High class
求人 580 件
Packing Cell Operator
★ 日本の市場で冷蔵乳製品を扱うフランスの有名企業です。日本国内唯一の工場で生産された製品は、全国のスーパーやコンビニエンスストアに並んでいます。
★ 働きやすいフレックスタイム制を導入しています。(残業代は100%支給します)
★ 食品業界や物流の分野でキャリアを成長させたい方に最適な職場です。
Process Cell Operator
★ 日本の市場でチルド乳製品を扱うフランスの有名企業です。日本国内唯一の工場で生産された製品は、全国のスーパーやコンビニエンスストアに並んでいます。
★ 働きやすいフレックスタイム制を導入しています。(残業代は100%支給します)
★ 食品製造ラインの運転でキャリアを成長させたい方にとって最適な職場です。
Logistics Operator
★ 日本の市場で冷蔵乳製品を扱うフランスの有名企業です。日本国内唯一の工場で生産された製品は、全国のスーパーやコンビニエンスストアに並んでいます。
★ 働きやすいフレックスタイム制を導入しています。(残業代は100%支給します)
★ 食品業界や物流の分野でキャリアを成長させたい方に最適な職場です。
Fabric QC
★ The company is a well-known Japanese company as a total supplier of textile, chemical and apparel products.
★ You will work in a beautiful office environment in the heart of Ho Chi Minh City District 1.
★ Recommended for anyone who wants to advance career in the apparel industry.
Sales Support
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business.
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply.
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Japanese Support Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Senior Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment.
Sales (Robotics)
★ Focusing on manufacturing tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★ We are recruiting Sale Engineer for our Ho Chi Minh City office.
★ The company was founded in 1894 and has a 130-year history as a Japanese-owned apparel trading company.
★ The company does business in Asia and Europe.
★ Welcome experienced fabric or sewing merchandiser who can join us immediately.
Engineering Manager
★ IT技術を「楽」に企業の発展に活用できるように、クラウドサービスとIT人材を通じて、お客様の課題解決やビジネスの成長を支援しています。
★ 当社ベトナム支店は2014年の設立以来、楽楽精算、メールディーラー、配配メールなど、ラクスの主要クラウドサービスの機能開発を行っております。
★ 組織のリーダーとして、仲間として、家族として尊敬され、慕われるポジションです。過去に赴任した駐在員は帰任後も慕われ、現在でも仕事外でも現地メンバーとの交流が続いており、そこで築いた絆は一生ものです。