in architectural and interior design and construction.
★ We are looking for an Architects can meet and advise clients
Technical & Detail Designer
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for an Technical & Detail Designer.
Construction Management
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for an construction Supervisor
Interior Design Manager
★ We are an architectural and interior design firm from Japan.
★ We have designed large projects such as 5 star hotels, resorts, high-rise residences, and commercial facilities, and have earned the trust of our clients in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in the center of HCMC, and you can work in a beautiful office with a great view.
HVAC Design & Estimation
★ This company is famous in the construction industry in Japan as a specialist in electrical facilities.
★ Our Hanoi office is a few people. Therefore, we are looking for engineers with professionalism.
★ We recommend this job to engineers who want to improve your skills in a Japanese MEP construction company.
BIM Leader
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ They offer Japanese quality in architectural and interior design and construction.
★ We are looking for a BIM leader who prioritizes speaking Japanese.
Interpreter and Translator
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ They offer Japanese quality in architectural and interior design and construction.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese interpretation and translation skills, we are waiting for your application.
Deputy Manager Architect
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to work as a professional in architectural design, please apply.
Architecture Designer Drafter
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to work as a professional in architectural design, please apply.
BIM Drafter
★We are a leader in the global design, construction, and real estate development industry.
★ In Vietnam provides the services in 2 major business areas: - Building and Interior Design; - General Construction and Project Management.
★ It is Professional environment.
Architecture Designer
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for an Architect who can speak Japanese.
BIM Coodinator & Representative
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ We are looking for someone with good Japanese language skills to meet with Japanese companies.
Quantity Surveyor
★ We are an independent global property and construction practice with over 3,500 people in more than 120 offices across Asia, Oceania, Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Americas.
★ Our first commenced servicing on construction projects in Vietnam in the nineties.
★ We are looking for good candidates for the Quantity Surveyor position.
Engineer Engineering Lead
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Charing of Structural Design
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Business Assistant Manager
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Architecture Designer
★ A Japanese first-class architectural firm has opened a design office in Ha Noi.
★ We are a expanding company. We are waiting for a designer who wants to play an active role as a core member of the company.
★ We recommend it to designers who want to grow in an environment that specializes in BIM architectural design.
BIM Leader and Representative for Japanese Client
★We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ We are looking for someone with good Japanese language skills to meet with Japanese companies. Any nationality is acceptable.
Installation Supervisor
★ We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of"developing engineers who are active in the world.
★ This is a 6-12 month project hire. There is a possibility of switching to permanent hiring after the end of the contract
★ We will be hiring from June.
BIM Leader
★ Japan's top General Constructor is looking for a BIM Design Leader
★ We are looking for BIM engineers who have comprehensive knowledge of architecture, structure, and MEP design.
★ It is Professional environment.
Trade Admin (Part Time Job)
★ 2週間~3ヶ月の間、Part Time ができる女性を探しています。(面接は6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 11/4 を予定しています)
★ 成形自動システム累計販売台数130,000台!世界80ヶ国に製品を販売しているGlobal Companyです。
★ 希望をする方は、正社員になれる可能性がある仕事です。
HVAC / Electrical Designer
★ The design of a large shopping mall project will begin around May-2020.
Therefore, we want to hire a electrical designer and a air conditioning equipment designer.
★ We are not a big company.
However, You can manage the project by my own power, and your skills will be improved
★ We are a Japanese MEP design consulting company
Senior Architect
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced architecture design skills, we are waiting for your application.
Electrical BIM Operator
★ 1610年創業。400 年の歴史がある日本トップクラスの建設会社です
★ Europeでは、日系建設企業の中でシェアー70%
★ 大手日系企業で、BIM Skillを高めたい20代の方、応募をお待ちしています
Revit Operator
★ A huge global company that carries out a subway construction project in Ho Chi Minh City !
★ We pay high bonuses and returns profits to employees !
Electrical Site Engineer
★ 入社後、6ヵ月間は1区のOfficeで設計を行います。2020年8月よりSite Engineerを担当していただく予定です
★ 1610年創業。400 年の歴史がある日本トップクラスの建設会社です
★ Europeでは、日系建設企業の中でシェアー70%
★ A huge global company that also undertakes subway construction projects!
★ A company that offers high salaries, bonuses and profits to employees!
★ A company has a history of 177 years since its establishment, and the world's top construction technology company!
Site Supervisor / Designer
★ 日本では、2000年にホールディングスを設立以来、「地盤業界の透明化」を掲げ、革新的なサービスを展 開しています。
★ 施工監理または設計部署へ配属されますが、希望や経験によって相談が出来ます。
★ 将来的に幹部になって頂く予定です。また、ベトナム(HCMC)に拠点がある為、
Model Builder (M&E)
★ We were established in 2005 with 100% investment from Japan. Proud to lead in providing construction drawings for projects: high-rise buildings, offices, apartments, schools, stadiums, bridges and roads, infrastructure...
★ We have a team of dynamic, creative, enthusiastic young staff, not afraid of difficulties and ready to face challenges.
★ Suitable for candidates with experience in using Revit and offers opportunities for career advancement
BIM/CIM Architect
★ We were established in 2005 with 100% investment from Japan. Proud to lead in providing construction drawings for projects: high-rise buildings, offices, apartments, schools, stadiums, bridges and roads, infrastructure...
★ We have a team of dynamic, creative, enthusiastic young staff, not afraid of difficulties and ready to face challenges.
★ Welcome candidates who want to develop their careers in the field of BIM/CIM; the company has a capacity development program for advancement to the Leader position.
Factory Manager
★ 当社は、工業用ゴム製品からOA機器部品、シーリング材をはじめとする建築用資材まで幅広く取り扱う商社で、さまざまな業界と取引を行っています。
★ 自社工場を有し、企画段階から関わり、独自の製品を多数生み出しています。先進的な製造設備を整え、顧客のニーズに迅速に対応する体制を維持しています。
★ 香港、中国、マレーシア、ベトナムなど、積極的に海外展開を進めており、安定した経営基盤を有するため、景気の変動にも強い企業です。
Architectural Designer
★ 自宅で0から事業をスタートし、売上150億 / 従業員400名以上まで成長した企業です。
★「建築・不動産×金融」「建築・不動産×IT」の新規事業 や「海外展開」 に積極投資をしています。
★ 建築設計者としてキャリアアップしたい方におすすめいたします。
Civil Designer
★ 三井住友建設の100%子会社として安定した経営を行っている企業です。
★ 国交省・NEXCOといった国の土木事業案件に携わる事が出来る仕事です。
★ 橋梁設計の経験者には良い待遇でオファーする事が出来ます。
Construction Manager
★ 急成長中の不動産/住宅メーカーとして有名な企業です。
★ 年間担当数は25~30棟程度。他社に比べ圧倒的数を行うことにより短期間でスキルアップができます。
★ 建設業界未経験の方でも、普通自動車免許を持ち、当社に応募する理由が明確な方は応募をお待ちしております。
Civil Engineer
★ 会社の業績に合わせて決算賞与が支給されたり、資格取得の金銭的支援を受けられます。
★ 年間休日124日/土日祝休み/転勤なしという働きちゃすい環境です。
★ 土木施工監理分野で技術・知識を得たい方におすすめの仕事です。
Electrical Site Engineer
★ 売上高1000億円を超える大手グループのため、安定して仕事を受注することができます
★ クラウドサービスの活用やスマホ・タブレットの支給で業務効率化を進め、
★ 資格取得支援として、当社指定資格を取得した際のお祝い金に加え、取得後は毎月資格手当が支給されます。
Electrical Site Engineer
当社は社員を一番大事にする存在と定義し、社員の物心両面の豊かさを追求 しています。
★ 残業時間の大幅削減を達成
★ 完全週休2⽇制の実現
★ 継続的な給与ベースアップの実現
Construction Manager
★ 東証プライム上場の安定性を軸に、安定需要が見込まれているプラント解体で成長を続けている企業です。
★ 20~30代が幅広く活躍しています。
★ 建設業界ですが、土日・祝日休みで残業が少ない環境です。
Ground improvement Designer (Japan Desk)
★ It is an innovator and growing company in geotechnical investigation and improvement in construction in Japan.
★ Recommended for anyone who wants to improve skills at both the design and Japanese levels.
★ The position is scheduled for training in Tokyo, Japan.
Construction Engineer
★ The company specializes in comprehensive engineering solutions for electrical systems, offering expertise in design, construction, and maintenance to meet diverse client needs globally.
★ The company emphasizes tailored solutions, ensuring energy efficiency, reliability, and compliance with international standards, particularly in industrial and factory settings.
★ Provides opportunities to collaborate with Japanese experts, gain valuable experience in cutting-edge technology, and enhance skills in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Electrical Engineer
★ The company specializes in comprehensive engineering solutions for electrical systems, offering expertise in design, construction, and maintenance to meet diverse client needs globally.
★ The company emphasizes tailored solutions, ensuring energy efficiency, reliability, and compliance with international standards, particularly in industrial and factory settings.
★ Provides opportunities to collaborate with Japanese experts, gain valuable experience in cutting-edge technology, and enhance skills in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Construction Manager(EV)
★ 全国の集合住宅をメインとした電気自動車(EV)充電サービスのソリューション提供をしています。
★ EV充電設置は工期も短く複雑な工程はあまりありません。専門知識や経験がないメンバーも、事務処理能力やコミュニケーション能力を活かしてキャッチアップして主力メンバーとなっています。
★ 基本給に加えて月払賞与の仕組みを取り入れ、 成果を上げた方はしっかりと評価する体制となっています。
★ 創業67年を超える「はしご・脚立メーカー」のパイオニアです
★ 現在では世界27カ国で年間約45,000台を売り上げています
★ 社長/役員の方の近くで様々な仕事を学ぶ機会があります
Site Director (Steel Frame Processing)
★ We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of developing engineers who are active in the world.
★ Our company has a system for salary increases and promotions, which allows for career growth.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in factory production management or construction site management.
★ A subsidiary of a Japanese company, operating in the field of processing and designing electrical systems, piping, and air conditioning drawings for construction projects.
★ Specializing in providing services: consulting and designing electrical and piping systems for residential and industrial construction projects.
★ The company is currently recruiting for an Accountant position who can communicate in Japanese.
Finance Manager
★ It is an innovator and growing company in geotechnical investigation and improvement in construction in Japan.
★ Recommended for those who want to build a finance career in a Japanese company.
★ We are looking for a Japanese- speaker Vietnamese with experience in cash management and CF forecasting.
BIM / CIM Modeler
★ We were established in 2005 with 100% investment from Japan. Proud to lead in providing construction drawings for projects: high-rise buildings, offices, apartments, schools, stadiums, bridges and roads, infrastructure...
★ We have a team of dynamic, creative, enthusiastic young staff, not afraid of difficulties and ready to face challenges.
★ Welcome candidates who can communicate in Japanese and want to develop their careers in BIM/CIM.
Project Leader
★ A comprehensive solution provider in the field of signs and landscape.
★ Provide customers with a full package service from design to construction or just design or construction according to their needs of customers.
★ We are recruiting for the position of Project Manager for our representative office in Ha Noi.
Structure Engineer
★ A leading Japanese construction and real estate company, renowned for its innovative residential and commercial buildings.
★ Has grown to become a global enterprise, providing high-quality housing, office spaces, and logistics facilities.
★ We are recruiting for the position of Structural Engineer for our representative office in HCM.
★ 日系大手ゼネコンのベトナム勤務案件です。建設設備監理者を募集しています。
★ 日本から渡航される方には渡航費・ビザ費用等すべて会社が負担します。
★ 経済発展著しいベトナムで設備エンジニアとして活躍されたい方におすすめいたします。
Interpreter & Assistant Japanese Director
★ The position offers the opportunity to participate in both Japanese and Vietnamese projects in one year.
★ We are looking for Vietnamese with experience in the construction industry and good Japanese language skills.
★ It is an innovator and growing company in geotechnical investigation and improvement in construction in Japan.|
★ The job is to work in Tokyo as an interpreter and instructor for Vietnamese trainees.
★ We are planning to hire a Vietnamese person between 25-35 years old who lives in Japan and speaks good Japanese.
ME Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ Looking for ME Engineer aged 30-37 to join a project in Bac Ninh
Structural BIM Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ We are looking for structural designers using BIM software.
QC (Metal Product)
★ Established in Vietnam in 2013 at a good location
★ We process various steel materials, including those for construction
★ Applicants with careful personality, good communication ability and mechanical knowledge can apply are invited to apply
Hardware Drafter (Construction Material)
★ This company is located in a stylish office in Thao Dien
★ We process various steel materials, including those for construction
★ Applicants with Sketchup, Revit, Solodworks knowledge are invited to apply
Hardware Drafter
★We design 100% of architectural hardware for the Japanese market.
★All of our designs are custom-made, so the specifications are different each time.
Recommended for those who want to draw special drawings.
★This design company has an office in the center of Ho Chi Minh City and is planning to expand in Vietnam in the future.
Safety Management (Plant construction)
★ We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of "developing engineers who are active in the world".
★ Our company has a system for salary increase and promotion, which allows for career growth.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in safety management in the construction industry.
建築施工監理 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のあるゼネコンの1社です
★ プライベート保険完備。現場手当、出張手当 等の手当てが支給されます
★ 日本人は社長と建築施工監理者の2名体制です。新たに1名現地採用を予定しています
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as an engineer for a Japanese General Contractor
★ Architectural engineers who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply
Manager (Japanese Staff)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
★ Architecture & MEP design company (Mechanical / Electrical / Plumbing). Currently there are about 150 employees.
★ We are recruiting for the position of accountant who can speak Japanese.
★ Located in the heart of the 7th district, you can work in a great office environment.
Head of Architectural Design
★ We are a 100% foreign-owned company specializing in M&E system design for customers both domestically and internationally.
★ We may not be a large-scale company, so you can fully unleash your potential and lead projects according to your own strengths, thereby improving various skills.
★ We welcome candidates with experience in HVAC design and proficiency in Japanese.
Head of Mechanical Equipment Design Department
★ We are a 100% foreign-owned company specializing in M&E system design for customers in and outside the country.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can fully leverage your potential, lead projects according to your own strengths, thereby improving various skills.
★ We welcome candidates with Japanese proficiency and experience in HVAC design.
Manager (日本人向け)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
★ We are a Japan-based comprehensive and multi-disciplinary consulting firm providing worldwide services in all related fields, including city and urban planning, site planning and civil engineering, architectural and interior design, structural engineering, etc...
★ Established in 1900, We have completed over 20,000 projects in over 40 countries, actively contributing to the social welfare and economy in Japan and on a global scale.
★ We are recruiting urgently Architect for Architectural and Urban Design Projects/Production.
(For not only projects in Vietnam, but also projects in Japan and the other countries.)
★ 100% foreign-owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, and lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
HVAC Designer
★ 100% foreign-owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, and lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
HVAC Designer
★ 100% foreign-owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, and lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
建築 / 設備 施工監理(日本人向け)
★ 在ベトナム日系大手ゼネコンにて施工監理を募集しております
★ 日本から渡航される方には渡航費・ビザ費用等すべて会社が負担します
★ 経済発展著しいベトナムで建築・設備エンジニアとして活躍されたい
Civil Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced civil engineering skills, we are waiting for your application.
M&E Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ 1 Electrical Engineer and 1 Mechanical Engineer will be hired each. The engineer will be assigned to a factory construction facility in an industrial park near Ho Chi Minh City.
Architect Coordinator
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies
★ We welcome applications from 25-30 year olds with at least 2 years of architectural design experience in a Japanese company
BIM Coordinator
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Junior Architect (No need experience)
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Structure Designer (No need experience)
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Senior Infrastructure Designer
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Senior Architect
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Document Controller
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ We welcome applications from candidates with document control experience in the construction industry.
Safety Management
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ Applicants with 3-5 years of safety management experience are welcome to apply.
There are opportunities for those who want to improve skills in a major construction company in Japan.
Safety Management
★ Electrical and equipment engineering company founded in 1928.
We have a lot of construction experience in Vietnam, mainly in electrical equipment for factories.
★ Holders of Class 2 in safety management with MEP safety management experience are welcome to apply.
★ We are looking for someone who can work at the factory site in Vung Tau from June 20, 2022 to the end of December 2022.
Accountant cum Admin. (Tokyo) _ID
★ As Japan's first pioneer of prestressed concrete technology, we have achieved many successes in various construction projects.
★ We are looking for a person who can take charge of accounting and admin in our Tokyo head office. Any nationality is acceptable, as long as you have N1 level Japanese and accounting experience.
★ A major construction company. Good salary and benefits, recommended for those who want to work with stability.
Hardware Designer & Drafter
★We design 100% of architectural hardware for the Japanese market.
★All of our designs are custom-made, so the specifications are different each time.
Recommended for those who want to draw special drawings.
★We have a clean office environment with about 2 people in the Vietnam office.
We are hiring one designer and one drafter this time.
Sales (Construction)
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ You can work in a new and stylish office.
★ Recommended for candidates with sales experience in the construction or equipment industry.
Electrical Designer
★ 100% foreign owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, lead the project to your own strength, thereby you can improve many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with electrical design experience
HVAC Designer
★ 100% foreign owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
★ We are one of the most prestigious companies in Vietnam today specializing in providing design consulting services and management of industrial and commercial construction projects.
★ We are always highly appreciated by customers and partners for our professionalism, quality and especially our well-trained and experienced staff through many important projects that have been and are being implemented across the country Vietnam.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories.
★ The Hanoi branch currently has 6 employees. We recommend it to people who want to work in a Japanese company with a small number of talented people.
★ You will work at a site near Hanoi city.
Commercial Interior Designer
★ Outstanding employees will be invited to an award ceremony at the TOKYO headquarters.
★ In the future, you will have a chance to take charge of various Projects in Asia as a leader.
★ The office is located in Thao Dien, District 2. You can work in a stylish and scenic office.
HSE Sub-Manager
★ A general construction company headquartered in Japan.
★ The company has a proven track record in private construction as well as ODA and other government projects.
★ Recommended for those who have experience in factory projects.
Facilities Management (M&E Engineer)
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with Facilities Management in the construction industry.
HSE Manager
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory, and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with HSE experience in the construction industry.
Site Supervisor
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory, and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with experience in the construction supervision of factories or warehouses.
設備施工監理 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のあるゼネコンの1社です
★ プライベート保険完備。現場手当、出張手当 等の手当てが支給されます
★ 日本人は社長と建築施工監理者の2名体制です。設備リーダーを探しております
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010 and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as an engineer for a Japanese General Contractor.
★ Architectural engineers who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply.
Construction Manager
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ This position will be responsible for a building construction
★ We welcome those who have experience in construction management and can speak Japanese.
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced civil engineering skills, we are waiting for your application.
Structural Design Engineer
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced structural engineer skills, we are waiting for your application.
Electrical Designer
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced electrical engineer skills, we are waiting for your application.
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories.
★ The Hanoi branch currently has 6 employees. We recommend it to people who want to work in a Japanese company with a small number of talented people.
★ From December 2021 to June 2022, you will work at a site in Hai Phong; after June 2022, you will work at a site near Hanoi city.
Team Leader for Interior Designer
★ We are a cross-disciplinary design studio with a singular mission – to radically improve how people work, learn, live, and play by shaping the way physical space influences human behaviour.
★ We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where every team member feels they belong, has the opportunity to do meaningful work, and is recognised and celebrated for their achievements.
★ We are an Australian design company. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as a manager in an active environment.
Architecture Design Manager
★ We are a cross-disciplinary design studio with a singular mission – to radically improve how people work, learn, live, and play by shaping the way physical space influences human behaviour.
★ We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where every team member feels they belong, has the opportunity to do meaningful work, and is recognised and celebrated for their achievements.
★ We are an Australian design company. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as a manager in an active environment.
★ エンジニアリングコンサルタント、プロジェクトマネジメントを専門としているベトナム系建設企業です。
★ これまで120以上の日系工場建設の実績があります。
★ 10年ほど勤務して頂いた日本人担当者が退職する事になりました。
★ A general construction company headquartered in Japan.
★ The company has a proven track record in private construction as well as ODA and other government projects.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as an architect in a Japanese company.
Construction Engineer
★ 日本では、2000年にホールディングスを設立以来、「地盤業界の透明化」を掲げ、革新的なサービスを展 開しています。施工管理装置による地盤の視える化、認定工法による施工管理.品質管理などによって高 品質な地盤の改良を実現し、急成長を遂げている企業です。
★ べトナムではゼネコンとして政府案件(道路,橋梁)の土木工事、住宅-工場等の建築案件、地盤調査を手掛 けています。
★ 日本で2~3年働いた後、ベトナム(HCMC)拠点へ転任し、将来的にベトナム拠点の中心的な役職について 頂く予定です。
Senior Architect
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for a Professional Senior Architect.
Architecture Designer
★ A general construction company headquartered in Japan.
★ The company has a proven track record in private construction as well as ODA and other government
★ Recommended for those who have basic design experience in Japanese companies.
★ リノベーション・メンテナンスの計画・予算作成・施工監理まで一貫してマネジメントできる
★ プライベート医療保険を始めとし、福利厚生が充実しています。
建築設計 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のあるゼネコンの1社です。
★ HCMC オフィスは少人数体制の為、落ち着いて仕事に取り組みたい方にお勧めします。
★ プライベート保険完備。ワークパーミット取得が補助されます。
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories.
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as an engineer for a Japanese General Contractor.
★ Architectural engineers who can speak Japanese or English are welcome to apply.
営業 (日本人向け)
★ We applies its expertise, technological strengths, and track record established over more than 100 years as a general construction company.
★ We provides valuable client-services based upon its long record of achievements in the fields of land utilization, construction, and maintenance and renovation of buildings.
★ We make the utmost effort to turn our clients’ business ideas into concrete shape and create new values to their maximum satisfaction.
建設営業 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナム在住の建設業界経験者の方に向いている仕事です。
Deputy Manager (Construction Sales & Business Development)
★ As Japan's first pioneer of prestressed concrete technology, we have achieved many successes in various construction projects.
★ We are looking for professionals with experience in the construction industries.
★ We have been working on civil engineering projects, but we are now looking for people who can obtain new architectural projects.
MEP Supervisor (日本人向け)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
Architecture Designer
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ This position will be responsible for architectural design for Vietnam and Japan.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese language and REVIT, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
HSE Management
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory and warehouse facilities. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★We welcome applications from professional engineers with HSE Management experience.
Vietnam Office Director (Engineering)
★ Study advanced engineering technology in Japan for 2 years and then become the president of our Vietnam office
★ We are construction consultants for highly technical construction projects such as pharmaceutical production facilities, cosmetics production facilities, data centres and semiconductors.
★ We are looking for Japanese-speaking engineers to join our company.
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のある建設企業の1社です。
Assistant Site Manager
★ We are a one-stop shop for factory construction, office and store interiors, from design and engineering to construction.
★ Our client is a Japanese company, so we are looking for someone with experience in Japanese construction company.
★ The project is expected to begin around November or December.
Electrical Design
★This company is famous in the construction industry in Japan as a specialist in electrical facilities.
★Our Vietnam office is a few people. Therefore, we are looking for engineers with professionalism.
★We recommend this job to engineers who want to improve your skills in a Japanese electrical construction company.
Project Manager
★ We are a one-stop shop for factory construction, office and store interiors, from design and engineering to construction.
★ Our client is a Japanese company, so we are looking for someone with experience in Japanese construction company.
★ A project manager manages multiple projects at the same time.
Electrical Design & Estimation
★ This company is famous in the construction industry in Japan as a specialist in electrical facilities.
★ Our Hanoi office is a few people. Therefore, we are looking for engineers with professionalism.
★ We recommend this job to engineers who want to improve your skills in a Japanese electrical construction company.
★ We are a one-stop shop for factory construction, office and store interiors, from design and engineering to construction.
★ Our client is a Japanese company, so we are looking for someone with experience in Japanese construction company.
★ The project is expected to begin around November or December.
Architects (Can make meeting with clients)
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ They offer Japanese quality in architectural and interior design and construction.
★ We are looking for an Architects can meet and advise clients
Technical & Detail Designer
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for an Technical & Detail Designer.
Construction Management
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for an construction Supervisor
Interior Design Manager
★ We are an architectural and interior design firm from Japan.
★ We have designed large projects such as 5 star hotels, resorts, high-rise residences, and commercial facilities, and have earned the trust of our clients in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in the center of HCMC, and you can work in a beautiful office with a great view.
HVAC Design & Estimation
★ This company is famous in the construction industry in Japan as a specialist in electrical facilities.
★ Our Hanoi office is a few people. Therefore, we are looking for engineers with professionalism.
★ We recommend this job to engineers who want to improve your skills in a Japanese MEP construction company.
BIM Leader
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ They offer Japanese quality in architectural and interior design and construction.
★ We are looking for a BIM leader who prioritizes speaking Japanese.
Interpreter and Translator
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ They offer Japanese quality in architectural and interior design and construction.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese interpretation and translation skills, we are waiting for your application.
Deputy Manager Architect
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to work as a professional in architectural design, please apply.
Architecture Designer Drafter
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to work as a professional in architectural design, please apply.
BIM Drafter
★We are a leader in the global design, construction, and real estate development industry.
★ In Vietnam provides the services in 2 major business areas: - Building and Interior Design; - General Construction and Project Management.
★ It is Professional environment.
Architecture Designer
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for an Architect who can speak Japanese.
BIM Coodinator & Representative
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ We are looking for someone with good Japanese language skills to meet with Japanese companies.
Quantity Surveyor
★ We are an independent global property and construction practice with over 3,500 people in more than 120 offices across Asia, Oceania, Europe, Middle East, Africa and the Americas.
★ Our first commenced servicing on construction projects in Vietnam in the nineties.
★ We are looking for good candidates for the Quantity Surveyor position.
Engineer Engineering Lead
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Charing of Structural Design
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Business Assistant Manager
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Architecture Designer
★ A Japanese first-class architectural firm has opened a design office in Ha Noi.
★ We are a expanding company. We are waiting for a designer who wants to play an active role as a core member of the company.
★ We recommend it to designers who want to grow in an environment that specializes in BIM architectural design.
BIM Leader and Representative for Japanese Client
★We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ We are looking for someone with good Japanese language skills to meet with Japanese companies. Any nationality is acceptable.
Installation Supervisor
★ We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of"developing engineers who are active in the world.
★ This is a 6-12 month project hire. There is a possibility of switching to permanent hiring after the end of the contract
★ We will be hiring from June.
BIM Leader
★ Japan's top General Constructor is looking for a BIM Design Leader
★ We are looking for BIM engineers who have comprehensive knowledge of architecture, structure, and MEP design.
★ It is Professional environment.
Trade Admin (Part Time Job)
★ 2週間~3ヶ月の間、Part Time ができる女性を探しています。(面接は6/4, 7/4, 8/4, 11/4 を予定しています)
★ 成形自動システム累計販売台数130,000台!世界80ヶ国に製品を販売しているGlobal Companyです。
★ 希望をする方は、正社員になれる可能性がある仕事です。
HVAC / Electrical Designer
★ The design of a large shopping mall project will begin around May-2020.
Therefore, we want to hire a electrical designer and a air conditioning equipment designer.
★ We are not a big company.
However, You can manage the project by my own power, and your skills will be improved
★ We are a Japanese MEP design consulting company
Senior Architect
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to get advanced architecture design skills, we are waiting for your application.
Electrical BIM Operator
★ 1610年創業。400 年の歴史がある日本トップクラスの建設会社です
★ Europeでは、日系建設企業の中でシェアー70%
★ 大手日系企業で、BIM Skillを高めたい20代の方、応募をお待ちしています
Revit Operator
★ A huge global company that carries out a subway construction project in Ho Chi Minh City !
★ We pay high bonuses and returns profits to employees !
Electrical Site Engineer
★ 入社後、6ヵ月間は1区のOfficeで設計を行います。2020年8月よりSite Engineerを担当していただく予定です
★ 1610年創業。400 年の歴史がある日本トップクラスの建設会社です
★ Europeでは、日系建設企業の中でシェアー70%
★ A huge global company that also undertakes subway construction projects!
★ A company that offers high salaries, bonuses and profits to employees!
★ A company has a history of 177 years since its establishment, and the world's top construction technology company!