Project Manager cum Business Analyst
★ The company provides IT solutions for businesses, mainly focusing on improving work efficiency and developing systems in the fields of SMARTFACTORY, digital transformation consulting, and software development.
★ The work environment is dynamic and positive, based on fairness and equality. The company fosters a development and advancement-oriented environment for its employees.
★ Currently, the company is hiring for a PM cum BA position with good communication skills in either Japanese or English.
Industry | IT |
Location | HCMC - Tan Binh |
Salary | Negotiable *Base on experience |
Bonus | 13th month salary bonus and summer bonus (based on work performance) |
Working Hours | 8:00 ~ 17:00 |
Holiday | Saturdays, Sundays, Vietnamese national holidays |
Welfare | ・Full participation in social insurance, health insurance, and unemployment insurance with 100% salary covered ・Participation in a comprehensive health care insurance program ・Annual health check-ups ・Employee/project recognition with a variety of awards: Effort Award, Outstanding Employee Award, Potential Employee Award, Successful Project Award, etc. ・Regularly organized travel and team-building activities ・12 days of vacation + 1 birthday leave day ・Support for exam fees and bonuses upon obtaining certifications ・Participation in training courses on Japanese language and programming ・Fuel allowance and parking support |
Jobs Description | ・Collecting, analyzing, and clarifying customer requirements |
Required Skill | ・A minimum of 5 years of experience in software development, including 3 years of experience as a Business Analyst (BA) |
★ A well-known Japanese refrigerated warehouse company has been operating in Vietnam since February 2025.
★ You will be able to work in a clean and spacious office environment with the newest facilities.
★ No need to speak Japanese or English. Preference will be given to candidates who can commute to Long An-Ben Luc.
IT Consultant (IT experience not required)
★ IT コンサルティング企業として成長している会社です。日本語N1クラスの方は国籍を問わず採用される可能性があります。
★ キャリア構築の為、今後どのような 案件を希望するか 相談する事が出来、キャリア を サポート してくれる パートナーがいます。
★ 社長・役員との ランチ会や、 毎月 1 度会社情報を 共有する全社員集会など横のつながりを 作るため様々 な イベント を 企画しており、社内で良い人間関係を作る事を意識しています。
IT Consultant (IT experience not required)
★ 私たちはデジタル関連のメガトレンドを捉え、エネルギー・製造業・物流・ヘルスケアという
★ フレックス制度/リモート勤務など 自分に合った働き方が出来る環境です。
★ 事業拡大フェーズのため、早いタイミングでのプロモーション(昇進)も可能な環境です。
IT Consultant
★ 私たちはデジタル関連のメガトレンドを捉え、エネルギー・製造業・物流・ヘルスケアという
★ フレックス制度/リモート勤務など 自分に合った働き方が出来る環境です。
★ スポーツジム補助/書籍購入補助など、成長意欲がある人を支援していく制度が整っています
ERP Consultant
★ 私たちは ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning)を活用した IT コンサルティングサービスをグローバルに展開する、ハンドグループの一員です。
独自の技術でハイクオリティな IT ソリューションを創出しお客さまのビジネスをサポートしています
★ 現在は上海と東京、アメリカ、シンガポール、オランダにも現地法人を展開し、事業を拡大し続けています。
★ 外国籍の方も積極的に採用しています。
SAP、 Oracle、 Dynamics365 製品の導入経験者の方におすすめです。
IT Consultant
★ IT コンサルティング企業として成長している会社です。
★ キャリア構築の為、今後どのような 案件を希望するか 相談する事が出来、
キャリア を サポート してくれる パートナーがいます。
★ 社長・役員との ランチ会や、 毎月 1 度会社情報を 共有する全社員集会など
横のつながりを 作るため様々 な イベント を 企画しており、
Engineering Manager
★ IT技術を「楽」に企業の発展に活用できるように、クラウドサービスとIT人材を通じて、お客様の課題解決やビジネスの成長を支援しています。
★ 当社ベトナム支店は2014年の設立以来、楽楽精算、メールディーラー、配配メールなど、ラクスの主要クラウドサービスの機能開発を行っております。
★ 組織のリーダーとして、仲間として、家族として尊敬され、慕われるポジションです。過去に赴任した駐在員は帰任後も慕われ、現在でも仕事外でも現地メンバーとの交流が続いており、そこで築いた絆は一生ものです。
BrSE Leader
★ 同社は1998年に創業し、IT・インターネット分野およびエンジニアリング分野で事業を展開しています。
★ 取引先企業は、顧客からの紹介を受けながら少しずつ信頼を築き、現在では約700社にまで拡大しました。
★ 顧客の海外進出を支援するグローバルサービスや、モノづくり領域における生産技術をサポートするエンジニアリング事業を展開・拡大し、DX推進企業の共創パートナーとしてさらなる成長を目指しています。
★ 1994年の設立当初より、一括受託のスタイルを基本として、 企画から仕様作成・シナリオ・グラフィック・プログラミングまで自社内で一貫して制作を行ってきました。
★ 企画から映像制作まで一貫して開発をおこなっており、 アニメ制作、サウンド実装、実機シミュレータアプリの開発も請け負っています。 また、実機開発にあわせたアプリのリリースも可能です。
★ 業界歴10年以上の経験を積んだベテランスタッフによる、クライアントのニーズに合わせてクオリティの高い提案・開発を提供することが強みです。
★ 発注者と品質・納期・価格に最適な加工会社を選定し、最適なサプライチェーンを構築するための受発注プラットフォームを提供しています。
★ 独自開発の原価計算アルゴリズムに基づく自動見積もりシステムを搭載し、製造業の調達プロセスをデジタル化(DX)することで、より生産性の高い仕事に注力できる環境を提供しています。
★ 働く環境では、採用経験を積むと共に、労務や総務などの他部門との距離が近く、さまざまな部署と密に連携しながら働くことができます。
★ 安定した経済基盤と長期的な事業計画を持つ企業での勤務
★ 業界・職種問わず、プロフェッショナルネットワークの拡充
★ 新しいプロジェクトや責任あるポジションが生まれる成長企業
Branch Manager
★ Specializing in comprehensive logistics solutions across Vietnam.
★ The company stands as the only foreign-owned enterprise in Vietnam licensed to provide domestic and international transportation services by air, sea, and road,
along with warehousing and other logistics services.
★ We are looking for a Branch Manager or Branch Manager candidate for our Ho Chi Minh office.
Sales Admin. (Contract Employment)
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam.
★ The contract is for the term from December 2024 to August 2025.
Assistant Construction Manager
★ プライム上場企業のグループ会社として、 全国452社以上のクライアントと安定的な取引を続けている会社です。
★ 希望者は、自社研修施設「技術センター」にて、入社後17日間の基礎研修(+1~6日間の特別教育)を受けていただくことが可能です。
★ 男女比が5:5となっており、性別問わず働きやすい環境となっています。
Electrical Engineer
★ The company specializes in comprehensive engineering solutions for electrical systems, offering expertise in design, construction, and maintenance to meet diverse client needs globally.
★ The company emphasizes tailored solutions, ensuring energy efficiency, reliability, and compliance with international standards, particularly in industrial and factory settings.
★ Provides opportunities to collaborate with Japanese experts, gain valuable experience in cutting-edge technology, and enhance skills in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Supply Chain CSR Specialist
★ A committed to advancing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, aiming to create a positive impact throughout its global supply chain network.
★ The company emphasizes fair labor practices, ensuring supplier compliance with its Policy of Engagement and promoting programs for worker well-being and capacity building.
★ The company offers a dynamic work setting with exposure to diverse projects, making it an ideal place for professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in corporate social responsibility and sustainability within the sportswear industry.
★ NTT グループのビジネスコンサルティングファームとして設立された日本発の総合コンサルティングファームです
★ 特に、製造業のサプライチェーン・マネジメント分野で、現場改革に基づいたコンサルティングを強みとしています
★ IT・金融・会計・経営戦略・SCM分野でコンサルタントとしてマネジメント経験のある方におすすめいたします
★ IT または会計・経営分野の知識や経験を活かしたい方におすすめいたします
Sale Assistant
★ Established in 1930, with a network of 105 domestic and international companies.
★ Japan top trading company specializing in gases and nitrogen, offering competitive salaries and significant career growth opportunities.
★ Ideal for candidates who speak Japanese and have experience as a sales assistant in a Japanese company.
Branch Manager
★ Specializing in comprehensive logistics solutions across Vietnam.
★ The company stands as the only foreign-owned enterprise in Vietnam licensed to provide domestic and international transportation services by air, sea, and road,
along with warehousing and other logistics services.
★ We are looking for a Branch Manager or Branch Manager candidate for our Ho Chi Minh office.
★ A subsidiary of a Japanese company, operating in the field of processing and designing electrical systems, piping, and air conditioning drawings for construction projects.
★ Specializing in providing services: consulting and designing electrical and piping systems for residential and industrial construction projects.
★ The company is currently recruiting for an Accountant position who can communicate in Japanese.
Financial Advisory Service Japanese Support Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ We are looking for applications from independent and highly motivated candidates for the position of Japanese-speaking consultant at the Financial Advisory Service (FAS) department in our Ho Chi Minh office.
Customer Service Staff
★ We are the No.1 needle manufacturer and distributor in Japan.
★ We have been operating in Vietnam since the 1990s, and has a long history of stable management.
★ We are looking for a Chinese speaker.
Data Manage cum Sales Admin. (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We recommend this position for candidates between the ages of 23-33 who are interested in the latest HR SaaS and want to grow.
BIM / CIM Modeler
★ We were established in 2005 with 100% investment from Japan. Proud to lead in providing construction drawings for projects: high-rise buildings, offices, apartments, schools, stadiums, bridges and roads, infrastructure...
★ We have a team of dynamic, creative, enthusiastic young staff, not afraid of difficulties and ready to face challenges.
★ Welcome candidates who can communicate in Japanese and want to develop their careers in BIM/CIM.
Sewing Technician
★ A well-known Japanese company as a supplier of textile products, chemicals and general apparel.
★ This is a position where you can build your career as a sewing technician.
★ Shuttle buses are available from Da Nang.
Pattern Maker
★ The company was founded in 1894 and has a 130-year history as a Japanese-owned apparel trading company.
★ The company does business in Asia and Europe.
★ We welcome applications from pattern makers with experience in dealing with foreign buyers.
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for the people who applicants aged 22~33 with experience in designing and creating and marketing social networking adverts.
Linkedin Data Manage (Internship)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Recommended for men and women aged 20-25 who wish to do an internship in a Japanese company.
Sales Manager
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam.
★ We are looking for people over 45 years old who can manage an organisation as a sales manager.
Sales (Apparel)
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment
★ Recommended for those who can speak Japanese and want to work for an apparel trading company
Technical Sales (ERP System)
★ It is one of the leading global IT vendor companies in Japan.
★ This is a job with great potential for your career development.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in the IT industry.
Design Development Staff
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Career Advisor (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work
Sales Planning Assistant
★ An enterprise with 100% investment capital from Japan, leading in the production of zippers: metal zippers, plastic zippers etc.
★ Our company has headquarter at Ho Chi Minh city and two factories at Dong Nai, Ha Nam
★ Our company have been expanding our business and we also believe that we can contribute even more to the development of the Garment, Footwear and Luggage industry in Vietnam.
クライアントサポート (日本人向け)
★ ベトナム最大規模の日系コンサルティングファームにてクライアントサポートを募集しています。
★ HCMC / Hanoiの中心街にオフィスがあり、綺麗でプロフェッショナルな環境です。
★ 財務・会計に関しては基本的な知識のみで構いません。
Design Production Assistant
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for those who are fluent in English or Japanese and want to work for an apparel trading company.
Apparel Material Designer
★ We are an apparel material (button etc.) company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for females who can use Corel, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.
Warehouse Director
★ A well-known Japanese refrigerated warehouse company will operate a warehouse in Vietnam from 2024. The new employee will join the company after Tet in 2024 and will have training in Japan or Thailand for 6 months to 1 year.
★ We are looking for a manager for 50 Vietnamese staff.
★ Candidates must be able to speak Japanese and have experience in warehousing or inventory control.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Hardware Drafter
★We design 100% of architectural hardware for the Japanese market.
★All of our designs are custom-made, so the specifications are different each time.
Recommended for those who want to draw special drawings.
★This design company has an office in the center of Ho Chi Minh City and is planning to expand in Vietnam in the future.
Safety Management (Plant construction)
★ We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of "developing engineers who are active in the world".
★ Our company has a system for salary increase and promotion, which allows for career growth.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in safety management in the construction industry.
★ 100%日本の資本で設立された大学で、外資による初めての医療系大学が医療サービスを開始しました。
★ 日本の医療専門家が最新の医療設備を導入し、ベトナムで医療を提供します。
★ 決算書やキャッシュフロー計算管理経験のある日本人の方を募集しています。
Business Analyst (Senior level)
★ We are a design and technology company with “human-friendly” design
★ The company has very good benefits and bonuses, opportunities to go on business trips to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and provinces in Vietnam
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
Business Analyst (Middle level)
★ We are a design and technology company with “human-friendly” design
★ The company has very good benefits and bonuses, opportunities to go on business trips to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and provinces in Vietnam
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
Sales Leader
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for candidates who are fluent in Japanese and have sales experience in the apparel industry.
Sales Admin
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have good Japanese and want to work as a Sales Admin.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
建築施工監理 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のあるゼネコンの1社です
★ プライベート保険完備。現場手当、出張手当 等の手当てが支給されます
★ 日本人は社長と建築施工監理者の2名体制です。新たに1名現地採用を予定しています
縫製検品 オーダー管理者(日本人向け)
★当社はファッション業界のトッププレーヤーであり、「Fashion Doctor」の名のもと、衣料・雑貨に関する研究と革新に情熱を注ぎ、世界トップの技術と品質を提供しています。
Technical Guidance Staff (Sewing Products)
★ A well-known Japanese company as a supplier of textile products, chemicals, and general apparel.
★ For candidates who wish to have the opportunity for an internship in Japan.
★ Welcoming candidates who wish to advance their careers in the garment industry.
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as an engineer for a Japanese General Contractor
★ Architectural engineers who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply
Senior Consultant
★ We are one of Japan's leading consulting firms with 40 years of experience in M&A consulting and business connections. We are spread all over the world including Japan, USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
★ You will have the opportunity to build your career in a professional environment.
★ We are planning to hire experienced consulting firms in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, about 28-35 years old.
★ We are one of Japan's leading consulting firms with 40 years of experience in M&A consulting and business connections. We are spread all over the world including Japan, USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
★ You will have the opportunity to build your career in a professional environment.
★ We are planning to hire new graduates or people under 27 years old with Japanese N2 or above in Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi.
Logistic Manager
★ We are trading Co., Ltd. has 100% investment from Japan
★ The office is located in Dist.1 and is a comfortable office environment for working
★ We welcome applications with Logistic Manager experience in a trading company
Internship (HR Agency)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times since then.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Recommended for motivated people who want to improve their English and Japanese language skills.
★ ベトナムにおける日系企業をはじめ、 外資系企業やベトナム国内企業を対象に、人材育成研修及び経営コンサルティングをご提供しております。
★ 顧客と一緒に経営課題を解決できるよう現状分析から実行支援までをワンストップでご支援いたします。
★ 研修・教育・人事コンサルティング業界に興味のある方で、プロフェッショナルなコンサルタント・講師を目指したい方、ベトナムで長期的なキャリアを持って働く意欲のある方にお薦めします。
Assistant Director cum GA
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with a 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese director can communicate in Vietnamese
★ This job is recommended for females 25-33 years old who can communicate in Japanese and read and write English. The company has a good salary level.
Architectural Designer
★Japanese first-class architectural firm specializing in BIM.
★They are a expanding company. They are waiting for a designer who wants to play an active role as a core member of the company.
★We are looking for an architectural designer who can speak Japanese or English.
Sample design staff (Shoes)
★ Over 50 years of experience in the development of footwear and sportswear products.
★ Head office in District 1, HCMC with a convenient location and nice offices.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers and have experience in Japanese company.
Candidates Support (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
PE Deputy General Manager
★ As a company built in April 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag, and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companies' products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
HRBP Supervisor
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Manager (Japanese Staff)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment
Warehouse Staff
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam and there are offices in 40 countries around the world.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for experienced candidates who can speak Japanese or English
Design & Verification Engineer (For Japan Headquarter)
★ As a company of a large Japanese corporation, established an office in Vietnam in May 2014
★ Business field: LSI/FPGA Design&Verification・IoT Embedded System Solutions
★ We are looking for candidates with experience in Verilog language, systemVerilog language, high-level synthesis technology (Synopsys/Cadence)
Design & Verification Engineer (Lead/Staff)
★ As a company of a large Japanese corporation, established an office in Vietnam in May 2014
★ Business field: LSI/FPGA Design&Verification・IoT Embedded System Solutions
★ We are looking for candidates with experience in Verilog language, system Verilog language, high-level synthesis technology (Synopsys/Cadence)
Senior Accountant Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
Accounting and Tax consulting Leader
★ The company business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Apparel Material Designer
★ We are a apparel material (button etc.) company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for females who can use Corel, or Illustrator, or Photoshop, etc.
Assistant Director cum GA
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with a 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese director can communicate in Vietnamese
★ This job is recommended for females 25-35 years old who can communicate in Japanese and read and write English. The company has a good salary level.
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Sales Support Staff.
HRBP Supervisor
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Account Manager
★ We are an M&A Staffing Service leader in Retail, FMCG in Viet Nam over the past 15 years
★ We are member of World Mode Holding Group (WMH) Japan who offers full package service to Luxury Fashion and Beauty Customers in the World
★ We are looking for the unique talent for Account Manager who has a good heart, great passion to win, Smart and strong Operation Experience and skill to join our young and dynamic team.
This position will report to CEO (Vietnamese)
Manager (日本人向け)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
Sale Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Installation Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Software Developer Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry ★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Transfer Pricing Manager
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Accounting and Tax consulting Leader
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Japanese Speaking Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
GA / HR / Accounting Manager
★ The company is based in Singapore and operates in the animal health field in Japan, India, Thailand, and other countries.
★ The company acquired a animal hospital in Ho Chi Minh City this January and plans to recruit a local hospital operations and corporate administrator in March!
★ We imagine recruiting a female between 33 ~ 45 years old who has experience as an admnistrator and can speak both Japanese and English.
GA / HR / Accounting Leader
★The company is based in Singapore and operates in the animal health field in Japan, India, Thailand, and other countries.
★The company acquired a animal hospital in Ho Chi Minh City this January and plans to recruit a local hospital operations and corporate administrator in March!
★We imagine recruiting a female between 28 ~ 38 years old who has experience as an admnistrator and can speak both Japanese and English.
Maintenance Engineer
★ As a freezing equipment manufacturer / engineering company, we have a 90% share of Vietnam!
★ Maintenance Engineers are welcome to apply!
★ I have a business trip for 3 days in a week. However, it is a high salary and well-paid position!
Assistant Director cum GA
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with a 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese director can communicate in Vietnamese
★ This job is recommended for females 25-31 years old who can communicate in Japanese and read and write English. The company has a good salary level.
Production cost analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Raw Material
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Cost Management Price Modeling Analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
★ 日本メーカー50%、台湾メーカー30%、日本の総合商社20%で構成されるスポーツウェアの専門メーカーです。
★ 新しい技術開発によるグローバルな事業展開を行っており、アパレルメーカーとして常に「攻め」の姿勢でチャレンジしている企業です。
★ 会社近辺かTHU DAU MOT近辺に居住できる方、アパレル業界で働きたい方にお勧めです。
Business Analyst
★ We are a design and technology company with human-friendly design
★ Our aim is to share our design approach, cultivated in Japan, to contribute to the future of Vietnam, helping create a world where technology and people can coexist harmoniously
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
FAS Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
FAS Assistant Manager
★ The company business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
PE Deputy General Manager
★ As a company built in April 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag, and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companies' products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
QA Manager
★ As a company built in 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags: driver airbag, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Recycle Engineer
★ As a company built in April 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags: driver airbag, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Import & Export Manager
★ As a company built in 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags: driver airbag, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Transfer Pricing Assistant Manager
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Fresh Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
HVAC Designer
★ 100% foreign-owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, and lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
Sales Manager
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer a comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advanced technologies, and expert maintenance teams and services.
Site management and construction drawing production staff
★ We are a Japanese design company established in 2015 in Ho chi minh city.
★ We have a team of designers with extensive experience in many fields, we can offer a consistent solution from branding to store design, products, and promotional tools, sales reports.
★ We also provide offshore services in the creative industry.
Legal Staff
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who want to work as legal staff in a Japanese company.
Pattern tailor
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ We are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ In the future, we will focus on sales in Europe.
C&B staff
★ We are the largest company in the industry of industrial sewing machine needles.
★ The company has a history of about 100 years since its establishment and has been operating in Vietnam for nearly 30 years.
★ The factory is located near the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Technical Service (Molding Machine)
★ Total sales of automatic molding systems: 130,000 units! We are a global company that sells our products to 80 countries around the world.
★ The HCMC office has about 10 people.
It is recommended for those who want to work in an environment with a small number of talented people.
★ Recommend to anyone who wants to repair a machine and make the customer happy.
★ コピー複合機業界トップクラス企業にて日本人支店長を募集しております。
★ 海外・東南アジアにてビジネスマネジメントの経験がある50~60代の方にお勧めいたします。
★ 月給 5,000 USD + 四半期毎にコミッションが支給されます。
★ Our company is a one-stop provider of garment products to the market, from sewing to fabrics and raw materials. We are present in 23 countries and regions including Japan, and our strength lies in our global network.
★ Up until now, our manufacturing has been done mainly in China.
Recently, however, we have changed and strengthened our manufacturing bases in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries. "
★ We are looking for candidates who can start working in Nov. 2022.
The first month of training will be at our affiliated factory in Hanoi.
Accounting and tax consulting Division
★ The company business point of view is: Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
HR Manager
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions.
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag, and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The company products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Seamwork Staff
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear
★ Welcome candidates who know how to use Toray, Lectra, Gerber or Optitex software
Cost Manager / Production Cost Analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Assistant Director
★ The company will be established in Vietnam in 2022 and the factory will start operation in 2023. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who wants to contribute to the growth of the company in a small environment.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ We are looking for candidates with good Japanese language skills and experience working for Japanese companies.
Merchandiser (Fabric)
★ The company is the No. 1 Japanese company in Vietnam in the field of textile materials.
★ Working in a beautiful office in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Candidates with no experience in textiles and fabrics but who have worked for a Japanese company and have a high level of Japanese may be successful.
Account Support (Part time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 8 times since then.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to accounting in a Japanese trading company, so you can learn accounting knowledge
★ One of our current members is leaving in November for maternity leave.
So we are looking for someone to start working in October to take over. Please let us know if you want a permanent position.
Legal Staff
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as a Legal staff in a Japanese company.
Seamwork Staff
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear
★ Welcome candidates who know how to use Toray, Lectra, Gerber or Optitex software
Structure Designer (No need experience)
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Senior Infrastructure Designer
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Senior Architect
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
EPE and Production Manager
★ In the manufacture of OPCs, one of the main parts of printers and copiers. We are looking for an Epe management manager.
★ This is a major manufacturer that has been manufacturing and selling this product in Japan and Singapore for about 40 years.
★ If you can commute to the factory in Vinh Phuc, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Planning & Development (Sports Wear)
★ The company specialises in manufacturing sportswear, made up of 50% Japanese manufacturers, 30% Taiwanese manufacturers and 20% Japanese general trading companies.
★ The company is involved in global business development based on new technological developments, and as an apparel manufacturer, is constantly taking on challenges with an 'aggressive attitude'.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers living in Binh Duong who want to work in the apparel industry.
Architecture Designer
★ Japanese first-class architectural firm specializing in BIM
★ They are a expanding company. They are waiting for a designer who wants to play an active role as a core member of the company.
★ Experienced applicants or new graduates who can speak Japanese and major in architecture are welcome
Document Controller
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ We welcome applications from candidates with document control experience in the construction industry.
Safety Management
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ Applicants with 3-5 years of safety management experience are welcome to apply.
There are opportunities for those who want to improve skills in a major construction company in Japan.
Hardware Designer & Drafter
★We design 100% of architectural hardware for the Japanese market.
★All of our designs are custom-made, so the specifications are different each time.
Recommended for those who want to draw special drawings.
★We have a clean office environment with about 2 people in the Vietnam office.
We are hiring one designer and one drafter this time.
Vietnam Office Management Executive
★ The company is an innovation company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ This company was just founded in Vietnam in March 2022 and plans to expand its organization to 30 employees in 2022.
★ We are looking for talents with potential to manage our Vietnam base in the future.
Commercial Interior Designer
★ Outstanding employees will be invited to an award ceremony at the TOKYO headquarters.
★ In the future, you will have a chance to take charge of various Projects in Asia as a leader.
★ The office is located in Thao Dien, District 2. You can work in a stylish and scenic office.
Filemaker Developers
★ As a partner of Apple Inc. the largest group of business improvement professionals in Japan, will establish a base in Vietnam.
★ We recommend this position to an engineer who wants experience growing a business as a File Maker developer.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese and want to be an IT engineer, you can apply even if you have no experience.
Filemaker Developers
★ As a partner of Apple Inc. the largest group of business improvement professionals in Japan, will establish a base in Vietnam.
★ We recommend this position to an engineer who wants experience growing a business as a File Maker developer.
★ If you do not have File Maker experience, we are looking for someone with SAP / SQL / ORACL experience.
Maintenance Manager
★ Since our establishment in 1948 in Japan, We continue to grow our business worldwide and Till now we have grown into a global corporation with more than 50 companies in Japan. and abroad.
★ Our company was established in 1996 with various products from chewing gum to cookies, ice cream.
★ We look forward to finding new members who are passionate about and love our brand.
HR Consultant (日本人向け)
★ 日本人の経営層と商談できる機会がある
★ 外国語(英語・ベトナム語)能力を高める機会がある
★ 一流のコンサルタント・講師になるための教育体制がある
★ 切磋琢磨できる仲間、裁量の大きい仕事(能力次第)、風通しの良い職場環境
HR cum GA General Manager
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ This position is being offered as a General Manager, with the expectation that the candidate will become a Director in the future.
Japan デスクコンサルタント(日本人向け)
★ 世界 4 大会計事務所の1 社にて日本人コンサルタントを募集しています。
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as Accountant in a Japanese industrial company.
Facilities Management (M&E Engineer)
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with Facilities Management in the construction industry.
HSE Manager
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory, and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with HSE experience in the construction industry.
HR Deputy Director
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializing in the production of airbags and car seat cushions;
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Accounting and Tax Consulting Senior Staff
★ The companys business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Consultant(日本人向け)
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love
and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after
IBC Japanese Support Staff
★ The companys business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Japanese Support Assistant Manager
★ The companys business point of view is “Become a platform to support the development of customers”
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Accounting & Tax Consulting Manager
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
★ We are a Japan-based comprehensive and multi-disciplinary consulting firm providing worldwide services in all related fields, including city and urban planning, site planning and civil engineering, architectural and interior design, structural engineering, etc...
★ Established in 1900, We have completed over 20,000 projects in over 40 countries, actively contributing to the social welfare and economy in Japan and on a global scale.
★ We are recruiting urgently Architect for Architectural and Urban Design Projects/Production.
(For not only projects in Vietnam, but also projects in Japan and the other countries.)
FAS Assistant Manager / FAS Senior Staff
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Assistant HR Manager
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as HR in a Japanese industrial company
★ A company specializing in designing and manufacturing FA machines, semiconductor control devices,...
★ The slogan customer is number one, business environment respects the earths environment is mentioned as a matter of course at the enterprise, but we think that it is the responsibility and obligation of the company. a business.
★ Our goal is to promote the strengths of the company (high quality, low price, short processing time, attentive customer service, can meet even small quantities, small goods), satisfy the needs of every customer in the world as well as the production activities in which the customer is engaged.
Account Consulting Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Contract Drafter
★ The largest company in the industry in the field of industrial sewing machine needles.
★ The company has a history of about 100 years since its foundation and has been operating in Vietnam for almost 30 years.
★ The factory is located near the center of HCMC.
★ Being the official distributor of a reputable Japanese printing company in Vietnam market.
★ The company has become a reliable choice for many printing businesses all over Vietnam, especially big cities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are striving to develop a dynamic and sustainable distribution system, build a modern and professional working environment and bring new product lines to meet customers' needs.
Team Leader for Interior Designer
★ We are a cross-disciplinary design studio with a singular mission – to radically improve how people work, learn, live, and play by shaping the way physical space influences human behaviour.
★ We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where every team member feels they belong, has the opportunity to do meaningful work, and is recognised and celebrated for their achievements.
★ We are an Australian design company. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as a manager in an active environment.
Research & Development (Food)
★We started making breadcrumbs dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ The Company boasts the No. 1 share in the production and sales of breadcrumbs in Japan and one of the largest shares in the world.
★ Applicants with at least 5 years of experience in R&D in the food industry are welcome to apply.
★ A general construction company headquartered in Japan.
★ The company has a proven track record in private construction as well as ODA and other government projects.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as an architect in a Japanese company.
★We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★We are looking for an accountant in Hanoi with Japanese N3 or higher.
★ We are a website development and server rental company headquartered in Japan.
★ The Vietnam office is a small office with about 4 people.
If you are interested in this environment, this is the place for you.
★ We are looking for a female who can manage the overall accounting of the company.
★ 照明事業はその国・その時代の文化の指標ともいわれます。
★ 21世紀産業界は、グローバルな環境保全が求められています。
★ 地球にやさしい未来の<あかり>を作り、<あかり>文化を通じて、地域社会の発展に貢献する企業を目指しています。
Senior Architect
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for a Professional Senior Architect.
★ We are proud of being one of Japanese famous law firm.
★ We are providing premium quality legal services.
★ We are doing our best to becoming a leader in the development of the practice of law.
Mechanical Engineer (Design Management)
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Account cum Admin
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Restaurant business administrative assistant
★ This is a popular brand name and has been trusted for decades in the Vietnamese market
★ A Japanese corporation specializing in skin care products, eyes, lips, hair, cosmetics such as sunscreen, cleanser, lipstick, shampoo, medicine such as eye drops, ... now opened expanding into the restaurant business.
★ Welcome dynamic, experienced candidates who are interested the restaurant and food industry
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Deputy Manager (Construction Sales & Business Development)
★ As Japan's first pioneer of prestressed concrete technology, we have achieved many successes in various construction projects.
★ We are looking for professionals with experience in the construction industries.
★ We have been working on civil engineering projects, but we are now looking for people who can obtain new architectural projects.
★ We are a Japanese company operating in the international transportation and warehousing business.
★ The Vietnam branch was established in 2020. However, it is a company with a long history in Japan, so you can work with peace of mind.
★ The director is a Japanese female and the office has a cheerful atmosphere.
O&M Manager
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
Account Staff
★ The company is a well-known Japanese company as a total supplier of textile, chemical and apparel products.
★ You will work in a beautiful office environment in the heart of Ho Chi Minh District 1.
★ Seeking experienced accountants who can communicate in Japanese.
Account Consulting Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Finished product warehouse workers
★ The company is a symbol of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, with the main product being agricultural fertilizers.
★ The company has more than 20 years of operation in Vietnam.
★ Modern fertilizer plant, equipped with automatic closed water recirculation technology according to Japanese safety and quality standards.
Packaging Worker
★ The company is a symbol of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, with the main product being agricultural fertilizers.
★ The company has more than 20 years of operation in Vietnam.
★ Modern fertilizer plant, equipped with automatic closed water recirculation technology according to Japanese safety and quality standards.
★ The company is a symbol of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, with the main product being agricultural fertilizers.
★ The company has more than 20 years of operation in Vietnam.
★ Modern fertilizer plant, equipped with automatic closed water recirculation technology according to Japanese safety and quality standards.
Web Designer
★ We are a Japanese IT company that started business in Vietnam in 2012.
★ We are looking for experienced web producers who can speak Japanese.
★ You can work in a professional environment in District 1.
Architecture Designer
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ This position will be responsible for architectural design for Vietnam and Japan.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese language and REVIT, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
General Accountant
★ We are one of the most famous apparel trading companies in Japan.
★ We sell apparel products all over the world.
★ We are looking for an accountant for our factory in Hoc Mon.
If you are an experienced accountant who can speak Japanese or English, we would like to hear from you!
HR Executive ( Japanese Speaking )
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in Japanese.
Trade Sales Admin
★ A company that manufactures products used in high performance machines.
★ It's NOT a big company. Recommended for applicants who like such an environment
★ Import and export support experience is welcome.
Admin Staff
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Account Staff
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
QC Tester Cum IT Comtor
★ The headquarter is located in Tokyo, Osaka. 2 Vietnamese employees are currently working onsite.
★ The office manager in HCM is Japanese (about 40 years old) living in HCM, very comfortable if you are self-conscious, conscious in working environment, regularly discuss with each employee to inquire, exchanging new ideas and help to improve productivity.
Insurance specialist Staff
★ Candidates with 1 year of experience consulting and supporting in the field of Insurance are welcome !
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
Online Customer Support (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020!
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ Recommended for university students who want to work in a start-up environment.
Interior Design Manager
★ We are an architectural and interior design firm from Japan.
★ We have designed large projects such as 5 star hotels, resorts, high-rise residences, and commercial facilities, and have earned the trust of our clients in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in the center of HCMC, and you can work in a beautiful office with a great view.
HVAC Design & Estimation
★ This company is famous in the construction industry in Japan as a specialist in electrical facilities.
★ Our Hanoi office is a few people. Therefore, we are looking for engineers with professionalism.
★ We recommend this job to engineers who want to improve your skills in a Japanese MEP construction company.
Global Sales Staff
★ We are founded in 2018, specializes in CG graphic design for developers.
★ The leading game products and CG film in the world.
★ To prepare manpower for large projects, we are looking for many talented to join, build and develop together.
IT Staff
★We are Japan is a Japanese invested company that was established in 2012.
★We are looking for IT candidates who can speak Japanese.
★Candidates who want to work in a professional Japanese corporate environment are welcome !
Installation Supervisor
★We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of "developing engineers who are active in the world".
★This is a Oct. to Tet project hire. There is a possibility of switching to permanent hiring after the end of the contract.
★We are looking for someone who is fluent in Japanese or English and has industrial machinery setup experience.
Architecture Designer Drafter
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to work as a professional in architectural design, please apply.
Architecture Designer
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for an Architect who can speak Japanese.
Senior or Assistant Manager
★ One of the famous brands in the world with very unique products and solutions for household electronics products.
★ Our goal is to create a balance between work time and personal life thanks to products that can support human life at work, at home or anywhere.
★ Working at a beautiful office and a professional working environment located in District 2.
Media Marketing & Translater (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020 !
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to start a business in the future !
Charing of Structural Design
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Career Advisor
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020 !
★ We specialise in the introduction of construction engineers. If you're interested in becoming an engineering career advisor, we're looking forward to hearing from you
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to start a business in the future !
Manager / Deputy of Commercial Department
★We are one of the leading distributors in Maritime Industry, offering maritime technical products and services meeting global standards.
★ We offer Nautical Publications & Paper Charts, materials and equipments for Oil & Gas industry, Marine Navigation & Communication equipments and systems and so on.
★ In the next 5-10 years, we will become one of the leading distributors in Asian Maritime Industry.
BIM Leader and Representative for Japanese Client
★We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ We are looking for someone with good Japanese language skills to meet with Japanese companies. Any nationality is acceptable.
Safety and Health Management
★A well-known Japanese trading company is looking for a Safety and Health Manager for their apparel factory.
★ Company shuttle service is available from Thu Dau Mot to My Phuoc Industrial Park.
Forwarding/ Logistics Operations Supervisor
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services
★ Working in a beautiful and modern office at District 1
★ High salary is paid depending on ability and experience !
Legal & Compliance Team Head
★ We are one of No.1 Banks in Japan! Welcome candidates who want to work in a professional environment
★ Welcome candidates who are good at foreign languages skill and have knowledge of finance
HR Scouter
★ You can work in your free time if you have a mobile phone
★ This is a pay-for-performance type job
★ This application is limited to 3 people. (Because we want to build a relationship of trust.)
Architecture Design Manager
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to work as a professional in architectural design, please apply.
IT Communicator
★ The pioneer company of Japanese offshore development.
★ The predecessor was a Japanese language class for Vietnamese engineers, which was founded in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2002.
★ There is a history of being featured in the Nikkei Special program.
General Accoutant
★ We a fast growing application company in Vietnam !
★ We are looking for an accountant who can speak Japanese!
★ Gain accounting knowledge in the IT industry!
Service Management (TOKYO / OSAKA / NAGOYA )
★日本(TOKYO / OSAKA / NAGOYA )で働きたい方、応募をお待ちしています!
CAD Engineer (Mechanical Relation)
★ Personal Development learning opportunities, working with professional Japanese experts using TV conference!
★ Approaching latest technologies, and challenging with new projects!
★ You have chances to work in the honest, open- minded environment and empowered to do the challenging job!
Distributed Control Systems Engineer (DCS Engineer)
★ Personal Development learning opportunities, working with professional Japanese experts using TV conference!
★ Approaching latest technologies, and challenging with new projects!
★ You have chances to work in the honest, open- minded environment and empowered to do the challenging job!
★ プロフェッッショナルな環境で、日本語・英語を使用した仕事が上がしたい方、歓迎します!メールを使用する事が多いポジションです!
★ 1区の中心にオフィスがあります。
Development Deputy Manager
★ As Japan’s largest retail group, we 10 major business aspects in balanced development under a pure holding company structure.
★ A specialist shopping mall developer
Factory Director
★ アパレルの副資材として、日本シェアー№1の企業!
★ 日本語が話せ、裁縫工場のマネジメント経験がある方、お待ちしています!
Accouting Consultant (日本企業対応)
★ 能力・経験によっては高い給料が支払われます!
★ 会計 コンサルティングのプロ集団!
★ A well-known Japanese refrigerated warehouse company has been operating in Vietnam since February 2025.
★ You will be able to work in a clean and spacious office environment with the newest facilities.
★ No need to speak Japanese or English. Preference will be given to candidates who can commute to Long An-Ben Luc.
IT Consultant (IT experience not required)
★ IT コンサルティング企業として成長している会社です。日本語N1クラスの方は国籍を問わず採用される可能性があります。
★ キャリア構築の為、今後どのような 案件を希望するか 相談する事が出来、キャリア を サポート してくれる パートナーがいます。
★ 社長・役員との ランチ会や、 毎月 1 度会社情報を 共有する全社員集会など横のつながりを 作るため様々 な イベント を 企画しており、社内で良い人間関係を作る事を意識しています。
IT Consultant (IT experience not required)
★ 私たちはデジタル関連のメガトレンドを捉え、エネルギー・製造業・物流・ヘルスケアという
★ フレックス制度/リモート勤務など 自分に合った働き方が出来る環境です。
★ 事業拡大フェーズのため、早いタイミングでのプロモーション(昇進)も可能な環境です。
IT Consultant
★ 私たちはデジタル関連のメガトレンドを捉え、エネルギー・製造業・物流・ヘルスケアという
★ フレックス制度/リモート勤務など 自分に合った働き方が出来る環境です。
★ スポーツジム補助/書籍購入補助など、成長意欲がある人を支援していく制度が整っています
ERP Consultant
★ 私たちは ERP(Enterprise Resources Planning)を活用した IT コンサルティングサービスをグローバルに展開する、ハンドグループの一員です。
独自の技術でハイクオリティな IT ソリューションを創出しお客さまのビジネスをサポートしています
★ 現在は上海と東京、アメリカ、シンガポール、オランダにも現地法人を展開し、事業を拡大し続けています。
★ 外国籍の方も積極的に採用しています。
SAP、 Oracle、 Dynamics365 製品の導入経験者の方におすすめです。
IT Consultant
★ IT コンサルティング企業として成長している会社です。
★ キャリア構築の為、今後どのような 案件を希望するか 相談する事が出来、
キャリア を サポート してくれる パートナーがいます。
★ 社長・役員との ランチ会や、 毎月 1 度会社情報を 共有する全社員集会など
横のつながりを 作るため様々 な イベント を 企画しており、
Engineering Manager
★ IT技術を「楽」に企業の発展に活用できるように、クラウドサービスとIT人材を通じて、お客様の課題解決やビジネスの成長を支援しています。
★ 当社ベトナム支店は2014年の設立以来、楽楽精算、メールディーラー、配配メールなど、ラクスの主要クラウドサービスの機能開発を行っております。
★ 組織のリーダーとして、仲間として、家族として尊敬され、慕われるポジションです。過去に赴任した駐在員は帰任後も慕われ、現在でも仕事外でも現地メンバーとの交流が続いており、そこで築いた絆は一生ものです。
BrSE Leader
★ 同社は1998年に創業し、IT・インターネット分野およびエンジニアリング分野で事業を展開しています。
★ 取引先企業は、顧客からの紹介を受けながら少しずつ信頼を築き、現在では約700社にまで拡大しました。
★ 顧客の海外進出を支援するグローバルサービスや、モノづくり領域における生産技術をサポートするエンジニアリング事業を展開・拡大し、DX推進企業の共創パートナーとしてさらなる成長を目指しています。
★ 1994年の設立当初より、一括受託のスタイルを基本として、 企画から仕様作成・シナリオ・グラフィック・プログラミングまで自社内で一貫して制作を行ってきました。
★ 企画から映像制作まで一貫して開発をおこなっており、 アニメ制作、サウンド実装、実機シミュレータアプリの開発も請け負っています。 また、実機開発にあわせたアプリのリリースも可能です。
★ 業界歴10年以上の経験を積んだベテランスタッフによる、クライアントのニーズに合わせてクオリティの高い提案・開発を提供することが強みです。
★ 発注者と品質・納期・価格に最適な加工会社を選定し、最適なサプライチェーンを構築するための受発注プラットフォームを提供しています。
★ 独自開発の原価計算アルゴリズムに基づく自動見積もりシステムを搭載し、製造業の調達プロセスをデジタル化(DX)することで、より生産性の高い仕事に注力できる環境を提供しています。
★ 働く環境では、採用経験を積むと共に、労務や総務などの他部門との距離が近く、さまざまな部署と密に連携しながら働くことができます。
★ 安定した経済基盤と長期的な事業計画を持つ企業での勤務
★ 業界・職種問わず、プロフェッショナルネットワークの拡充
★ 新しいプロジェクトや責任あるポジションが生まれる成長企業
Branch Manager
★ Specializing in comprehensive logistics solutions across Vietnam.
★ The company stands as the only foreign-owned enterprise in Vietnam licensed to provide domestic and international transportation services by air, sea, and road,
along with warehousing and other logistics services.
★ We are looking for a Branch Manager or Branch Manager candidate for our Ho Chi Minh office.
Sales Admin. (Contract Employment)
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam.
★ The contract is for the term from December 2024 to August 2025.
Assistant Construction Manager
★ プライム上場企業のグループ会社として、 全国452社以上のクライアントと安定的な取引を続けている会社です。
★ 希望者は、自社研修施設「技術センター」にて、入社後17日間の基礎研修(+1~6日間の特別教育)を受けていただくことが可能です。
★ 男女比が5:5となっており、性別問わず働きやすい環境となっています。
Electrical Engineer
★ The company specializes in comprehensive engineering solutions for electrical systems, offering expertise in design, construction, and maintenance to meet diverse client needs globally.
★ The company emphasizes tailored solutions, ensuring energy efficiency, reliability, and compliance with international standards, particularly in industrial and factory settings.
★ Provides opportunities to collaborate with Japanese experts, gain valuable experience in cutting-edge technology, and enhance skills in a dynamic and supportive environment.
Supply Chain CSR Specialist
★ A committed to advancing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices, aiming to create a positive impact throughout its global supply chain network.
★ The company emphasizes fair labor practices, ensuring supplier compliance with its Policy of Engagement and promoting programs for worker well-being and capacity building.
★ The company offers a dynamic work setting with exposure to diverse projects, making it an ideal place for professionals seeking to enhance their expertise in corporate social responsibility and sustainability within the sportswear industry.
★ NTT グループのビジネスコンサルティングファームとして設立された日本発の総合コンサルティングファームです
★ 特に、製造業のサプライチェーン・マネジメント分野で、現場改革に基づいたコンサルティングを強みとしています
★ IT・金融・会計・経営戦略・SCM分野でコンサルタントとしてマネジメント経験のある方におすすめいたします
★ IT または会計・経営分野の知識や経験を活かしたい方におすすめいたします
Sale Assistant
★ Established in 1930, with a network of 105 domestic and international companies.
★ Japan top trading company specializing in gases and nitrogen, offering competitive salaries and significant career growth opportunities.
★ Ideal for candidates who speak Japanese and have experience as a sales assistant in a Japanese company.
Branch Manager
★ Specializing in comprehensive logistics solutions across Vietnam.
★ The company stands as the only foreign-owned enterprise in Vietnam licensed to provide domestic and international transportation services by air, sea, and road,
along with warehousing and other logistics services.
★ We are looking for a Branch Manager or Branch Manager candidate for our Ho Chi Minh office.
★ A subsidiary of a Japanese company, operating in the field of processing and designing electrical systems, piping, and air conditioning drawings for construction projects.
★ Specializing in providing services: consulting and designing electrical and piping systems for residential and industrial construction projects.
★ The company is currently recruiting for an Accountant position who can communicate in Japanese.
Financial Advisory Service Japanese Support Staff
★ The company business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ We are looking for applications from independent and highly motivated candidates for the position of Japanese-speaking consultant at the Financial Advisory Service (FAS) department in our Ho Chi Minh office.
Customer Service Staff
★ We are the No.1 needle manufacturer and distributor in Japan.
★ We have been operating in Vietnam since the 1990s, and has a long history of stable management.
★ We are looking for a Chinese speaker.
Data Manage cum Sales Admin. (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We recommend this position for candidates between the ages of 23-33 who are interested in the latest HR SaaS and want to grow.
BIM / CIM Modeler
★ We were established in 2005 with 100% investment from Japan. Proud to lead in providing construction drawings for projects: high-rise buildings, offices, apartments, schools, stadiums, bridges and roads, infrastructure...
★ We have a team of dynamic, creative, enthusiastic young staff, not afraid of difficulties and ready to face challenges.
★ Welcome candidates who can communicate in Japanese and want to develop their careers in BIM/CIM.
Sewing Technician
★ A well-known Japanese company as a supplier of textile products, chemicals and general apparel.
★ This is a position where you can build your career as a sewing technician.
★ Shuttle buses are available from Da Nang.
Pattern Maker
★ The company was founded in 1894 and has a 130-year history as a Japanese-owned apparel trading company.
★ The company does business in Asia and Europe.
★ We welcome applications from pattern makers with experience in dealing with foreign buyers.
Marketing Staff (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ We are looking for the people who applicants aged 22~33 with experience in designing and creating and marketing social networking adverts.
Linkedin Data Manage (Internship)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Recommended for men and women aged 20-25 who wish to do an internship in a Japanese company.
Sales Manager
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam.
★ We are looking for people over 45 years old who can manage an organisation as a sales manager.
Sales (Apparel)
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment
★ Recommended for those who can speak Japanese and want to work for an apparel trading company
Technical Sales (ERP System)
★ It is one of the leading global IT vendor companies in Japan.
★ This is a job with great potential for your career development.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in the IT industry.
Design Development Staff
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Career Advisor (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work
Sales Planning Assistant
★ An enterprise with 100% investment capital from Japan, leading in the production of zippers: metal zippers, plastic zippers etc.
★ Our company has headquarter at Ho Chi Minh city and two factories at Dong Nai, Ha Nam
★ Our company have been expanding our business and we also believe that we can contribute even more to the development of the Garment, Footwear and Luggage industry in Vietnam.
クライアントサポート (日本人向け)
★ ベトナム最大規模の日系コンサルティングファームにてクライアントサポートを募集しています。
★ HCMC / Hanoiの中心街にオフィスがあり、綺麗でプロフェッショナルな環境です。
★ 財務・会計に関しては基本的な知識のみで構いません。
Design Production Assistant
★ We are a trading company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for those who are fluent in English or Japanese and want to work for an apparel trading company.
Apparel Material Designer
★ We are an apparel material (button etc.) company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for females who can use Corel, Illustrator, Photoshop, etc.
Warehouse Director
★ A well-known Japanese refrigerated warehouse company will operate a warehouse in Vietnam from 2024. The new employee will join the company after Tet in 2024 and will have training in Japan or Thailand for 6 months to 1 year.
★ We are looking for a manager for 50 Vietnamese staff.
★ Candidates must be able to speak Japanese and have experience in warehousing or inventory control.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Hardware Drafter
★We design 100% of architectural hardware for the Japanese market.
★All of our designs are custom-made, so the specifications are different each time.
Recommended for those who want to draw special drawings.
★This design company has an office in the center of Ho Chi Minh City and is planning to expand in Vietnam in the future.
Safety Management (Plant construction)
★ We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of "developing engineers who are active in the world".
★ Our company has a system for salary increase and promotion, which allows for career growth.
★ Recommended for candidates with experience in safety management in the construction industry.
★ 100%日本の資本で設立された大学で、外資による初めての医療系大学が医療サービスを開始しました。
★ 日本の医療専門家が最新の医療設備を導入し、ベトナムで医療を提供します。
★ 決算書やキャッシュフロー計算管理経験のある日本人の方を募集しています。
Business Analyst (Senior level)
★ We are a design and technology company with “human-friendly” design
★ The company has very good benefits and bonuses, opportunities to go on business trips to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and provinces in Vietnam
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
Business Analyst (Middle level)
★ We are a design and technology company with “human-friendly” design
★ The company has very good benefits and bonuses, opportunities to go on business trips to Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and provinces in Vietnam
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
Sales Leader
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for candidates who are fluent in Japanese and have sales experience in the apparel industry.
Sales Admin
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel accessories in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have good Japanese and want to work as a Sales Admin.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
建築施工監理 (日本人向け)
★ ベトナムでの工場建設実績が多く、ベトナムで存在感のあるゼネコンの1社です
★ プライベート保険完備。現場手当、出張手当 等の手当てが支給されます
★ 日本人は社長と建築施工監理者の2名体制です。新たに1名現地採用を予定しています
縫製検品 オーダー管理者(日本人向け)
★当社はファッション業界のトッププレーヤーであり、「Fashion Doctor」の名のもと、衣料・雑貨に関する研究と革新に情熱を注ぎ、世界トップの技術と品質を提供しています。
Technical Guidance Staff (Sewing Products)
★ A well-known Japanese company as a supplier of textile products, chemicals, and general apparel.
★ For candidates who wish to have the opportunity for an internship in Japan.
★ Welcoming candidates who wish to advance their careers in the garment industry.
Site Engineer
★ Established in 1845, the company started operations in Vietnam in 2010, and is a general contractor with a strong track record in projects for Japanese factories
★ This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as an engineer for a Japanese General Contractor
★ Architectural engineers who can speak Japanese are welcome to apply
Senior Consultant
★ We are one of Japan's leading consulting firms with 40 years of experience in M&A consulting and business connections. We are spread all over the world including Japan, USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
★ You will have the opportunity to build your career in a professional environment.
★ We are planning to hire experienced consulting firms in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, about 28-35 years old.
★ We are one of Japan's leading consulting firms with 40 years of experience in M&A consulting and business connections. We are spread all over the world including Japan, USA, Singapore, China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
★ You will have the opportunity to build your career in a professional environment.
★ We are planning to hire new graduates or people under 27 years old with Japanese N2 or above in Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Noi.
Logistic Manager
★ We are trading Co., Ltd. has 100% investment from Japan
★ The office is located in Dist.1 and is a comfortable office environment for working
★ We welcome applications with Logistic Manager experience in a trading company
Internship (HR Agency)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 10 times since then.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Recommended for motivated people who want to improve their English and Japanese language skills.
★ ベトナムにおける日系企業をはじめ、 外資系企業やベトナム国内企業を対象に、人材育成研修及び経営コンサルティングをご提供しております。
★ 顧客と一緒に経営課題を解決できるよう現状分析から実行支援までをワンストップでご支援いたします。
★ 研修・教育・人事コンサルティング業界に興味のある方で、プロフェッショナルなコンサルタント・講師を目指したい方、ベトナムで長期的なキャリアを持って働く意欲のある方にお薦めします。
Assistant Director cum GA
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with a 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese director can communicate in Vietnamese
★ This job is recommended for females 25-33 years old who can communicate in Japanese and read and write English. The company has a good salary level.
Architectural Designer
★Japanese first-class architectural firm specializing in BIM.
★They are a expanding company. They are waiting for a designer who wants to play an active role as a core member of the company.
★We are looking for an architectural designer who can speak Japanese or English.
Sample design staff (Shoes)
★ Over 50 years of experience in the development of footwear and sportswear products.
★ Head office in District 1, HCMC with a convenient location and nice offices.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers and have experience in Japanese company.
Candidates Support (Part Time Job)
★ Founded in 2018, the company has survived the pandemic and is growing every year.
★ The company has a cheerful atmosphere and good teamwork.
★ Looking for part time workers due to the increase in work.
PE Deputy General Manager
★ As a company built in April 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag, and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companies' products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
HRBP Supervisor
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Sales Engineer
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Manager (Japanese Staff)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after the establishment
Warehouse Staff
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam and there are offices in 40 countries around the world.
★ The Japanese GM of the report line can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for experienced candidates who can speak Japanese or English
Design & Verification Engineer (For Japan Headquarter)
★ As a company of a large Japanese corporation, established an office in Vietnam in May 2014
★ Business field: LSI/FPGA Design&Verification・IoT Embedded System Solutions
★ We are looking for candidates with experience in Verilog language, systemVerilog language, high-level synthesis technology (Synopsys/Cadence)
Design & Verification Engineer (Lead/Staff)
★ As a company of a large Japanese corporation, established an office in Vietnam in May 2014
★ Business field: LSI/FPGA Design&Verification・IoT Embedded System Solutions
★ We are looking for candidates with experience in Verilog language, system Verilog language, high-level synthesis technology (Synopsys/Cadence)
Senior Accountant Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
Accounting and Tax consulting Leader
★ The company business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Apparel Material Designer
★ We are a apparel material (button etc.) company with a history of 130 years in business.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ Recommended for females who can use Corel, or Illustrator, or Photoshop, etc.
Assistant Director cum GA
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with a 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese director can communicate in Vietnamese
★ This job is recommended for females 25-35 years old who can communicate in Japanese and read and write English. The company has a good salary level.
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services.
★ The only company among the leading foreign companies in Vietnam that has a general license for logistics services.
★ We are looking for a candidate who is good at Japanese to work as Sales Support Staff.
HRBP Supervisor
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Account Manager
★ We are an M&A Staffing Service leader in Retail, FMCG in Viet Nam over the past 15 years
★ We are member of World Mode Holding Group (WMH) Japan who offers full package service to Luxury Fashion and Beauty Customers in the World
★ We are looking for the unique talent for Account Manager who has a good heart, great passion to win, Smart and strong Operation Experience and skill to join our young and dynamic team.
This position will report to CEO (Vietnamese)
Manager (日本人向け)
★ The company is listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and has a history of over 100 years.
★ The company was one of the first Japanese companies to invest in Vietnam and has a strong presence in the Vietnamese market.
★ The company has 40 companies, both domestic and overseas, and has completed construction projects in 60 countries and regions around the world.
Sale Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Installation Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Software Developer Staff
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry ★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Transfer Pricing Manager
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Accounting and Tax consulting Leader
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Japanese Speaking Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
GA / HR / Accounting Manager
★ The company is based in Singapore and operates in the animal health field in Japan, India, Thailand, and other countries.
★ The company acquired a animal hospital in Ho Chi Minh City this January and plans to recruit a local hospital operations and corporate administrator in March!
★ We imagine recruiting a female between 33 ~ 45 years old who has experience as an admnistrator and can speak both Japanese and English.
GA / HR / Accounting Leader
★The company is based in Singapore and operates in the animal health field in Japan, India, Thailand, and other countries.
★The company acquired a animal hospital in Ho Chi Minh City this January and plans to recruit a local hospital operations and corporate administrator in March!
★We imagine recruiting a female between 28 ~ 38 years old who has experience as an admnistrator and can speak both Japanese and English.
Maintenance Engineer
★ As a freezing equipment manufacturer / engineering company, we have a 90% share of Vietnam!
★ Maintenance Engineers are welcome to apply!
★ I have a business trip for 3 days in a week. However, it is a high salary and well-paid position!
Assistant Director cum GA
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with a 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese director can communicate in Vietnamese
★ This job is recommended for females 25-31 years old who can communicate in Japanese and read and write English. The company has a good salary level.
Production cost analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Raw Material
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Cost Management Price Modeling Analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
★ 日本メーカー50%、台湾メーカー30%、日本の総合商社20%で構成されるスポーツウェアの専門メーカーです。
★ 新しい技術開発によるグローバルな事業展開を行っており、アパレルメーカーとして常に「攻め」の姿勢でチャレンジしている企業です。
★ 会社近辺かTHU DAU MOT近辺に居住できる方、アパレル業界で働きたい方にお勧めです。
Business Analyst
★ We are a design and technology company with human-friendly design
★ Our aim is to share our design approach, cultivated in Japan, to contribute to the future of Vietnam, helping create a world where technology and people can coexist harmoniously
★ We are looking for like-minded people to join us on our journey, and be part of a new and exciting future
FAS Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment
FAS Assistant Manager
★ The company business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
FAS Senior Staff / FAS Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
PE Deputy General Manager
★ As a company built in April 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag, and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companies' products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
QA Manager
★ As a company built in 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags: driver airbag, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Recycle Engineer
★ As a company built in April 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags: driver airbag, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Import & Export Manager
★ As a company built in 2010, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags: driver airbag, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Transfer Pricing Assistant Manager
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Fresh Staff
★ The company's business point of view is to Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
HVAC Designer
★ 100% foreign-owned company specializing in designing M&E systems for domestic and foreign customers.
★ We are not a large-scale company, so you can reach your full potential, and lead the project to your own strength, thereby improving many skills.
★ Welcome candidates with HVAC design experience
Sales Manager
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer a comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advanced technologies, and expert maintenance teams and services.
Site management and construction drawing production staff
★ We are a Japanese design company established in 2015 in Ho chi minh city.
★ We have a team of designers with extensive experience in many fields, we can offer a consistent solution from branding to store design, products, and promotional tools, sales reports.
★ We also provide offshore services in the creative industry.
Legal Staff
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who want to work as legal staff in a Japanese company.
Pattern tailor
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ We are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear.
★ In the future, we will focus on sales in Europe.
C&B staff
★ We are the largest company in the industry of industrial sewing machine needles.
★ The company has a history of about 100 years since its establishment and has been operating in Vietnam for nearly 30 years.
★ The factory is located near the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxurious and beautiful office! You can learn high-quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Technical Service (Molding Machine)
★ Total sales of automatic molding systems: 130,000 units! We are a global company that sells our products to 80 countries around the world.
★ The HCMC office has about 10 people.
It is recommended for those who want to work in an environment with a small number of talented people.
★ Recommend to anyone who wants to repair a machine and make the customer happy.
★ コピー複合機業界トップクラス企業にて日本人支店長を募集しております。
★ 海外・東南アジアにてビジネスマネジメントの経験がある50~60代の方にお勧めいたします。
★ 月給 5,000 USD + 四半期毎にコミッションが支給されます。
★ Our company is a one-stop provider of garment products to the market, from sewing to fabrics and raw materials. We are present in 23 countries and regions including Japan, and our strength lies in our global network.
★ Up until now, our manufacturing has been done mainly in China.
Recently, however, we have changed and strengthened our manufacturing bases in Vietnam and other Southeast Asian countries. "
★ We are looking for candidates who can start working in Nov. 2022.
The first month of training will be at our affiliated factory in Hanoi.
Accounting and tax consulting Division
★ The company business point of view is: Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
HR Manager
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializes in the production of airbags and car seat cushions.
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag, and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The company products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Seamwork Staff
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear
★ Welcome candidates who know how to use Toray, Lectra, Gerber or Optitex software
Cost Manager / Production Cost Analyst
★ This is an innovative company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ CTO studied electrical engineering at Stanford University and spent 4 years at Lockheed Martin building data processing systems working with NASA and JAXA, he then worked as a senior engineer at Apple developing embedded products such as Airpods and became the company's co-founder in late 2017.
★ This company has exceeded $100 million in sales in the 5 years since its founding and is currently one of the most well-known start-up companies in Japan.
Assistant Director
★ The company will be established in Vietnam in 2022 and the factory will start operation in 2023. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who wants to contribute to the growth of the company in a small environment.
★ You can work in a beautiful office environment.
★ We are looking for candidates with good Japanese language skills and experience working for Japanese companies.
Merchandiser (Fabric)
★ The company is the No. 1 Japanese company in Vietnam in the field of textile materials.
★ Working in a beautiful office in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ Candidates with no experience in textiles and fabrics but who have worked for a Japanese company and have a high level of Japanese may be successful.
Account Support (Part time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has grown 8 times since then.
★ The reporting line is Japanese who used to accounting in a Japanese trading company, so you can learn accounting knowledge
★ One of our current members is leaving in November for maternity leave.
So we are looking for someone to start working in October to take over. Please let us know if you want a permanent position.
Legal Staff
★ The company has one of the largest shares of apparel components in Japan.
★ It has been 15 years since the company was established in Vietnam. You can work in a stable environment.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as a Legal staff in a Japanese company.
Seamwork Staff
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan
★ They are proud to be one of the leading companies in the manufacture and sale of special sportswear
★ Welcome candidates who know how to use Toray, Lectra, Gerber or Optitex software
Structure Designer (No need experience)
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Senior Infrastructure Designer
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
Senior Architect
★ We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ Applicants in their 20s with experience in factory architectural design are welcome to apply.
EPE and Production Manager
★ In the manufacture of OPCs, one of the main parts of printers and copiers. We are looking for an Epe management manager.
★ This is a major manufacturer that has been manufacturing and selling this product in Japan and Singapore for about 40 years.
★ If you can commute to the factory in Vinh Phuc, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
Planning & Development (Sports Wear)
★ The company specialises in manufacturing sportswear, made up of 50% Japanese manufacturers, 30% Taiwanese manufacturers and 20% Japanese general trading companies.
★ The company is involved in global business development based on new technological developments, and as an apparel manufacturer, is constantly taking on challenges with an 'aggressive attitude'.
★ Recommended for Japanese speakers living in Binh Duong who want to work in the apparel industry.
Architecture Designer
★ Japanese first-class architectural firm specializing in BIM
★ They are a expanding company. They are waiting for a designer who wants to play an active role as a core member of the company.
★ Experienced applicants or new graduates who can speak Japanese and major in architecture are welcome
Document Controller
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ We welcome applications from candidates with document control experience in the construction industry.
Safety Management
★ Established in 1610. Japans top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ Applicants with 3-5 years of safety management experience are welcome to apply.
There are opportunities for those who want to improve skills in a major construction company in Japan.
Hardware Designer & Drafter
★We design 100% of architectural hardware for the Japanese market.
★All of our designs are custom-made, so the specifications are different each time.
Recommended for those who want to draw special drawings.
★We have a clean office environment with about 2 people in the Vietnam office.
We are hiring one designer and one drafter this time.
Vietnam Office Management Executive
★ The company is an innovation company in the manufacturing machinery industry founded by a Japanese man who worked at McKinsey & Company.
★ This company was just founded in Vietnam in March 2022 and plans to expand its organization to 30 employees in 2022.
★ We are looking for talents with potential to manage our Vietnam base in the future.
Commercial Interior Designer
★ Outstanding employees will be invited to an award ceremony at the TOKYO headquarters.
★ In the future, you will have a chance to take charge of various Projects in Asia as a leader.
★ The office is located in Thao Dien, District 2. You can work in a stylish and scenic office.
Filemaker Developers
★ As a partner of Apple Inc. the largest group of business improvement professionals in Japan, will establish a base in Vietnam.
★ We recommend this position to an engineer who wants experience growing a business as a File Maker developer.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese and want to be an IT engineer, you can apply even if you have no experience.
Filemaker Developers
★ As a partner of Apple Inc. the largest group of business improvement professionals in Japan, will establish a base in Vietnam.
★ We recommend this position to an engineer who wants experience growing a business as a File Maker developer.
★ If you do not have File Maker experience, we are looking for someone with SAP / SQL / ORACL experience.
Maintenance Manager
★ Since our establishment in 1948 in Japan, We continue to grow our business worldwide and Till now we have grown into a global corporation with more than 50 companies in Japan. and abroad.
★ Our company was established in 1996 with various products from chewing gum to cookies, ice cream.
★ We look forward to finding new members who are passionate about and love our brand.
HR Consultant (日本人向け)
★ 日本人の経営層と商談できる機会がある
★ 外国語(英語・ベトナム語)能力を高める機会がある
★ 一流のコンサルタント・講師になるための教育体制がある
★ 切磋琢磨できる仲間、裁量の大きい仕事(能力次第)、風通しの良い職場環境
HR cum GA General Manager
★ It is a group company of the top five trading companies in Japan.
★ The company has a large market share in sewing products for automobiles.
★ This position is being offered as a General Manager, with the expectation that the candidate will become a Director in the future.
Japan デスクコンサルタント(日本人向け)
★ 世界 4 大会計事務所の1 社にて日本人コンサルタントを募集しています。
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese.
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as Accountant in a Japanese industrial company.
Facilities Management (M&E Engineer)
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with Facilities Management in the construction industry.
HSE Manager
★ It is one of the top construction companies in Japan with group sales of 44 billion dollars.
★ We are strong in the construction of commercial, residential, factory, and warehouse. In Vietnam, we are mainly engaged in the construction of warehouses and factories.
★ We welcome applications with HSE experience in the construction industry.
HR Deputy Director
★ As a company built in April 2018, 100% Japanese investment, specializing in the production of airbags and car seat cushions;
★ Factory capacity of more than 6 million airbags and 8 million car seat pads; The company produces 5 types of airbags for the driver, passenger side airbag, curtain airbag, side airbag and knee airbag.
★ Products manufactured at the factory will be exported to Japan and other countries around the world; The companys products play an important role in ensuring the safety of human life.
Accounting and Tax Consulting Senior Staff
★ The companys business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Transfer Pricing Senior Consultant(日本人向け)
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love
and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after
IBC Japanese Support Staff
★ The companys business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Japanese Support Staff
★ The company's business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
ACT Japanese Support Assistant Manager
★ The companys business point of view is “Become a platform to support the development of customers”
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Accounting & Tax Consulting Manager
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
★ We are a Japan-based comprehensive and multi-disciplinary consulting firm providing worldwide services in all related fields, including city and urban planning, site planning and civil engineering, architectural and interior design, structural engineering, etc...
★ Established in 1900, We have completed over 20,000 projects in over 40 countries, actively contributing to the social welfare and economy in Japan and on a global scale.
★ We are recruiting urgently Architect for Architectural and Urban Design Projects/Production.
(For not only projects in Vietnam, but also projects in Japan and the other countries.)
FAS Assistant Manager / FAS Senior Staff
★ The companys business point of view is Become a platform to support the development of customers
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Assistant HR Manager
★ We are a refrigeration equipment manufacturer and engineering company with 90% share in Vietnam.
★ The Japanese GM can communicate in Vietnamese
★ We are looking for someone who wants to work as HR in a Japanese industrial company
★ A company specializing in designing and manufacturing FA machines, semiconductor control devices,...
★ The slogan customer is number one, business environment respects the earths environment is mentioned as a matter of course at the enterprise, but we think that it is the responsibility and obligation of the company. a business.
★ Our goal is to promote the strengths of the company (high quality, low price, short processing time, attentive customer service, can meet even small quantities, small goods), satisfy the needs of every customer in the world as well as the production activities in which the customer is engaged.
Account Consulting Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers"
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Contract Drafter
★ The largest company in the industry in the field of industrial sewing machine needles.
★ The company has a history of about 100 years since its foundation and has been operating in Vietnam for almost 30 years.
★ The factory is located near the center of HCMC.
★ Being the official distributor of a reputable Japanese printing company in Vietnam market.
★ The company has become a reliable choice for many printing businesses all over Vietnam, especially big cities in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh.
★ We are striving to develop a dynamic and sustainable distribution system, build a modern and professional working environment and bring new product lines to meet customers' needs.
Team Leader for Interior Designer
★ We are a cross-disciplinary design studio with a singular mission – to radically improve how people work, learn, live, and play by shaping the way physical space influences human behaviour.
★ We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace where every team member feels they belong, has the opportunity to do meaningful work, and is recognised and celebrated for their achievements.
★ We are an Australian design company. This is a great opportunity for someone who wants to work as a manager in an active environment.
Research & Development (Food)
★We started making breadcrumbs dough in 1967. Our workforce started with 5 employees and now has grown to 650 people. In the 70s, along with the popular frozen food trend, fried food also flourished in Japan and went far abroad.
★ The Company boasts the No. 1 share in the production and sales of breadcrumbs in Japan and one of the largest shares in the world.
★ Applicants with at least 5 years of experience in R&D in the food industry are welcome to apply.
★ A general construction company headquartered in Japan.
★ The company has a proven track record in private construction as well as ODA and other government projects.
★ Recommended for those who have experience as an architect in a Japanese company.
★We are the only company in the world that manufactures tools, machine tools, robots, bearings, hydraulic equipment, and even materials.
★ You can work in a professional environment with a good company atmosphere.
★We are looking for an accountant in Hanoi with Japanese N3 or higher.
★ We are a website development and server rental company headquartered in Japan.
★ The Vietnam office is a small office with about 4 people.
If you are interested in this environment, this is the place for you.
★ We are looking for a female who can manage the overall accounting of the company.
★ 照明事業はその国・その時代の文化の指標ともいわれます。
★ 21世紀産業界は、グローバルな環境保全が求められています。
★ 地球にやさしい未来の<あかり>を作り、<あかり>文化を通じて、地域社会の発展に貢献する企業を目指しています。
Senior Architect
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for a Professional Senior Architect.
★ We are proud of being one of Japanese famous law firm.
★ We are providing premium quality legal services.
★ We are doing our best to becoming a leader in the development of the practice of law.
Mechanical Engineer (Design Management)
★ Since 1937, the company has focused on material handling - the movement of finished goods and work in progress.
★ Our world-class systems lead the industry by combining conveying, storage, sorting, picking and controls. Our products serve customers in a range of industries and countries and We are holding the No. 1 global market share in the material handling system industry
★ 100% Japanese company, we're new established company in Vietnam. So we're looking for talented staff to join and develop with us.
Account cum Admin
★ A Japanese company specializes in the field of food business
★ Applicants with trade and food knowledge are invited to apply
★ Our office is located in the center of HCMC, and it's a beautiful place to work!
Restaurant business administrative assistant
★ This is a popular brand name and has been trusted for decades in the Vietnamese market
★ A Japanese corporation specializing in skin care products, eyes, lips, hair, cosmetics such as sunscreen, cleanser, lipstick, shampoo, medicine such as eye drops, ... now opened expanding into the restaurant business.
★ Welcome dynamic, experienced candidates who are interested the restaurant and food industry
Beauty Consultant
★ It is a luxury and beautiful office! You can learn high quality service!
★ You can buy beauty products made in Japan cheaply!
Deputy Manager (Construction Sales & Business Development)
★ As Japan's first pioneer of prestressed concrete technology, we have achieved many successes in various construction projects.
★ We are looking for professionals with experience in the construction industries.
★ We have been working on civil engineering projects, but we are now looking for people who can obtain new architectural projects.
★ We are a Japanese company operating in the international transportation and warehousing business.
★ The Vietnam branch was established in 2020. However, it is a company with a long history in Japan, so you can work with peace of mind.
★ The director is a Japanese female and the office has a cheerful atmosphere.
O&M Manager
★ 100% foreign invested company. We are professional in providing water treatment systems, and wastewater treatment systems, including the maintenance service for such operations.
★ Since our first launch in the Vietnam market in 1995, we have achieved a track record of securing over 60 plant projects nationwide and are ready to meet the client’s requirements regardless of the field of industry.
★ We offer comprehensive range of services and focus on our competencies to serve a variety of industries effectively with advance technologies, and expert maintenance team and service.
Account Staff
★ The company is a well-known Japanese company as a total supplier of textile, chemical and apparel products.
★ You will work in a beautiful office environment in the heart of Ho Chi Minh District 1.
★ Seeking experienced accountants who can communicate in Japanese.
Account Consulting Staff
★ The company's business point of view is "Become a platform to support the development of customers".
★ That view has not changed since the company was founded in 2003. And up to now, more than 900 customers love and trust our service.
★ Our services are package support for customers to invest in Vietnam and manage their business after establishment.
Finished product warehouse workers
★ The company is a symbol of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, with the main product being agricultural fertilizers.
★ The company has more than 20 years of operation in Vietnam.
★ Modern fertilizer plant, equipped with automatic closed water recirculation technology according to Japanese safety and quality standards.
Packaging Worker
★ The company is a symbol of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, with the main product being agricultural fertilizers.
★ The company has more than 20 years of operation in Vietnam.
★ Modern fertilizer plant, equipped with automatic closed water recirculation technology according to Japanese safety and quality standards.
★ The company is a symbol of cooperation between Vietnam and Japan, with the main product being agricultural fertilizers.
★ The company has more than 20 years of operation in Vietnam.
★ Modern fertilizer plant, equipped with automatic closed water recirculation technology according to Japanese safety and quality standards.
Web Designer
★ We are a Japanese IT company that started business in Vietnam in 2012.
★ We are looking for experienced web producers who can speak Japanese.
★ You can work in a professional environment in District 1.
Architecture Designer
★ The Company is an expanding Japanese company with many customers in Vietnam.
★ This position will be responsible for architectural design for Vietnam and Japan.
★ If you are confident in your Japanese language and REVIT, we are looking forward to hearing from you.
General Accountant
★ We are one of the most famous apparel trading companies in Japan.
★ We sell apparel products all over the world.
★ We are looking for an accountant for our factory in Hoc Mon.
If you are an experienced accountant who can speak Japanese or English, we would like to hear from you!
HR Executive ( Japanese Speaking )
★ We are a subsidiary of one of the leading retail groups in Japan
★ Welcome candidates who wish to work in a professional environment, fluent in Japanese.
Trade Sales Admin
★ A company that manufactures products used in high performance machines.
★ It's NOT a big company. Recommended for applicants who like such an environment
★ Import and export support experience is welcome.
Admin Staff
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
Account Staff
★ Japanese trading company with global operations.
★ An office is located in a beautiful building in the center of Ho Chi Minh City.
★ We are waiting for a person who wants to work in a dynamic environment.
QC Tester Cum IT Comtor
★ The headquarter is located in Tokyo, Osaka. 2 Vietnamese employees are currently working onsite.
★ The office manager in HCM is Japanese (about 40 years old) living in HCM, very comfortable if you are self-conscious, conscious in working environment, regularly discuss with each employee to inquire, exchanging new ideas and help to improve productivity.
Insurance specialist Staff
★ Candidates with 1 year of experience consulting and supporting in the field of Insurance are welcome !
★ We are a professional Japanese accounting consulting company. We look forward to your application !
Online Customer Support (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing in 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020!
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ Recommended for university students who want to work in a start-up environment.
Interior Design Manager
★ We are an architectural and interior design firm from Japan.
★ We have designed large projects such as 5 star hotels, resorts, high-rise residences, and commercial facilities, and have earned the trust of our clients in Vietnam.
★ The office is located in the center of HCMC, and you can work in a beautiful office with a great view.
HVAC Design & Estimation
★ This company is famous in the construction industry in Japan as a specialist in electrical facilities.
★ Our Hanoi office is a few people. Therefore, we are looking for engineers with professionalism.
★ We recommend this job to engineers who want to improve your skills in a Japanese MEP construction company.
Global Sales Staff
★ We are founded in 2018, specializes in CG graphic design for developers.
★ The leading game products and CG film in the world.
★ To prepare manpower for large projects, we are looking for many talented to join, build and develop together.
IT Staff
★We are Japan is a Japanese invested company that was established in 2012.
★We are looking for IT candidates who can speak Japanese.
★Candidates who want to work in a professional Japanese corporate environment are welcome !
Installation Supervisor
★We are a global company that has been in business for over 100 years. We have a corporate culture of "developing engineers who are active in the world".
★This is a Oct. to Tet project hire. There is a possibility of switching to permanent hiring after the end of the contract.
★We are looking for someone who is fluent in Japanese or English and has industrial machinery setup experience.
Architecture Designer Drafter
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history.
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to work as a professional in architectural design, please apply.
Architecture Designer
★ We are a Japanese architect company that started business in 2013 with headquarters in Tokyo, Japan established in 1985.
★ Our main activities are architectural design, supervisory work, project / construction management and interior design.
★ We are looking for an Architect who can speak Japanese.
Senior or Assistant Manager
★ One of the famous brands in the world with very unique products and solutions for household electronics products.
★ Our goal is to create a balance between work time and personal life thanks to products that can support human life at work, at home or anywhere.
★ Working at a beautiful office and a professional working environment located in District 2.
Media Marketing & Translater (Part Time Job)
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020 !
★ The company has great teamwork and attractive employees!
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to start a business in the future !
Charing of Structural Design
★ We are a Korean contractor and a subsidiary of top world largest steel producer
★ Leading Korean’s plant technology since early 1972
★ For the last 20 years we has stood firm in the Vietnamese construction market, reflecting our commitment to deliver possibilities, quality and trust to our clients
Career Advisor
★ The company was founded in 2016 and has been growing steadily in 2017, 2018 , 2019 , 2020 !
★ We specialise in the introduction of construction engineers. If you're interested in becoming an engineering career advisor, we're looking forward to hearing from you
★ Recommend this job to anyone who wants to start a business in the future !
Manager / Deputy of Commercial Department
★We are one of the leading distributors in Maritime Industry, offering maritime technical products and services meeting global standards.
★ We offer Nautical Publications & Paper Charts, materials and equipments for Oil & Gas industry, Marine Navigation & Communication equipments and systems and so on.
★ In the next 5-10 years, we will become one of the leading distributors in Asian Maritime Industry.
BIM Leader and Representative for Japanese Client
★We specialize in engineering consultancy and construction/project management.
★ We have more than 400 clients and have built more than 120 Japanese factories.
★ We are looking for someone with good Japanese language skills to meet with Japanese companies. Any nationality is acceptable.
Safety and Health Management
★A well-known Japanese trading company is looking for a Safety and Health Manager for their apparel factory.
★ Company shuttle service is available from Thu Dau Mot to My Phuoc Industrial Park.
Forwarding/ Logistics Operations Supervisor
★ We are a 100% Japanese invested company specializing in warehousing, freight forwarding, and other auxiliary services
★ Working in a beautiful and modern office at District 1
★ High salary is paid depending on ability and experience !
Legal & Compliance Team Head
★ We are one of No.1 Banks in Japan! Welcome candidates who want to work in a professional environment
★ Welcome candidates who are good at foreign languages skill and have knowledge of finance
HR Scouter
★ You can work in your free time if you have a mobile phone
★ This is a pay-for-performance type job
★ This application is limited to 3 people. (Because we want to build a relationship of trust.)
Architecture Design Manager
★ Established in 1610. Japan's top-class construction company with 400 years of history
★ In Europe, 70% share among Japanese construction companies.
★ If you want to work as a professional in architectural design, please apply.
IT Communicator
★ The pioneer company of Japanese offshore development.
★ The predecessor was a Japanese language class for Vietnamese engineers, which was founded in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in 2002.
★ There is a history of being featured in the Nikkei Special program.
General Accoutant
★ We a fast growing application company in Vietnam !
★ We are looking for an accountant who can speak Japanese!
★ Gain accounting knowledge in the IT industry!
Service Management (TOKYO / OSAKA / NAGOYA )
★日本(TOKYO / OSAKA / NAGOYA )で働きたい方、応募をお待ちしています!
CAD Engineer (Mechanical Relation)
★ Personal Development learning opportunities, working with professional Japanese experts using TV conference!
★ Approaching latest technologies, and challenging with new projects!
★ You have chances to work in the honest, open- minded environment and empowered to do the challenging job!
Distributed Control Systems Engineer (DCS Engineer)
★ Personal Development learning opportunities, working with professional Japanese experts using TV conference!
★ Approaching latest technologies, and challenging with new projects!
★ You have chances to work in the honest, open- minded environment and empowered to do the challenging job!
★ プロフェッッショナルな環境で、日本語・英語を使用した仕事が上がしたい方、歓迎します!メールを使用する事が多いポジションです!
★ 1区の中心にオフィスがあります。
Development Deputy Manager
★ As Japan’s largest retail group, we 10 major business aspects in balanced development under a pure holding company structure.
★ A specialist shopping mall developer
Factory Director
★ アパレルの副資材として、日本シェアー№1の企業!
★ 日本語が話せ、裁縫工場のマネジメント経験がある方、お待ちしています!
Accouting Consultant (日本企業対応)
★ 能力・経験によっては高い給料が支払われます!
★ 会計 コンサルティングのプロ集団!